glad we talked

full of love: valentine's day plans & memories

Tori & Chanel Season 2 Episode 16

Will you be our Valentine? Tori & Chanel are full of love this week and serving up lots of ideas for a Valentine’s Day to remember. Whether you’re planning a romantic night with your partner, a fun GALentines day or a sweet solo date — the girls have got you covered. Grab your conversation hearts and a box of chocolates to get in the mood for V-Day 2024. In this episode, you can expect to take a nostalgic trip down memory lane from school crushes to their first Valentine’s holidays with their current partners. But first, Tori & Chanel share their burning thoughts on movies,  enjoy an impromptu music throwback moment, and get into their general thoughts & feelings on Valentine’s Day. 

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You know what's in my head right now? What? If you want to be my lover, you gotta get with my friends. Make it last forever. Friendship never ends. Good song. Yeah, because we're in the spirit of Valentine's Day. Aww. Yeah. Hi, everyone. Hello and welcome back to Glad We Talk podcast. I'm Tori. And I'm Chanel. And today is all about love.

I want to make love in this group. Oh, she has all the throwbacks ready to go. You're not messing around. I'm not. But it's just like one after the other. It great. Breaking out the 90s. This was like the 2000s. Yeah, I guess Spice Girls was 90s. Yeah, of course. Oh, It's 2000s. Yeah. That was like when I was in prom, I think, Love in this Club. Yeah. Peak music era. Was it?

Yeah. What do you mean? Was it banger after banger? Are you kidding? Okay. What was the other one? It was like, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh my God. Oh my God. Oh, crushed it. Give me another one. Nailed it. Oh, Chanel. Um, so we're on a fancy new video thing called Riverside, which is cool.

Yeah, it's really cool. So hopefully our virtual experience will be better. Yeah, I think it will be. So we won't have to do like the weird Google meets. We were like total rookies in the space. And then we were like, you know what? Time to invest in some proper quality. Were we? We were? You were. So this is a little fun thing for our listeners is that sometimes I just surprised Chanel with these little tokens of love for the podcast.

And I just go over and buy stuff that we need. And that's that. Yeah. It happens more often than you would think. Yeah, no, it happens frequently. And then I'm like, just don't worry about it. It's going to make our lives better. I was like, how much did you pay for this? You're like, I don't know. I really don't think you do. I don't think, you know, when we were starting this podcast thing, I really thought it was just going to be a silly little recording that we uploaded and like that was it, you know. And then.

Glad we Talked (02:41.453)
It's slowly, I'm learning how much effort and time it takes to make good quality stuff. I know. You know, it really is. You got to invest in stuff to make things look good. Yeah, you do. And it's nice because when we do things and like other people are aspiring to start their own podcasts and kind of where we were a year ago, they come to us and ask like, Oh, we like your mic. So we like the video quality in the content. Like, how can we do it? And we can help people.

Yeah, that's been kind of nice. We're like, we got you girl. I know it's fun. Um, still lots to learn, but you know, we're, we're moving in driven. Yeah. So Riverside pleasant experience so far. Yeah. Um, so I'm a human again. Yeah. Chanel, do you want to explain what happened that you weren't human? Yeah, I got the flu and it was terrible. I was just stuck in my bed for like four days. I.

didn't move. I watched Gossip Girl. I watched Suits. I watched random movies that really bad movie with Jennifer Lawrence. So bad. Which one? Oh, the no hard feelings. Oh, we just watched that too. Did you like it? I felt like I laughed. Oh, I mean, less than an anthill flu. So I don't want to say like, it was not that great. But I mean, it was cute, but I fell asleep. So I don't really know how it ended. Was it her best work? No. Was it?

entertaining for a Friday afternoon or Friday evening for you Friday afternoon for me Friday evening. I was fine. I love that you're like Friday afternoon. Yeah, I didn't want to. OK, just to make sure I know it was me. It was you watching it during work. I definitely watched it at night because Mitch Mitch loves a movie night and I'm like, I don't know. Same. Well, Martin, but.

I can't get I don't know what's wrong with me. I rather watch a show like I can watch like six hours of a show. But for some reason, I cannot put on a movie and pay attention. Yeah, I don't know. And I was thinking about this too. I used to love movies like 27 dresses and all the romcoms. I agree. I just I looked forward to them made in Manhattan. Like when JLo was doing her movie thing, like there was a bunch of them with her and like, I don't know, I just the notebook I don't I don't feel like there's that quality type of movie out there anymore.

Glad we Talked (05:07.981)
I 100 % agree. Barbie. Yeah. And when I'm like home and like need like a background movie, I'll put on like an old movie. Like I'll put on a made in Manhattan or couples retreat or some other rent like the break. Yeah, like I'll put it on as background or if I want to watch something like, you know, like a fun movie, but I don't feel like newer movies have that same rom -com vibe. Yeah. Exactly the word I was looking for. I know.

