glad we talked
You know the conversations that leave you saying “I’m glad we talked”? That’s exactly the purpose and energy of this podcast. Tori and Chanel are two women who understand that there are ups, downs, and in-betweens we all go through in life - and sometimes, all it takes is a conversation and a few laughs to make something or someone feel better! Join Tori and Chanel every Wednesday as they bring their friendship to the Glad We Talked podcast to discuss a mix of topics — from career, to relationships, to self-identity, wellness, current trends, and more. You can expect plenty of laughs, special guests, hopefully not too many tears, and to always feel glad you listened. Follow us on Instagram and TikTok @gladwetalkedpodcast
glad we talked
first date ideas: the good, bad, and the funny
Ah first dates. We’ve all been excited for them, dreaded them, planned them, and ended them and this week, Tori & Chanel are going over good, bad, and just plain funny first date ideas. After finding a list of “Worst First Date Ideas” on Instagram, the girls felt inspired to reflect on their dating past lives. From catfish dating nightmares to dates that were a walk in the park… literally… the girls are sharing their best and worst first date stories.
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