glad we talked

how to set smart goals + lip gloss real review

Tori & Chanel Season 2 Episode 12

It’s been a minute, but Tori & Chanel are glad to be back on the podcast and now on Thursdays! The hump-day episode release made sense for a while, but now they’re making it their goal to prioritize the podcast (while maintaining work, personal lives, you know the drill).  To achieve this goal, they felt shifting the day the podcast went live to Thursday made the most sense. 

And in this jam-packed episode, the girls are talking about how to set smart goals in this episode! Whether you’re looking to establish new habits in 2024 or finally achieve a New Year’s resolution, Tori & Chanel are talking about some goals they’ve set and achieved or are hoping to continue working on. They talk about the SMART strategy and the 90-90-1 method to give you some structure and thought starters. 

Plus, Tori & Chanel quickly recap what they were up to on their breaks (hello side hustle for extra cash and fitness gains). 

And what would be a glad we talked episode without a real review?! Tori brings Summer Fridays and Dior Lip Oil to the real review segment for Chanel’s expert input. 

Did we mention we’re so glad to be back?!

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Guys, we're back.
We are back.
How insane?
Back again.
I literally feel like we've been gone for years.
Yeah, it feels like this two month break has been much longer.
I just like can't believe we used to have a podcast.
You used to.
We still have the podcast.
I know.
It just feels weird.
Because we've been gone for so long.
It's been two months.
I can't believe we had a podcast for a year.
Like that was us.
We did.
It's Chanel.
And Tori.
I mean, it was a nice two month break.
Now we're back.
Back on a Thursday.
It's Thursday when everyone's listening to this.
Welcome to Thursday.
Glad we talked Thursday.
Glad we talked Thursday.
Throwback Thursday.
Yeah, it's just easier for us.
The Wednesdays.
I mean, it's home day for everyone.
And for us, we were like, Oh, great Wednesdays.
It's a perfect day to do a podcast.
And then we're like editing, recording, trying to do weekend things.
And we're like, whoa.
It was a lot for us.
It was really busy.
Listen, I like the release date being on a Wednesday.
I do, but I just think for our sanity and for our workload,
Thursdays are just easier for us.
And if one of our goals is to do the podcast, we have to give ourselves enough time and.
Yeah, space.
And that's the topic for today, which we'll get back to in a little bit, but.
So Tori, what have you been up to?
I'm just kidding.
Let me see.
Last two months.
The last two months, monks, the last few months have been really just like pulling back, kind of slowing down.
I think with everyone too, you know, really getting back in my fitness game with Peloton.
I've been doing that because with wedding planning and everything, like, I'm feeling like I want to start looking and feeling my best for.
My wedding day, which is in 2025.
What to date?
June 14th, 2025.
So yeah, I've been kind of just more doing some self care things.
I did a part time job at Madewell.
You loved it.
On the weekends.
It was really cute.
I loved it.
I did.
It was like, hi, Tori.
Welcome to Madewell.
You spent a lot of money in clothes, but.
I did.
That's neither here nor there.
There were some nice perks.
If you ever need a part time job, you know, you get a nice discount and I just liked everyone was shopping for the holidays.
And it was a different way to.
Enjoy the holiday season.
This doesn't really go with your introvert personality, like liking customer service and working with people.
You know what I mean?
Put it that way.
No, I know, but I think it's like the I like helping people.
So you get to help people and you help them feel good about buying like buying stuff is fun.
Yeah, shopping is fun.
I like I enjoy it and I did a job in high school and at like Hollister.
And I loved it.
And so I just enjoyed being in an environment that was like not a lot of thought and just enjoying the time.
Yeah, and it was nice way to make extra money for the holidays.
And it was like one day a week.
So like I was on the weekend.
Yeah, it was so easy.
Like it just was like, okay, a few hours on a weekend, whatever.
That's so fun.
I'm so sad.
It's over for you.
I know you really liked it.
I did, but I'll try to go back maybe another.
You can't do podcast full time.
I know.
So that's why I was like, what can I do?
I just needed a side hustle.
Yeah, it ended at the right time.
I needed something to do.
So that's what I was doing.
And then the holidays, obviously.
But what have you been doing?
I've also been going to bar.
So I go three days a week.
I actually was going to ask you, like, I obviously work three days a week in the office and then I come home and I take step out.
So I've only been going to bar on the weekends and I work from home Monday, Friday.
So I'm able to go on Monday, Fridays.
Because I have so much dog, mom, kill.
I just like, is this a thing?
Because I honestly, I feel so bad when I come home from work and he's been home all day alone.
I just want to play with him, take him out for a walk, feed him, like hang out with him and like give him company because I know he's been so sad by himself all day.
So like, how can I?
How can you leave him?
How can I leave him?
I know.
I don't know if it's necessarily like the most healthy or not.
I don't know.
So you go to bar three days a week.
I'm going to schedule, Friday, through Monday.
And so that means like during the work week, really, I don't go.
You don't go, but you want to go.
Sometimes I'll do a workout at home.
Because I feel like, you know, I'm home and I'll put on a video.
So I just feel bad because I'm paying so much for the membership.
I'm like, I feel like I should be going more.
So it wouldn't cost you more money to go another time.
Oh, okay.
I don't have a limited membership.
I felt the dog, Gil.
The dog, mom, Gil.
The dog, Gil.
I know.
They know how to do it.
They do.
But I've, I definitely felt the dog, mom, Gil, of leaving Rodey when I was, when we first
moved in together.
Because Mitch brought Rodey into the relationship and us living together.
And when we started living together, I was like, I don't, I feel guilty, like not taking him
out to exercise or not taking him for a walk.
So I would make sure he, my like, my free time became like things to do for him.
And like taking into the dog park and whatever, which put into my time.
But, and I think that's honestly why I struggled and felt out of fitness a little bit.
And right.