So I don't know. I am on the same boat. I was actually thinking this and I was going to ask you about it. I was like, I want to talk to Chanel about this because I just feel like I can't. I don't want to watch movies anymore. Yeah. And when I tell you me and Martin had like a discussion about it, like we sat down and talked about it because he wants, he just wants to watch movies with me. Like he loves movies and movie buff. He's like, what can I do to have you watch movies? It's like, it's not you. It's me. Yeah.

The same thing with Mitch Mitch is like he has a list of things where he's like I want to watch this movie with you like he and the other night he said he wanted to watch a movie I think it was like it wasn't Sixth Sense but it was like that. I don't know. He has this huge list and I'm like I just am not interested. I know I'm the same. I have to be in the mood and it's so rare these days that I am. I know and I think you know what it is. It's because a show it gives you a long enough like if say you have a 45 minute show or like a 30 minute show.

you can leave it if you need to. Like you're not committed and sometimes I bet you end up watching more shows than you do a full length movie like if you're in a binge mode. But it gives you like it's a longer story and a shorter amount of time instead of like, I don't know. It's weird. I agree with you. It feels non -committal. It feels like you can walk away at any point but a movie you feel like you're definitely committing two and a half hours. Yes. And even I remember I used to be able to sit down and watch the full movie and now I'm like, Oh, I want to take a break. I want to go get water.

I like want to check my phone. It's probably because of the phones, but that's true. I don't know. I'm glad we can agree on this though, cause I was feeling, I was feeling bad. Me too. I'm really glad we talked about it. It was on my mind. It was on my mind. Um, okay. What else? We have some outstanding items. Yes. Outstanding items. You want to do it this week? Sure. Okay. So from our episode last week, we were, we did our monthly report, got some good feedback. Everyone loved it.

Glad we Talked (07:33.901)
Yeah, it was, it was a fun one. Yeah. And one of the things I talked about was mushroom coffee and I'm obsessed with it. And I didn't give the brand I use, which is hilarious. I just like raved about it and then never told you guys what it was. I thought you were growing mushrooms. So you're like, these are the mushrooms and I make them. Like I have a garden. So it's called RYZE. R Y Z E. Of course. Yeah. So like RYZE in the morning, you know.

And then you were talking about the book you're reading, it ends with us. And you were like, I don't know the name of the author. And I don't know how I missed that because I knew the name of the author. So I was like listening to it and I was like, Colleen Hoover. And I was like, Chanel, why didn't you say it? So it's Colleen Hoover. She's super popular. She has a million books out there right now. And are you still reading it?

Yeah, I'm still where I was when I did the monthly report. So same, same last week was so busy. So I just haven't gotten back to reading, but, um, friend of the podcast, Julianne is reading it too. So I have a commitment to, to read it and we're going to see the movie together. Oh, I'm going to see it with you guys. Okay. Okay. Okay. Girl's date. Wait, why were you so busy? What were you doing this week? I just work. Oh, you know,

Do you hear this noise in my background? I hope not. Yes. What is that? I'm like, I'm going to go record. Mitch is like, I'm going to make a seltzer. I'm going to feed the cat. I'm going to do laundry. It's like every noise in the world. I he was like blowing raspberries with his mouth. Like, what is that? You love to see it. It's just like, I thought he was supposed to be gone. Yeah.

Boys, right? Don't get the boys. I don't know. I'm just going to say, I hope Valentine's day we got some things locked and loaded. I do want to talk to you about your own time. Hold on. Does he hear you complaining? I like need to pause this.

Glad we Talked (09:43.885)
Mitchell, can you make any more noise? I can. Please don't. I'm cooking. Give me like two seconds. We're recording. We're like recording and you're like, I don't know, Chanel thought you were putting raspberries in your mouth. Hi, Rody. Say hello. Oh my God. The chaos. The chaos. Not your chairs.

Not every chair is being crazy. Everything is against you. That's the type of Monday I'm having. I was on a work call earlier and I literally, I have this cup and there's like a little, the lid slides. So like to, for you to drink out of, then you put it back. But there's like two little triangles where you drink once for the thing to rest when you open it up and once for it to close. So I went to go drink out of it and I drank out of the side that...

was closed versus the open side. I was on a call with like a partner, a potential partner of like a brand that's like a cool brand. And I'm like, Oh, sorry, I got coffee all over me. Like, it's fine. I'm fine. I explained the cup to them. I was like, see, there's two holes.

You're like, no, no, you don't understand. Do you see where the confusion is? Do you get it? I thought of you because I was like, Chanel would be like, he would just be dying. And he would be like, okay, Tori, no, they don't need to know about the cup. Honestly, in this case, I get it. Embarrassing days for work falls. But yes, the chaos. The chaos. Okay, and last outstanding item, we got an email. We did.

Um, my mom sent an email to our episode, not from last week, but the week before, when we talked about Chanel's layoff experience. And I had shared a little story about my mom when she was laid off from her job after she came back from her honeymoon, when my dad and my mom got married. So our email says being laid off. Okay, ladies, here's the real scoop about my being laid off. She's coming with some tea. She's coming with a Tori's dad was in law school, so we had no other income.

Glad we Talked (12:03.213)
Hence the panic. The retail store was being merged with another company. So everyone was laid off in the advertising department. They already knew because it happened while I was away. I got a job at an ad agency. She didn't work from home because that didn't exist in 1986. No internet yet. LOL. And the no internet is like all caps. She said, Chanel, I'm happy. I'm glad you told your story and it had a happy ending. Oh, from mama P. She's the best.

Just wanted to clarify that little story. Yeah, because it was when you were telling it, I was like, oh, what about this? What happened with this? And you were like, I don't know. Yeah, I'm just not good at retelling stories. I needed all that. I needed all the info because I'm nosy. Yeah, we did get a lot of love and support from that episode, though. It seems like it resonated with a lot of people. And I know. And it's kind of like happening a lot. So I feel like it was good timing for anyone who.

recently got laid off to go listen to that episode. Yeah. Not, not a great subject, but good and not good timing ever, but glad we talked about it. Yeah. And then, you know, you feel less alone, which is always the goal. Yeah, of course. And we don't want you to feel alone on Valentine's day. Do you like that transition? You know what? I do. All right. I was going to just be like, what are you doing for Valentine's day? What do we?

What are your thoughts on Valentine's Day? I want to get down to it because there's mixed feelings in life about Valentine's Day. Um, I don't hate it. I never really hated it. Like even when I was single, um, I will say when I was single, um, I worked at our old job and for some reason everyone there, I guess was taken or had a husband or boyfriend and it was a thing to send flowers on Valentine's Day to your.

girlfriend or a wife. And literally every single person in the office was getting flower deliveries throughout the day. And I'm and I was single. So I just obviously didn't get one. And I think for me, I wasn't getting one. But I think it may have been before you were there. And that's a front of it. Because I just remember one day specifically, I literally was the only person. And I was I'm just going to say like that is

Glad we Talked (14:24.525)
the only core memory for me for Valentine's Day that I remember it really sucking. And now, of course, we don't do that anymore. Now that I am in a relationship, that doesn't exist. No one gets flowers in the office. But a few years ago, that used to be a thing. And I just remember feeling a little bad about myself. But I never really hated it. It was just that feeling of isolation. And I was like, oh, that's so nice. And then I didn't have any, but it's fine. It was like the...

place where you really don't talk about your relationships that much. And all of a sudden it was like everywhere in the office. You're like, Oh, right. Thanks. I am reminded of my single domain again today in the office as well. Again. Again. Yeah. I don't have to just go home to it. Now it's like, thank you. Yeah. But I always used to make sure I had plans and stuff regardless. Yeah. Galentine's dinner. What about you? Like, what are your feelings? So I never received gifts.

flowers, whatever, into the office until I started dating Mitch. And then our first Valentine's Day together when I was back in the office at my job, he sent flowers and chocolate covered strawberries for me to share with the office because he felt bad that maybe not everyone had Valentine's, so he did like both. I am screaming. That is so cute. Are you kidding?

He got a reputation in the office and they'd be like, it's a Mitch like when any like when Mitch would do something nice, it's like they would call it a Mitch. So that's a great reputation to have. Yeah. Yeah. Mitch has a good reputation. Mitch is a golden retriever. He is. He is a golden retriever. We love this. Yeah. Yeah. It was really sweet. But like, I understand because I never really had that experience before. So I will say like,

I was surprised. I wasn't expecting it. I was pleasantly surprised because I saw all of a sudden someone said, you have flowers down here? I was like, really? I know. And Martin gets me flowers every Valentine's day, but he just gets them to our apartment and no one gets them in the office anymore. I don't know why. Where I work, no one does that. But I love that Mitch did that. I think that's so cute. It was really cute. So I liked it. But then I don't think he did it the next year. And I was like, where are my flowers?

Glad we Talked (16:45.165)
Now there's an expectation. Now there's an expectation, but it's okay. I don't, I don't know how I feel about Valentine's day. I think when I was younger, I definitely was like, Oh, Valentine's day. Like what are your plans? But now I'm like, I don't know. Maybe it's because they have love that I don't care. But do you feel like as you got an older, you don't care? Or do you think it's just cause you're in a relationship, you don't care? I think it's that I've gotten older, you know,

when I was younger, not even in a relationship. Like, do you remember, like, let's go way back to school. Like, I love Valentine's Day, making the boxes and decorating it and getting ready and then making your valentines. Like, I was all about Valentine's Day when we were younger, because it was more of the theme. It was like a to do in school when you would give everyone and go home and look at them who had candy and you would have the party. Yes. I mean, I love a holiday like any excuse to like wear cute colors, do little crafts, like.