Because you were taking care of like another being.
So I had a work back into that and it, and it was just more like making more time.
If it was a goal to like take care of Rodey and do walks with him to like carve it out,
do it in the morning instead of after work or just make it work for us.
I think for right now I'm just going to like keep doing this.
And then if I feel like I'm not going on the weekends enough, then I'm going to have to
figure something else out.
But doing it at home is also a nice option.
I just need to know if someone else was with me in the dog model.
I feel it all the time.
I do feel guilty.
It's hard, right?
I don't know.
And they can't go out without you.
I know.
It's not like, oh yeah, I'm going to go take my car a walk.
I'll be back.
I'm going to hang out with my friends.
They rely on you for like literally everything.
So it's okay.
And then I'm also doing no plans January.
So no plans.
So obviously I'm like the most annoying social person and I'm always doing stuff.
So my January is like no plans.
No plans.
So instead of doing dry January, I'm doing no plans because number one, I'm a big social
So that will help me cut down on my good like drinking intake.
And number two, every week I have something after work, you know, like for a dinner.
Like a dinner with friends or something.
And then you're like, I don't really want to do this.
So for the month of January, I don't have plans except for like a friend's birthday.
I like this.
No plans January.
No plans.
No plans.
Jan, it rhymes.
I like that.
So I'm only doing podcast work bar.
Those are plans.
You know what I mean.
I know.
But your notes that are good for me.
I mean, socializing with friends is always good for you.
I know.
But it's also just kind of coming back to recentering myself.
Yeah, I like that.
I like no plans.
I like myself to be with myself.
No plans, Jan.
I'm here for it.
You know, I am doing dry January.
I did it last year.
You are.
I didn't know that.
I did dry January in last year and I really enjoyed the time to reset.
That's why when I was like, I'm coming over, I might need to drink.
You were like, help yourself.
I didn't say that.
You said something like you're more than welcome to.
So I was like, Oh, I thought you'd be like, Oh, you know, let's drink.
Because you're doing dry jam.
I'm doing dry jam.
I'm doing noom.
Like I think I mentioned this a second ago, but you didn't.
I didn't mention noom.
So I've been doing Peloton, noom and I was about to say no plans, Jan.
But that's like every day.
So I'm like, no plans.
I have to have a whole month where I forced myself not to leave the house.
That's how that's how bad it is.
But so I've been doing noom too, which is how me like look at how I'm eating and actually
like change the way I'm eating in a good way.
Not heard good things about noom.
And it is triggering for people that have an eating disorder.
So, you know, I knew that for me because I did have an eating disorder that I was like,
that could be dicey, but I feel like I've outgrown it.
And like I've just kind of reframed the way I'm eating.
And it's not like calorie counting is looking at like, it's all our areas where it's categorizing
foods and like, so it's not saying you can't eat foods.
Just like watch how much you eat.
Like portion control.
I feel like I've heard a few people do it and they really liked it.
I know that you have to like input everything.
Which is really hard.
I don't know.
I'm very, it's a goal of mine to lose this weight.
And if you are dedicated to it, it just, sometimes it's annoying, but you have like treat days
and stuff.
So you don't have to, but it just helped me achieve my goal.
That's good.
I'm glad that it's working for you because I feel like that's the hardest part is just
finding something and like sticking to it.
Which is kind of what we're going to talk about today.
I know.
Everything's lining up.
I did want to bring up something else.
I feel like we're just like, I know just running through downloading everything.
You guys are hearing everything that we've been not saying for two months.
You posted a photo the other day of a throwback of you.
Oh yeah.
When you were 24 and you were wearing a choker and I can tell you how much it brought me
I just want to like just, Jim Z know that we used to wear chokers.
Like are they aware and are they okay with it?
I think they know.
I was obsessed with chokers.
Me too.
Like at burgundy black velvet is that it stemmed from when we were kids in like the late 90s
With those like Lacey when they weren't Lacey they were like plastic.
But they look like lace kind of.
They were like twirly and they stretched.
They were like 99 cents.
I had a red one.
I had a black one.
I had a black one with a turtle on it and I lost it.
Oh, don't I.
I know.
I want the turtle with it.
So then when they came back I have some actually in my closet right now.
It was such a phase for like a year, like me two years.
I could probably check my pictures but between like I think it was like 23 and 25.
25, 26.
My outfit was not complete without a choker.
Like if we were going out we were going to three time a hurry.
I was in a choker.
I don't know when I wasn't in a choker.
Actually I think three time a hurry we have been like later twenties.
Maybe this was like total Bay era.
Like fattens.
I don't know.
But the choker era.
It was wild.
And the picture I was actually thinking of this one like through my throwback picture
with the when I was 24.
I just feel like the 24 year olds now have such more elevated style.
Like I was thinking about my first work corporate outfits and stuff.
Like I don't know what I was wearing.
I feel like I was wearing a lot of skirts with button downs like tucked in.
I just I don't know.
A lot of black skinny jeans with tops.
Oh, just black skinny jeans.
Black skinny jeans.
They were the stable.
All the time.
Jeans and cute top jeans and a cute top.
That's what was going out.
Now it's like they have pleated pants.
They have they're also a little bit more casual, but it's like a chic casual.
It is a chic casual, but they are a little more casual than we were.
I remember one of my friends showed up to an interview in a skirt pantsuit and like we
laugh about it till this day, but like we didn't know what to wear interviews.
My dad for Christmas one year got me a really nice and Taylor pinstripe.
Oh, that is so precious.
Blazer in skirt.
Yeah, skirt suit.
It was so sweet.
It was really sweet.
I wore it separately.
Yeah, I can't wear it now.
It was like too tiny, but yeah, it was really nice, but I was like, I'm never going to like
wear this, but I did wear it and it was just like it's kind of going back now in a different
Yeah, so buttoned up.
Yeah, there are lots of mini skirt.