Be happy and cherry. I love it. I love a holiday. So when I was in preschool though, and this is a funny story, I, my mom had gotten these valentines for me to give and I was obsessed with them. Like I, I loved these Valentine's day cards and then we had a party to give them out to other people and I didn't want to give them to anyone because I thought they were mine. Oh no.

I like them and they're like, everyone gave me valentines, but I wouldn't give mine to them because I like them. Even after people gave you yours, you're like, no. Yeah. I was like, that's nice, but these are mine. These are all mine. That's hilarious. Yeah. So a little sharing problem, but no, as we've grown up, we've learned to share more. I've learned to share. Yeah. So preschool, maybe we didn't start off on the right foot. Maybe we were learning how to gift give.

But when you were like older, did you like, like giving gifts to your person or your girls or whatever? Yeah. So I've gotten older. I definitely like giving gifts. And I think it's just not even excluded to your significant other, like giving Valentine's to family or friends is done. How about you? Yeah. Agreed. Um, I just think, yeah, like I like the like kitschiness of it sometimes. Like I like how like cheesy it is and obviously. Yeah. And how pink.

Glad we Talked (19:06.509)
everything is. The cute thing. So Chanel, what are some of your favorite ways to like do dates or approach Valentine's Day? What are your go tos? I feel like in the past, I've done like cooking at home, like Martin cooked for me a few years ago. I think it was during COVID actually, so that checks. We've also done like a game night, which is really fun. We enjoy game nights in general, but

Um, like Scrabble, Banana Grahams, um, and just like have a little game night, little wine, throw on a movie in the background and just have ourselves a little night. That sounds nice. You do like Scrabble. I do. I like word. I like word games. You do. And actually Mitch and I, this just remind me, um, we, he had bought me this game book. It's like the couples, it's a, it's a mad book for couples and it's really fun because you could.

It's an activity book and it's called the couples activity book. I don't know. Fact, trick me. But they give you all these different games you could play. And like one of them is Mad Libs. The other one is like, how would you handle that? And it gives you situations that you would have to handle or how you'd say your partner would handle it. So it's like, oh, how would your partner handle it if they've had the superpower they've always dreamed of and you have to like talk about it? Yeah. So.

That was really fun. Yeah, there's another game called, we're not really strangers. And I think that would be really fun whether you're couples or friends, like maybe it's a double date party thing to do on Galentine's day too. It'd be really fun to get to know your friends on a more intimate level. Yeah.

I think that's so fun. And I always think about too, like when you're early on in a relationship, like if you're like one, two, three months in, you're like, what do we do for Valentine's Day? Because it's like, do we make it a thing? Do we go out for dinner? Do we stay home? Like, I don't want to make it like a whole, you know, scene. But I think like a game night or a night in is like such a fun, easy, casual way to do something with someone you just started dating because it's like so low pressure.

Glad we Talked (21:12.877)
You're getting me excited now for Valentine's day. Oh, I think I was a little jaded. Like I've heard engaged. We were married. We've been dating for this. I'm more engaged married. We have a kid now and a cat and a dog. I like everything. No dog, no kid. Just roadie and the cat. Those are our kids. Those are our kids. Um, but you know what I mean? I think I was getting a little jaded, but when you think of it creatively, Valentine's day can be fun. And when you think about it, just not being.

a partner, I could still be friends and everything. I'm excited. It's like getting me thinking about younger years of Valentine's Day again. Yeah. And I just love an excuse to just do something. Like, it's a good excuse to like, do something out of the norm or spend time together with your friends who you haven't seen or your significant other. You know, another fun thing, me and Martin did, it wasn't for Valentine's Day, but it was for COVID, just a COVID thing. It was just a COVID day. He was like, you pick.

You pick an activity and I pick an activity and we surprise each other with it. And he like came over and I chose baking cookies and he chose a game, which is funny because it like complimented each other. But it could be like a fun little surprise if you're like, you pick something, I pick something and we'll do it together at someone's apartment. Yeah. You don't tell each other until that day. Mitch and I just don't have these thoughts ourselves. So we, uh.

We buy games that tell us what to do. So he also bought me an adventure book for couples where it's like, you can scratch up. I've seen it on tick tock and Instagram, like it's all over social media, but you like scratch it off and it gives you ideas to do based on the amount of time you have. So some of them would be like a 30 minute activity and some of them will be like a whole day. Or if you have two hours to spare, if you want to cook it and you kind of do that and it gives you ideas of what to do together. Here's my question with that.

Is it actually like achievable activities that you want to do? Or is it like, go book a trip or is it like, you know, some, you know, like how sometimes those things are like kind of wild and you're like, I'm not going to do that. Yeah. It's like, go to Tokyo tonight. Hold on a minute. I did not sign up for this. Go to the airport with just one suitcase. Book the ticket. That's going out next. No. Um, literally. So.

Glad we Talked (23:32.725)
Spoiler alert, we haven't actually done any of them. So this weekend we opened it and we're both really not enough time for any of these. Close the book. You see what I mean? I feel like you go to sit down and do it. And then you're just like, I don't want to do that one. I'm in the mood for that one. So instead we took out this activity book because it was kind of like those games you would play in the car at a restaurant while you're waiting. They even had like, you got to connect, you know, the line game where you connect the dots with. Yeah.

Yeah, they had it just with hearts and stuff. So it's kind of like you keep it with you. Remember, you used to have those activity books when you were a kid. Yeah, those are fun. Yeah. So it's like that. But for couples, so you could bring it to a restaurant while you're waiting on Valentine's Day if you wanted to. Yeah, it was fun. So those seem more achievable. Like we played a few rounds of this. How would you handle? How would your partner handle that? We played like maybe three rounds. Oh, OK. It was fun. Yeah.

So what are your, your go -tos for Valentine's day? Like, do you have any ideas of what, what you are going to do or have any, or good ideas you've done in the past? We don't have any plans this year for Valentine's day. We have a lot going on coming up. So we just decided to save some money. Maybe we'll make pizza. I've been kind of in like this cooking together mood. So you're inspiring me with this idea of cooking. That's fun. Like making pizza together. I've never done that. Yeah. It's, oh, you have it? No.

Really? I don't think so. Now you're making me question myself, but I don't think so. I like you. But okay, so here's also Trader Joe's, our fave. Yeah. They're always sold out of their pizza dough. Oh. And I'm telling you, they're going to be sold out for Valentine's Day. I you. 100%. I bet you. But I did go to Trader Joe's and I bought, they had like a Valentine's Day section where it was like strawberry.

white chocolate ice cream and little heart -shaped macaroons. So I bought some of those and maybe we'll have them at home. So just low -key Valentine's Day. Yeah, I love a low -key Valentine's Day. I also like giving little like candies to my neighbors. So I got them each a little Valentine. You're freaking adorable. You've really changed since preschool.

Glad we Talked (25:41.197)
I know, right? She's really grown and matured. Who is she? I don't know her. I learned that lesson at a young age. It's better to give than receive. She went from not giving out her gifts to now making candies, special candies for her neighbors. It's karma. I don't even talk to my neighbors. I don't even know who they... The only interaction I have is when they're saying hi to Seb. Maybe you should give them valentines. Yeah. They'll be like, creep. I know. They'll be like, someone left random candy. They'll be like, don't eat it, it's laced.

Oh my god. Okay, other ideas. Comedy show. I love a comedy show. It's fun. Do you think that would be crowded? Potentially. Yeah. Maybe it'd be like a good crowdwork. Yeah, I think it also gives the comedian layups. Like they're just gonna be joking on Valentine's Day. Right? Yeah. You know, it's just like an easy, you just like keep going to that. Yeah, it's like,

It's so many jokes you can make. It's a comedian's dream. I like any type of live entertainment. I think you're right. Like comedy show. Maybe it's like a Broadway show if you're in New York or play for in another area, a movie out in the theaters. But we know how we feel about movies right now. A concert. Concert. Like maybe a little live musician moment. Yeah. If you're like a newer couple.

And you want to keep it low key, maybe go get drinks at a bar with live music. Or if you're like dating in that dating stage where you're like, I'm not sure where we are. I love live music. Yeah, that's a good one. I feel like live music is also like weirdly romantic. It is totally. I don't think it's weird at all. I think it is. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. No, and music is very romantic. Yeah. It's just like sweet and like, especially if it's like more like acoustic type vibes, like that's so cute. Like a jazz club or something. Yeah.

I like that. Something that's more sceney. It's a vibe. Yes. Also those fun classes like making a cocktail class or a pottery class or something. An activity like doing something out of class. Like cooking too. You were talking about cooking, but maybe if you do cook a lot, maybe you want to go do a class somewhere else. Yeah. We did a class. I got Martyn a gift for cooking class for Valentine's Day and we went later.

Glad we Talked (28:05.325)
But we did like a pasta making class. It was so fun. Oh, that's fine. You can like bring your own wine and stuff. Yeah, I have a I have a path for Mitch for Hudson table here in Hoboken and we haven't been. Yeah, he wants to cook more. Great way to like learn to if you're not a good cook. How do we feel about hosting a dinner party for other people on Valentine's Day? That is fun. I've never thought about that. I I'm kind of into it. I was thinking that because like,

We went from Galentine's Day and then like our individual partners, but I would love to do like a dinner party like or a double date on Valentine's Day. Yeah, like a couples dinner party or like bring your girlfriend as a plus one kind of thing or like bring your gay bestie like whatever like the vibe is just is vibing. It's just love. It's just love. Love. I love that. I really do. I feel like that's a good idea. And then you can have a nice theme.