Yeah, it's different.
Yeah, it's a different vibe.
Anyways, I'm just like, we got chokers.
They get like cute sophisticated books, but they have like cute jeans, cute pants.
They're just cute.
It's annoying.
I know.
We really just went through all these phases and they just have a figure out.
They just have a bunch of them.
What's that thing where it's like she walks so you could run or whatever?
Yeah, you're welcome.
That's us.
We went through all awkward phases.
Didn't know how to use Instagram, like how to go through all that.
And they're like, yeah.
Hey guys.
They had like my first 10K and we're like, how do we...
They have like actual careers on YouTube and Instagram.
And I was like, here's my stuffy filter.
I went back in my Instagram for when I...
I remember I was in college.
I was like the first person to get Instagram.
It's like, guys, you should get this.
And then everyone's like, why?
And I like posted like my meal from my cafeteria or like our dining hall at college and it
was like, I don't even remember.
It was just like...
Yeah, I like posted like fortune cookie wrappers.
It was like the things I was posting was like, why would you post this?
It was like a May challenge.
Like post the picture of your kitchen.
I'd be like May photo a day.
Picture of my kitchen.
Hashtag college.
Hashtag burn up bottles.
Like those were the days, honestly.
I know.
I have some weird.
We should do that.
We should just do screenshots of like our old Instagram pictures from like probably very
I know.
And just post them to our stories.
Let's go for it.
We'll do it on a throwback Thursday.
Throwback Thursday.
And we can post them on the glad we talked to Instagram.
If you know, you know.
And you guys can send us your funny throwback Thursday from your Instagram post from like,
send us your Instagram posts.
Yeah, and we'll do throwback Thursday on the channel.
I love it.
Okay, fun.
Okay, should we get into our topic for the day?
Yeah, I feel like we've touched on it a little bit.
We have.
And it's not about New Year's resolutions.
It's just about reaching your goals in general.
So I feel like we're on the right track with like how we're approaching our goals.
So did you like make goals for this year or are you kind of just seeing how it goes?
I think I just know what I want.
And I have an eight already.
And I do have like, I helps me when I know like, Oh, I have a wedding in two years and
my brother's getting married in July.
Like I want to feel good.
It's not even so much about like, I used to work out a lot and I talked about this on
an earlier episode for like the physique.
Like I did a lot of weightlifting and now it's just to be like feeling healthy and moving
my body and just like, it really impacts me to do like, know what I'm eating and working
So are your goals only around like fitness and stuff?
Was I boring?
No, I'm just, no, I'm honestly just curious.
I think for the wedding purposes, that is a goal.
Like the wedding in general is like a huge goal.
And it's like breaking out the goals and chunks for me.
Like it's giving me a project to work for that I need to break out and steps.
So like for me, that one of the big ones for me personally and not just for the wedding
is to feel better and like overall, not just for the wedding, but it does roll into the
So it's been something I've been trying to do for the past couple of years.
And now I have like an actual date.
And like it's helping.
Which is one of the tips too that I was reading about.
It was like kind of how like more short term things and like set a date because sometimes
you could be like, oh, my goal is just lose weight.
And then it's like, but how much weight or buy one or.
And then if you make it too loose, it's like you never actually started.
You just like, I'm going to do it tomorrow.
I'm going to do it tomorrow.
Or like if you fall off, you're like, I'll just start again next week.
And you get into the like this cycle.
So if you have like a date in mind or you have like an important event coming up, I feel
like that's helpful a little bit.
It is.
And I don't want to, it's not like I'm trying to sell new or whatever, but like I think that
And that's how they talk about it.
And there's like something smart.
It's like, I can look it up really quickly.
Oh, it's right there.
Oh my God.
Oh, smart is specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time bound.
That's how we should break down your goals.
And actually I was on a work call with someone earlier and they said the same thing.
They're like, Oh, smart goals.
Oh, yeah.
I've never heard of that.
So that's a great way.
So if you're trying to set a goal, just think, is it specific?
Like you're saying.
And for me, breaking the chunks down.
A huge thing.
Not just for the wedding, for any goal.
Is like.
So goals.
Yeah, with my fitness journey.
Like bringing it down into my specific goal with that is to get more fit, measuring it
by like working out how many days a week like you're doing with bar.
Is it achievable?
Like I can set aside 30 minutes or whatever.
I can do it.
It's relevant because it's how I want to live my healthier lifestyle and it's time
Like I'm going to set aside blah, blah, blah.
Love this.
I've never heard of this.
I like this.
And we didn't plan this.
No, we didn't.
This wasn't part of our research.
So that's one goal.
What's one goal for you?
One for me is kind of like get my finances in order.
That's scary.
I know.
I'm like really leaning into like, saving and busting.
Like I'm really like looking more into that.
Good for you.
I'm really like smarter about my money.
I still feel like I'm making money that I would have loved to make five years ago.
And I still feel like I'm not where I want to be.
And I'm like, I feel like it's because I'm not making my money work as hard as it can.
You know what they say?
On all the Instagrams and stuff.
All the Instagrams.
All the money girlies.
So for me, it's more just like learning more, listening to more finance podcasts, like kind
of just trying really hard to just be smarter, save more, invest more.
Me and Martin have spoken a lot about like where we like our short term goals for saving.
Obviously we want to get married in the next year or two.
So saving for a wedding like kind of just stuff like that.
Which is like hard because like I also have never had a budget.
So fun fact for yourself for myself.
I've never just like lived.
I just live.
Which is probably terrible.
I think it's very New York.
Yeah, it's kind of it's just been always really hard for me because.
There's so many weddings.
I know.
Which is also like this is the first year I have one wedding that I'm like, oh my gosh,
I can do whatever I want.
So I'm just I think I'm going to try and focus on that.
I'm not going to be like going out as much going to dinner spending all this money.
I'm going to go to the end.
No plan.
No plan.
Maybe no plans 24.
I'm just kidding.
I'm just like, what was that?
That's not attainable.
That's not achievable.
That's not relevant.
That's not work.
That's not measurable.
It is not smart.
That's not smart.
Yeah, that's my that's one of my goals for this year.
That's a good one.
I'm sorry.
I'm just like thinking he's talking about your finances.
Like I'm afraid of doing it.
I just I'm so terrified because I'm like, it stresses me out.
So I feel like I don't do it.
And this is a goal I should do.
We should do an episode on it.
I really do want to have like an expert come on.
What's so terrifying about listen, I'm scared too.
You think I want to be doing this?
I know.
I don't know.
I just like I feel like I'm it's going to like I kind of live like you where I'm not
not setting a budget like I'm not living outside of my means, but like I'm also not necessarily
very specific in the budget.
I am setting myself and I think that like it's just going to stress me out more like
right now it's like if it's not broke, don't fix it.
And I'm like, yeah, you're about to be broke.
And you got to fix it.
And you got to fix it.
So when I say I don't set a budget, I like every month I have a spreadsheet where I
say this is how much is going to bills.
This is how much is going to credit cards.
And then this is how much I have for myself.
And I just spend that money how I want.
So when I say I don't have a budget, I mean, like I don't have like $200 on hair, $300
on restaurants.
That's what I mean.
Well, you have more than me.
I don't even have a spreadsheet.
Well, you know, I'm just like an organized person.
Yeah, so it's just so I think that's why I'm afraid because I know that I'm not organized
and it's going to be like, what's under the hood?
I feel like going on here.
Penny, piggy jar, like it's going to be like, this is a thing.
I feel like I've put it off for so long.
Everything I see it's like you're wasting time by not investing or wasting time by not
having your money sitting in blah, blah, blah.
I know.
So I'm just trying to like get ahead of it now.
Do you invest your 401k?
I mean, I have a house out of 401k.
But you have it like rolled into investments.
So my current job, yeah, I'm doing that.
And then old jobs, I've had it rolled over into a separate IRA.
I've left other places and instead of having it in like separate ones, I rolled it all
into one.
But you can and there are money and yes.
Thank you.
I watched a course this money person.
I watched a course on how to do it.
And then I just did it.
It was like for you.
That's you did.
It's steps.
That's a great goal.
And you're like working towards it.
I didn't do it this year.
I did it like last year.
But yeah.
But I mean, so this isn't time bound.
I mean, we're not smart by not putting a time on it.
But I'm just meeting like goals in general.
Like, are you like getting actually making steps towards the goals that you want to achieve
in your life?
And it's like, it doesn't have to be just in 24.
It doesn't have to be a one of it.
Like you did this last year and you're like, I want to get serious about finances and you're
currently doing it and you're like, there's a level.
Like, I was talking to someone the other day.
And one of the things I've been doing lately has been thinking about becoming a like a
life coach or counselor.
And I've taken on one client to do kind of life coaching work with.
And I was talking to her and I said, like, this is the year of leveling up.
Like, we've been doing a lot of work together.
And a lot of the work that she's been doing is around just feeling stuck and not really
doing what she needs to do to reach her goals.
You know, she's talking about these goals she has.
And she doesn't make minor improvements.
But we're like, okay, how do we level up?
Like literally like, Super Mario punched the sky.
Like we're going to go for it.
Break through it and get to the next step of where we want to go.
And oh, sorry, that was my computer.
And I really like that idea of leveling up because it gives you like that visual too
of like, oh yeah, I do want to like be an upgraded version of myself.
And I think like you're saying, it doesn't all have to be in one year.
I think baby steps for some people too.
So in the research we did.
In the research we did.
I was like reading this very well article because you know, I love an article.
It says start with small steps.
Like, I feel like we always think we have to start on like a hundred percent.
We always think we have to start like at the very top.
And we burn ourselves out doing that.
We burn ourselves out.
Okay, I want to reach a finance goal.
Does that mean I want to put like 90% of my chuck into like an investment thing?
No, like I'm going to start small.
I'm going to start with watching listening to a podcast, like watching a course like I
did and learning something about where to put my money.
Like it's just doing small things that will help you get to your bigger goal.
But like you have to start small.
And if it's losing weight, okay, I'm going to lose five pounds in two months.
Yeah, start small, like can go cold turkey.
If you're going to start eating better, don't cut out sugar right away.
Like maybe one meal, replace it with a healthy meal.
Like just do it so that it's attainable and you feel like you're not depriving yourself
of whatever it is.
And that's why we moved our wedding.
So we were planning for it for 2024.
And it was just like all too much at once.
And when we gave ourselves more time and we're able to break it down, it's like, okay, we
can focus a little bit more, you know?
So I definitely like you can feel it in your life when you're trying to set a goal.
And then you're like, do it all at once.
And you're like, I don't know if I can do this.
It's too much.
And then you're trying to order eating all the healthy foods.
You're buying all the healthy foods.
You're working out too much.
And then like a few weeks later, like, why am I so tired?
And then maybe it doesn't fit in with your lifestyle long term.
Like you have to-
You decide you're going to become a marathon runner.
And you go out and try to run a marathon.
That literally was in the article.
You can't do it.
So crazy.
You didn't even read it.
But I mean, I have run a half marathon and you can't, like we all know, you just can't
go out and run 26 miles.
Yeah, you can't do it.
You have to start small.
And even if it's walking, like that's how I got back into the Peloton too, was like they
have different time classes.
And I was like, you know what, I used to be a person that could fit an hour, hour and
a half workout in.
And when I was single, didn't have Rodey and that dog mom guilt was coming in.
And now I'm like, 30 minutes is okay.
I can do the other 30 minutes walking Rodey.
Sometimes I do 15 minutes.
And I'm like, I feel good that I did 15.