Wait, should I do a dinner party? I was thinking maybe like, yeah. Like actually. Actually. I never think about it because so many of my friends live far that I'm just like, it's like such a truck sometimes for people to like come over. I'm like, it's so funny that we live here because no one else lives over here. It's like you live in Hoboken, Amanda's in Sanford, I have friends in Jersey, like Hoboken. It's just like - California. Yeah, it's like everywhere.

I wasn't even putting California in the mix. They're not making it to my dinner party. But that could be really fun. Yeah, just like a different type of Valentine's Day. Also, it's just nice to get people together. Totally. I think even if you did something as a group, if you didn't want to do something with just your partner, just your girlfriends, you could do a whole big group thing and do a cooking class or any of these things that we mentioned, go to a concert or something. That's fun.

Is double dates weird? Like if you went to a Valentine's dinner with another couple on Valentine's, is that weird? No, I think it's fine. I think it's fun. Yeah. I think I'm more into like the group hang. I am, honestly. Like I liked Galentine's day. Like it's so much pressure to just be with your partner when you're with your partner every day. Yeah. But it's like a way, cause I feel like sometimes when you live with your partner, especially you can become a little bit routine. Like, okay, we went to work, we came home, we cooked dinner, we're watching TV. Like.

Glad we Talked (30:27.693)
I feel like it's a good break to like, be like, let's do something out of the norm. Let's go to, I know you and Mitch are like trying to do your like once a month date thing, right? Yeah, it's, we're trying. It's very hard. It is hard. So that's why this is like a good excuse to like do something and spend time together, regardless of what it is. You mentioned that you might do something not on Valentine's day. Is that you won't just want more time to do stuff too? Well, Valentine's day is on like a Wednesday, I think.

So I just, I'm not really a big fan of like going out during the week, like for something like that. So I don't know. I just think it could be like more of a night. Like it doesn't feel like you're like on a curfew when you have like work the next day. So, and maybe you won't be as crowded on a week on the weekend versus the actual day. Yeah. If you're going for dinner. Yeah. But if you'd like, do you move it to a day, you could do more of a day activity, like going for a hike or a walk or, you know, if you wanted to go on a road trip.

somewhere or to a different town you could. That's fun. Like if it's more about quality bonding time, then you have more time. Yeah, or even like a weekend away if you have the funds and you wanted to visit like a local area or something or get a little trip in. Yeah. It is President's Day weekend too, so some people have off. I don't. I know. Lucky ducks. That's why I said some people. Also, I was doing a little Googling and I saw

a really cute idea of recreating your first date. I love that. How sweet is that? Oh, that's so cute. That'd be so fun. I mean, me and Martin's first date was in my apartment because it was COVID. So check, done. Other people have cute first dates. You went to that Mexican restaurant, right? No, we went to an Italian restaurant in Little Italy. Oh, right. We went to Ruby Rosa. Yeah, pasta, pizza, the whole thing. The whole thing.

But that's, I like that. I think that's a sweet idea. It's really cute. Yeah. Oh, that's good. I also like the idea if you are single and like, maybe you don't want to spend so much time with friends and you could do this as a couple too, but just like a self care, you know, like, yes, I, I, I want Mitch to like get his nails done or a pedicure or something so bad, but he won't, but like, I just then treat yourself to it. Like, so show some self love.

Glad we Talked (32:52.237)
Yeah, I kind of like that. Like face masks, you're like painting your toes. Yeah, lemon water. I love it. Yeah, like go get a couples massage or get your own massage, you know, or do your own massages on each other. risque there you go. My back was killing me the other day from having the flu and Martin gave me a massage because I literally thought I was going to die.

I asked Mitch, I just carry so much tension in my shoulders. I'm like, please just help me. And he will. But he's like, this is why I got you an automatic one of those like things that you put on. So massages herself. See, we already made it unsexy. I'm like, I have the flu. I have, you're like, I have tension in my shoulders. My first Christmas, Mitch got me a foot massager, like the thing you put your feet in and a neck massager. So he didn't have to do it.

So I have those and he's just like, this is why I bought you that stuff. I like, but you just do it so much better. That's so funny. He cracked my back and it felt so good. So self care, like literally treat your body, treat yourself. I'm about that. Love it. And then one final thought. Um, I did this for a birthday once for Martin. I did a little beer tasting. Like I'd like did it for him. It was COVID. A lot of COVID ideas coming out. You're killing it Chanel. Yeah.