And then like you do 15 and then maybe you want to do 10 more.
But like I think even like doing anything that's small, if you spend 10 minutes doing
something, I think it's worth it.
Which also leads into the next article.
Which you found.
Oh, yes.
I'm like, it made what was it?
What was the next?
The next article was on talking about time.
Because I really liked this.
This was kind of a new idea.
Listen, time at the end of the day, time is all we have, right?
Like that's the only thing we were guaranteed.
Is our time.
And we need to use it wisely.
And this was new to me.
I hadn't heard about it either.
I saw this post on every girl on Instagram.
And it was talking about the 90 91 rule.
And I was like, what is this?
So the 90 91 rule, and I'm not going to read the article and like go through everything
or go really quick.
But it was created by Robin Sharma.
He is known as the author of best sellers, like the monk who sold his Ferrari and the
5am club.
And basically they go in the article if you're interested in reading it, it's on the
But it's breaking 90 minutes for 90 days for one habit.
And it's breaking it down like that.
So like you carve out 90 minutes and you can do it like 15, 15, one, whatever.
And I saw in the article, he said the first 90 minutes of your day.
Which is crazy.
Or whenever you can do it.
I know.
But I think he was saying you should do it in the morning because that's scientifically
when you're most productive.
You have the most energy, like the most motivated.
And then like the first half of your day.
And then by the in the article, they do talk about like your afternoon, you're slumped
down a little bit more.
So yeah, they're like you have the most energy and it's like really focusing that time for
So doing it for 90 minutes for 90 days and just one habit and seeing how it goes.
So if your goal is to read more and you're like, I haven't read more.
It's like getting up.
I don't know how you start your days, but like maybe you get up 90 minutes earlier and
you just start reading because like by the time you go through work and everything and
when you get home, maybe you have kids, maybe you're just like going to classes, you don't
have time to read.
So it's like making it intentional, what your habit is and with your time making it intentional
as well.
I love that.
I don't know if I can wake up earlier though.
I'm already like kind of so rolling out of bed.
I was actually going to suggest to you.
I was like, maybe we should do that with the podcast together.
Like you're crazy.
In the mornings we can wake up and like carve out 90 minutes and like put our energy towards
And I was like, sweet.
She knows not a morning person.
I'm not a morning person either unless I have a reason to be.
Unless I'm waking up for a flight, I don't want to wake up.
What time would you usually wake up?
Um, 720.
That's when I wake up.
Wake up buddies.
So we could do it together.
Do what?
Wake up 90 minutes earlier.
I'm not waking up 90.
I'm not waking up at six.
I can tell you right now.
It's like 20.
The thing is we go to sleep late.
We try and go to bed at like 11, but it ends up being like midnight.
Oh, that's too late.
I know.
And it's really bad.
That should be another one of my goals.
That'd be a lot better.
I mean, he's sleeping.
You know, we're like watching TV or something and it gets late.
Yeah, I know.
I also have to stop the scrolling because I'm like scrolling before bed.
And all of a sudden it's 30 minutes later.
I've been trying to read more before bed instead of scrolling.
I've really decreased my social media time.
That's good.
I know.
I feel a little out of touch, but I know with the podcast and everything, I'm like, maybe
I should be able to go back.
But I have been able to pick up different hobbies.
You don't need to be on social media.
No, like honestly, the time suck.
So the other thing about this was the 90 days, which he said to do it for 90 days because
I kind of like what we were talking about before as like being specific about your time.
Like a lot of people like lose their momentum by the mid year or they're like, so tomorrow
and then all of a sudden you haven't started an Instagram and send.
So like part of this 90 day thing is that you're sending like a certain amount of time to get
done what you need to get done.
Time bound.
Time bound.
And it's supposed to like help you and being like, okay, only a 90 days to do it.
And he also talks about it's not just a goal.
It's like an intention.
Think of it as like, this is an intentional habit that I want to pick up.
And like I want this to be part of my lifestyle.
So it's not just like you're doing this to say you did it.
It's like, this is now part of who I am.
I am a person who reads more.
I am a person that.
Because there's like a certain amount of time it takes to form a habit.
And that's what you're talking about being burnt out.
It's like you're doing it and like it's just not, you're not consistent.
You're not giving yourself a specific time.
Like it's not going to happen.
It's not going to work.
And to focus on one at a time, one goal at a time.
So you can really put the energy that it needs into it.
I mean, ultimately say it is reading more.
By the time those 90 days are up, it's part of your habit.
You're looking forward to reading more.
You are reading more than you pick up a new one maybe.
And or it's like, okay, I've read more, but this is something I want to do now.
It's like I want to cook hearty breakfast or something.
I don't know.
Like I'm making things up with your time with your time.
You can always pick up new intentions.
I just don't know.
Like do you want to try?
Can I do it?
Can we do it together?
The only thing that really threw me off with reading this was that he said it has to be
the first 90 minutes of your day.
But he also says to be flexible.
I don't think it has to be the first 90 minutes.
If it's the podcast, though, like we do work on the podcast that much.
But together, 90 minutes in the morning.
Oh, together?
What are we going to do?
Just like both like wake up.
At 6 AM?
6 20.
I don't know.
I think you can do it.
I don't know.
I'll talk about it offline.
You're like, I'll consider.
I don't know if this is a goal I want to do.
Hey, if you're doing a no plans 2024 and...
I was like, okay.
It's January, but I did say 2024.
A hot second.
Just saying.
We'll see.
It might help you get organized too.
Maybe it is.
Like for me, I think it would be nice to do more organization like do 90 minutes in the
morning to be like organized.
What would you organize?
You just looked up and be like, oh my God, what would my organize?
You're like so many things.
My calendar, my closet.
Like, oh my God.
So your like one habit would be organization and whatever.
Yeah, whatever fell into that bucket.
It fell into that bucket.
Maybe it was my finances.
Whatever would just be like my life.
Organized 90 days to organize my life.
So you feel like that's too broad or no?
Like if I want to wake up with your finances.
Realistically, I think what it would be is like the first 90 minutes, I like have a
morning routine.
I work out for 30 minutes.
I journal for 30 minutes and then I like do, I don't know, face mask or something.
Yeah, that felt nice.
I wish I was a morning person.
I really do.
I used to be when I would work out every morning at 5 AM.
I've always been an evening workouter.
Unless it's the weekends that I could do like 10 AM.
It's really hard.
I don't know why.
I probably have to go to bed earlier.
That's where I have to start.
Yeah, I do think people that go to bed, do you know the Kardashians go to bed at like
nine o'clock?
Good for them.
Maybe six o'clock.
Who knows?
They'd have a whole different lifestyle.
They can work out whenever they want.
I mean, honestly, that's like not real.
That's one of my goals.
Just to become a Kardashian.
Just become a Kardashian.
Just be a billionaire.
I'm kidding.
What else about your goals?
I did read something about like keeping a journal.
Do you like journaling?
I don't know.
To be honest.
Have you ever tried?
I mean, you know, when I was like little and I did like a diary.
But I haven't like tried journaling recently and I was like, maybe that's something.
I do like journaling.
I like writing.
Like not, not.
Let me, let me clear that up.
I don't like creative writing.
I just like writing in a notebook.
Like you actually.
You actually hand writing.
Hand writing things.
I think you would enjoy it if you had like a prompt.
There's a bunch of online and stuff.
You can just find like prompts.
Like do you do journaling?
I did when I was doing like a one of those workout.
I was doing that course.
Remember the mind-body.
Oh, yeah.
The mind-body.
I was journaling that and I enjoyed it.
But it's just, I think if you're doing therapy work on top of it, it's a lot.
But journaling is good.
Like I think that's a habit I would like and I've heard, I mean, it's all over Instagram
and social media about journaling and manifestation of a lot.
I think maybe I'll start it.
I also have a bunch of books on my desk that.
Oh yeah.
To be over.
No, like I have been reading.
I meant like journaling type books.
I have like one that my therapist recommended.
Like my old old therapist.
Like a CBT prompt book about like helping your manager anxiety.
And then have another like called the anxiety notebook that Martin got me that has prompts
and then they.
I am who I am.
And then like a bunch of those type like anxiety, like my mom got me one.
Oh, okay.
So I have like a few that maybe they're all anxiety focused, but I have been a little
bit more anxiety.
I'm just kidding.
Oh, it's like, do you have anxiety?
But you know, mine is more like getting kidnapped, travel based, subways, planes.
Maybe you need a journal for a plane.
Like journal while you're on the plane.
Did you see what happened with the plane last week?
What plane?
A Laska Airlines flight.
I just saw that the Manhattan subway was de-ruled.
Um, a door window flew off a plane midair.
On a flight.
Did what happened to the person sitting in the window seat?
Like the door.
Miraculously, no one was assigned to those seats.
They would everyone survived.
People's phones, a shirt got ripped off, but everyone had their seat on.
A shirt got ripped off.
Someone's shirt got ripped off, but because they were still in take off mode, everyone
had their seat belts on because they were only at 16,000 Altitude.
They were in like full full 30 and the plane landed safely.
Everyone survived.
It was like, I mean, oxygen mask came down.
Everyone was freaking out obviously, but the pilot landed the plane.
And I think she was a woman.
How insane.
You know, I would have been screaming.
Actually I did watch one video.
I'm trying to picture you on this plane right now.
I know.
Like Chanel would just pass out.
That's it.
I watched one video and everyone was so calm.
I was like, there's not one person screaming on this.
I am confused.
I would be.
No one, I'm still like trying to picture this.
No one's screaming.
Someone shirts off.
No door.
Like what is happening?
It was actually really scary.
And I watched this one text talk from a girl who said she literally thought she was going
to die and like her thought process behind it.
It was really, really scary.
I was like crying.
It was crazy.
I knew imagine being on that flight.
How scary?
I'm trying to.
And it's just like another Boeing.
It's Max plane, which was that you don't know anything about this.
You're looking at me like I'm crazy.
Obviously I do.
I just love you have vendettas out against air travel.
And it's just like so funny.
You're like the goddamn Boeing's like you're like ready to go.
You're like an air Canada.
Air last.
You're like real quick.
Go like I you have.
I you're just like.
It's you against every airline.
Literally, I don't know why I know so much about air travel because I hate it.
I will sit there and watch anything about a plane.
So I don't know if I want to fly Boeing for a bit.
A bit.
Are there other planes?
They grounded the Max ones that had this issue.
I didn't know they're different.
Oh yeah.
You know a lot about Boeing.
Yeah, I do.
I watched a whole Boeing documentary.
You should watch it.
You're you're fascinated by the thing that scares you.
See like I'm terrified at snakes.
I cannot watch a snake documentary.
I can't I can't see them.
I if I see a snake on the screen, I'm like I put cover my eyes.
I like I can't.
That's understandable because I'm like that with bugs planes to me.
I don't understand them.
That's why I'm scared of them because I don't understand how it works.
So I try and watch things to like understand it more.
You know what I mean?
If you got hypnotized not to be afraid of planes, yes, I would do it.
You would have a do it.
I love traveling.
I know.
It's just interesting to me.
Yeah, this we get that was a little bit of a tangent.
I'm so sorry.
I can go on forever about planes.
I know.
I didn't know anything about that.
Last but not least.
So actually someone suggested that we do a little sound bit for the real review.
Let's do it.
Yeah, I think we should do it.
It'll just be us singing.
So that is that it on our goals?
I guess that's it.
Good luck.
God speed.
I don't do the odds.
Do we ever in your favor?
Do we list our goals?
No, I don't want to list all of them.