But I got a bunch of different types of beers and then just did a little flight at home and then had a little notepad so he can write his little notes. It was fun. You're so creative. Stop it. I mean, you make candy for your neighbors. Same, same. I buy candy for my neighbors. I don't make it, but I did make muffins. I was thinking of Monica from Friends when she makes the candy and everyone's freaking out. I know.

No, baking is fun too. I love baking treats for people on Valentine's Day. I do like getting into the spirit of it. You said you were getting excited. I am getting excited. I'm ready to go write my little Valentine's out to my neighbors and figure out what I'm going to get Mitch. Do you like give big gifts on Valentine's Day or is it like a smaller something? Yeah, something small. Something small and cute. I did the cooking class as a gift once. What do you do usually?

Glad we Talked (35:11.181)
I think something small, nothing crazy. I can't, I honestly can't remember. I don't know if my memory is getting worse as I'm getting older, but like, usually it's like, if maybe he'd be wanted a pair of shoes or I don't know, like there's something he's mentioned he wanted. I'll do that. Yeah. I think it's, it's kind of like, like a one gift, like thoughtful, like something you've, someone's mentioned or partners mentioned and.

For your girlfriends and it's like something like small like a little loss. Okay. Brought to you by summer Fridays. Yeah, obviously we both had lip gloss. Yes. Any makeup products, you know, I'm in. I think Mitch would even be happy with candy. Yeah, you know, I think cards are sweet though. Mitch always writes like a sweet little card. I love a good handwritten card. Yeah, it's so thoughtful. It is.

It's just like I sat down and I thought about you and have really nice things to say. Plus, we already know you like writing things. So you would like little hearts on it. It's like I mean, Valentine's Day is made for you to write cards. Let's be real. There are hearts everywhere. All my notebooks. Love a good heart. It's heart and glitter. It's like pink pen, a little bit of makeup, smudge and then. Arts and crafts. That's a good one. That is a good one. Hey, that's where Valentine's Day originated for us.

Back in school making our little glittery heart shaped cards. I know. I mean school was school was a whole different time with Valentine's Day. I freaking love school Valentine's Day. It is a childhood crush. Peak. There is no other Valentine's Day will never ever ever ever be as good as when you're in elementary school or middle school.

And you got your Valentine's, you gave your Valentine's Day to your crush and you're like, Oh my God, I hope they notice it. And like, yeah, it's just a different time. It's like, it's like you dress up, you dress cute. You don't talk to your crush. You don't say more than two words, but they're your Valentine. Absolutely. Obviously, you know it, you know, they know it when you're writing your Valentine's you're like, I hope like Johnny gets this one. And it's like, you are the love of my life. And you're like,

Glad we Talked (37:31.723)
eight years old. You think you know what love is, but you don't. I'd be like, can you believe the conversation we had today? We asked each other about the weather. I would just be like, they looked at me. I know. We made eye contact. Yeah. I think it's just so funny. Like when you're a kid and you have a crush and you're just like, it's so different. You think you can't wait to see them at school. Or I was actually thinking we for us, we used to go to, um,

a lot of sporting games, like our town was big on sports. And so it was like, Oh, I saw my crush's mom's car in the parking lot. Like maybe they're at the game. You know, it was just so different. And you're just like using context clothes to be like, are they there? It's like so different than a little stalker, but it was pure like a little soccer vibes, but it was all in. It was all in good fun. It was all innocent. It really was. Like if we did that now.

Game over. But then it was so cute. I know. Now it's like, Oh my God, I stalked him on Instagram on TikTok and everything. And it's like, Stalked his ex girlfriend and her new boyfriend. That's, that's the new stalker vibes. Oh yikes. Conversation hearts too. Are those still around? They are. I did look into this because I freaking love conversation hearts. They were the best. They went out.

They switched hands, but Sweetheart Conversation Hearts are back. Okay. You really did your research. They switched hands. They switched hands. Yeah, no, it was a thing. You're like, it's now under new ownership, but it's back. It was part of the COVID. It was part of that. I had no clue. Yeah. Oh yeah. No, it was a big article. Trust me, my mom made me know about it. I do trust you. I do. I've never trusted you more.

Honestly, I didn't know they were gone, but I'm glad they're back. Yeah, they're essential. The quintessential Valentine's Day is a paper cut out heart, conversation hearts, a box of those, a box of chocolates, and maybe some flowers. You're quite the Valentine's Day connoisseur over there. I am. You're like, this is what it is. Just curate it the perfect me day. And I'm a walking hallmark. Yeah. Watch a good rom -com. It's great. The vibes are elite.