But we each named one.
What was my goal?
So your goal was very focused on fitness and eating and then I was like do you have
a bigger goal and you said it's wedding.
Or the wedding.
Broken now.
Yes, you're right.
The wedding is goal.
Wedding is goal.
Wedding is just getting to the wedding is goal.
Wedding is goal.
Everything else.
And there's a lot of mini goals in there.
And like a side goal is better me.
Health, wealth, wisdom.
Actually, those are my three goals.
I'm going to just say those are my three goals for 2024 health wealth wisdom minus health
wealth journal.
I can go into wisdom.
That those are my three.
Okay, great.
Because I also want some career goals.
Like I have some things.
I have a spare bubble in that's where podcast things.
Yeah, bubble.
I'm bubble in.
Health wealth wisdom.
Say it with us.
Let's get it.
Love wisdom.
Did you want to do your little real review?
So I can't remember if it was for my birthday or for Christmas, but every time I see you, you
have like a new lip gloss because I have 87.
You literally, I think you count.
You have like a tracker.
You're organized.
You're like, yeah.
Oh, my God.
We're also in our new podcast room.
My second bedroom, Peloton room.
It's a it's multifunctional.
It really is.
So for my birthday or slash Christmas, you got me a summer Fridays.
I did.
Um, lip butter bomb.
Cause I was using it and then you're like, can I have some?
And then you're like, you're like, it smells.
It smells stillish.
I mean, it's funny that you're saying this because summer Fridays is cult.
Like I know this lip butter bomb is a cult classic.
Like everyone is obsessed with it.
And you're like, have you guys heard of this summer Fridays thing?
It smells so good.
Everyone's like, yes, we all love it.
I love it.
And I got one for my future sister-in-law for Christmas.
Oh, lovely.
We did Secret Santa and she wanted like some things in a sport gift card.
So I was like, I'm going to give you sport gift cards.
I have forward.
Plus one of these, um, you get a summer Fridays cute things I just found.
I don't know if you've heard of it.
Summer Fridays.
I don't know if she's used it.
Tracy, if you even listen, let me know.
What do you think about it?
I mean, I love it.
To me, I just love the aesthetic.
I love the smell.
I love the tint, but I don't think it's that moisturizing.
So if I want like actual moisturize, like chopstick.
I mean, we talked about chapstick before.
We did.
We had a whole thing.
Yeah, we had a whole thing.
Don't go back and see your research.
We use chapstick way too much.
I do this has a nice tint.
There's also the untended version.
We're with you the applicator has like a little bit of curvature.
Mm hmm.
So feels really nice when you put it on.
It feels like a lipstick like back in the day when you'd see a lipstick and it was worn
in a little bit.
It fits your lip perfectly.
It fits your lip and smells good.
I'm a big fan of it.
All right.
What would you give it?
Um, nine and nine out of ten.
Nine out of ten.
One point minus because it's not as moisturizing as I would like.
I would give that to that too.
The one thing I can never find it.
That's a new thing.
We did a review on Linnege and you said the same thing.
It's always, it was literally, you were like six because I never know where it is.
And I was like, that's your fault.
I'm not even kidding you.
Then I will put this down to be like, I gotta remember where I put it.
And then I go to get it.
I'm like, where did I put it?
It's gone missing in my apartment.
You're like, minus two because I can't find it.
It's like, I got in your fault.
I can't, I can never find it because I use it.
So I think that's a good thing.
That is a good thing.
So it lasts longer when you can't find it.
It's fine.
It does.
But I was like, where did I want it to put on the other day?
I like it for when I work out.
My new thing is I put lip gloss on before I work out.
Are you me?
Not chop.
I used to do chopstick.
But now I'm like, I like the smell of this.
So I'm like, I'm going to put this on.
And then I wear my jewelry.
You know, when I work out because the Peloton girlies wear their jewelry, I'm like, I'm
in the Peloton.
I'm loving this for you.
So I'm like, I got my earrings on.
Oh, my brother for Christmas got me a whoop.
What is that?
This is a different, we're going downtown.
And so this is real review point too, but and then we'll come back to the lip gloss.
The whoop is kind of like a Fitbit and an Apple watch, but not.
There's like no tap.
It's like a heart rate.
Yeah, there's no screen.
It basically does your heart rate, but it measures your sleep.
And it tells you based on your fitness, like how much they break it into different categories
of rest, strain.
Let me pull.
I'm pulling up my whoop app.
Mine is very pretty, like aesthetically really cute.
I just didn't know what it was.
So they, they bring it into sleep recovery and strain.
So it tells you how well you slept and then based on your sleep and like your strain,
which is your working out.
So it's not like saying you have to do like 10,000 steps or it gives you a goal of how
much sleep and recovery you have your strain level.
So like today I had a strain level of like, I could get a 10 based on my sleep was a 91
Based on what it looks like.
I recovered 64 percent.
Like I had a moderate strain day, but not because I over reached yesterday.
That's really cool.
And so they have.
I hadn't heard of it either.
I'd only heard of the aura.
And then my brother Dan got me the whoop for Christmas and my brother Pat had one and
they're like, you never heard of the whoop.
I was like, I never heard of the whoop.
And then I'm like, whoop, there it is.
So, okay.
Anyways, so it's really cute.
I got the new band.
It's gold.
It didn't come with a gold one.
So I.
That's over the actual.
Is it a watch?
It's kind of like a watch.
It comes off.
That's the thing.
It's like little and then you just fun.
Very cool.
So I got the gold because I work gold jewelry and I wanted it to look like.
Love the gold.
Looks like a cuff.
I really like it.
So I've it's been really helping me with my fitness too.
That's awesome.
Am I asleep?
It's fun.
Back to real review on the lip gloss.
The or lip oil.
This is the other thing I kind of splurged this holiday season on.
I know.
I was like, why did you buy that?
I could have gone for real.
Because I saw you had it.
You had it and I didn't want to ask you and I wanted it because you had it and I see everyone
on TikTok talking about it.
So you were like, I need to have it and see what all the hype is about.
What are your thoughts?
I don't love it.
I mean either.
Oh, really?
First of all, the little sponge is way too big.
Oh, I like the sponge.
Oh, it's way too big for me.
It's general.
Look at that.
It's ginormous.
It's summer Fridays on.
I need lip fillers just to put this on.
Oh, I do like that you can turn it around.
What's I gonna like about it?
I feel like it has a funny taste after a while.
Did you get that?
May I sm our?
Oh, nice.
That was good.
Um, it has like, I like it and then it feels like it tastes chemically.
I haven't had that yet.
I don't know.
You said that with like a British accent.
Did I?
That was not a century.
Not me who watched 25 Hours of Love Island.
I got the lip glow oil color of Viber cherry oil.
Is that they're all the same?
They're different colors.
Oh, so I got it in pink.
I didn't know if they were different flavors, the cherry through me.
Oh, I don't know either, actually.
I have a purple one.
I'm not prepared with my products like you are.
You have?
I was excited.
You had a cool off.
You were cooled off from the podcast.
I was like ready to go.
I'm like, real review, let's go.
So I feel the same as you.
Like I don't love it.
Like it's definitely not my go to.
I don't like reach for it.
You're just getting into the Dior.
And I got a purple, like darkish purple one, but they're all kind of clear.
So it has like a tinge, but I don't love the tinge.
So maybe that's part of the issue too, is I don't like love the tinge on me.
I just feel like it's fine.
The sponge is too big for me.
I don't find it to be like that fabulous.
Like I reach for others before I reach for that one.
Yeah, I agree with that.
I mean, I think the color is pretty on me.
It's like this like pink.
That is a pretty color.
Yeah, but it looks clear on you.
It does have a little bit of a pink to it.
But I just don't love it.
It's a cute bottle.
It's good for pics.
I would go for the summer Fridays before.
What are you giving it?
What would you give it?
I'll give it what you give it.
Oh, I was going to say six and a half.
I could find it.
It's usually around so.
This one you don't lose as much.
I don't lose it.
Let's seven.
I can find this one.
So I'll give it half a point extra.
I actually like this real review where we compare two items.
That's nice.
That's fun.
All right.
Although sometimes it's hard for us to even come up with one.
Let's add another one.
All right.
Is that achievable?
Let's get smart about it.
Let's get smart.
Well, I guess that's it.
Is it?
That's our first episode back.
Oh, we'll buy.
It really did.
Are you still nervous?
No, I feel like we never left.
I know, right?
Are you happy?
I'm happy.
I'm actually cracking up because when I first got on, I was like, oh my gosh.
It feels like it's been like two years and I'm like, how do we love?
You're like, yeah.
So, yeah.
So talk next week.
How do you feel?
I, you know, I didn't know.
I'm going to be honest.
I didn't know if I was going to, how would feel coming back?
I was like, do I miss it?
Do I not miss it?
Like, how am I feeling?
But like, I just really enjoy sitting down with you and laughing and talking about things.
I feel like we have a refreshed energy around it.
We do, I listened back to the last episode we did and we sounded awful.
I am so sorry to all of our listeners.
I listened back.
I'll listen.
Which one, the date one?
No, it was like, there was the one where we were announcing also that we were taking
a break.
Oh, we were just like, we're taking a break.
Yeah, that's how it sounded.
We were like, okay.
We sounded like tired and sad.
I was like, why did we have a podcast?
Tired and sad.
I know.
It was all.
Oh, God.
Now I have to go listen.
I was cracking up.
And like, now I'm just like, we definitely feel.
Yeah, we have a refreshed energy.
We're excited about what's to come.
And we're doing some refreshing on our side too with like the look, the feel.
We're doing some things.
Good things to come.
So, um, so that's not on that.
I do have, I actually do have one last thing.
I just want to give a shout out to my new nephew.
Oh, oh my gosh.
Can you clarify that it's your best friend?
I'm Melissa had her baby today.
So I'm just, I was like, I just did my makeup and I started crying.
And then I was like, I just did my makeup.
I said, I make up my mascara as I know.
So I just, I did want to give that little shout out for Yay, Melissa and her baby and
her husband, Matt and little miles.
So sweet.
Miles is a good name.
I like that name.
I did the thing.
That's so sweet.
I know.
Very cute.
So baby.
Ontity, Tory.
Ontity, Tory.
So that's that on that.
I'm going to go to Tory.
Do you want to plug our socials?
Yes, I can.
You can follow us at Gladby Talk Podcasts on Instagram and TikTok.
And we're going to be more active on YouTube too.
So if you want to watch us, I don't know how great this one's going to be, but we're
going to.
Yeah, our camera cut out.
Yeah, I'm going to try to edit it though.
So if you want to watch, we're going to start offering it so you guys can watch us laugh
and talk and play with our lip glosses and Chanel.
What else do the people have to do?
No, you didn't.
Did you plug our TikTok and Instagram?
I did.
I didn't plug our email.
Oh, Gladby Talk Podcasts at
And write and review us.
The girls are back.
The girls are back.
So let us know how you feel.
And let us know what you want to talk about.
Yeah, that'd be great.
What's the world do you pull on Instagram?
What do you want to hear from us in 2024?
Yeah, we have some ideas.
We have some content.
We have some guests in the working.
So thanks guys.
Thank you.
I'm so glad we talked.
Glad we talked.
Glad we talked.
Take three.
Take three.
We're all for our game.
We are.
And so, um, that's not recording.
Oh, no.
I don't know.
And that's not recording.
Oh, no.
I don't know.
And that's not recording.
I know.
I did.
Okay, that's dark.
I know.
This took a turn.

People on this episode