Glad we Talked (39:55.437)
There's just like the pressure, I guess like you could put a lot of pressure on it, but you could also put no pressure. So that's like, you can make it what you want it to be. That's the, I guess that's the silver lining of Valentine's Day is it's whatever you want it to be. I like that because I do think that there's a lot of pressure put on the holiday for I don't know what reason. I think it's just like one of those that you just think about it a lot. Yeah. So I think you shouldn't put pressure and just use it as an excuse to like see people you love.

Exactly. Do things you love, see people you love and just spread the love. Spread the love more importantly because everyone needs it. Did you see that meme about Elmo? Oh, I did. Elmo was like, how's everyone doing? And no one is doing okay. I feel so bad. Everyone's doing really poorly. Elmo, how are you doing? After that, I don't think Elmo's doing well. We need a whole mental health wellness check on...

our entire society right now. I think we should have well Elmo on the podcast and be like, Elmo, we're so glad we talked. We know you're just trying to like, be nice buddy, but it's rough out here. It really is rough out here. And you know what, it was meant to be like a cute thing. And then like people were responding and I was like, I don't even know if I should be laughing at this because this is a little, this is a little deep. Someone reposted all like the...

tweets back to Elmo and I was like reading them and some of them were like, Elmo buddy, not the right time and place. And then other ones were like, Elmo, but how are you doing? I know. And then people had like the Sesame Street characters has like chime in and be like, guys, here's a number. Like it was a little got a little dicey. Oh my God. I didn't realize the whole Sesame Street got involved. Yeah. Like other characters got involved. Oh my God. What did Oscar say?

I don't know if you said anything. Everything. Shit Elmo. He's the grouch. Yeah, Oscar was just like killing the vibes as well. Oh, wow. I love the theme of like elementary school throughout this. There's like this innocence to it. I know it's it's so pure and it makes me miss like what Valentine's Day used to be. But I feel like we could bring that back. We can't. You're in charge of your own Valentine's Day. Totally. Yeah.

Glad we Talked (42:13.389)
Anything else? I think that's great. I'm so happy we went over all these ideas and, you know, just spreading some love and getting excited. Yeah. So whether it's self care or hanging with your gals or hanging with your partner, do something that you enjoy and just hopefully everyone's looking forward to Valentine's day and not dreading it. No pressure though, if you are dreading it. No pressure. No pressure. Whatever you want. It's just one day. It'll be here and it'll be gone and then we'll wait for it until next year.

So if you get sad, just think about when I was single at my old job and everyone used to send flowers and I didn't get any. Can you imagine everyone sends you flowers now to your office? That'd be really cute. That'd be so cute. No, it's fine. I'm fine. Everything was fine. Was this like a subtle hint for you? Like Martin's going to listen to this and be like, OK, no, Chanel needs flowers and like put an order in. No, like he sends me flowers home. So like I don't need them at my.

job as well. You know, that's just way too many flowers. Um, this was like back when I was like 26. Yeah. Martin, can you go back in time and send me flowers? Thanks. That's a big ask that actually Mitch is when we were playing that couples game, he wanted to be able to time travel. So he could probably do it for you. That was his, that was a superpower. Yeah. I said he wanted to fly, but then I was like, he's afraid of heights. So then he was like, no time travel. So, Oh, nice.

That's a good one, Mitch. That's a good one. I would do that or read minds. That's, he also said that. Oh, wow. You and Mitch are the same person. Sometimes. Sometimes. Sometimes. Other times. What about your superpower? He didn't ask me. Oh, it was like a one -sided, it was like the question for you. We played it one -sided. Yeah. We didn't like elaborate on them. I don't know. So what would be your superpower? I think I would.

want to read minds or time travel to there was another one and it was like, what if an animal objects just started talking to you and I was like, ready fine. Well, what is that? No, I know. He was like, what if that glass just started talking to you? And I was like, honestly, I think I'd be okay with it. He was like, you would think you're crazy. And I'd be like, but then I would be okay with it because I would be like, I was right all along. Like they're just ghosts. I feel like I could do without that though. Like I don't need that.

Glad we Talked (44:39.245)
You know, it would be a good one teleporting because then I don't have to fly on a plane. He said that one too. Okay. Well, teleporting. This is getting weird. He was just like, I'm going to be all of the superpowers. You know what I mean? He's like five and one. Yeah. All right. Well, this has been great. I know this has been fun. I'm hope I'm like draining now. This has been really fun and I hope everyone has a great Valentine's day. Yes. Do you want to plug our stuff?

Or do you need me to say that's not on that? Whatever you want to do. That's not on that. If you want to be our Valentine, you can follow us on Instagram and TikTok at Glad We Talk Podcast and follow us, subscribe, like, comment, share our YouTube videos. We are so happy to be up on YouTube. Send us some love there and send us an email at gladweetalkpodcast .gmail .com. And don't forget to rate and review five stars. All the hearts.

five hearts. Okay, glad we talked. All right. Happy Valentine's Day, everyone. Bye. Bye.

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