glad we talked

our thoughts on Love is Blind: recapping episodes 1 - 9

Tori & Chanel Season 2 Episode 19

Love is Blind is back with an all new season, so you know Tori & Chanel HAVE to talk about it. This episode of Glad We Talked is dedicated to the first 9 episodes of Love is Blind Season 6 and the girls are going through the line up of contestants couple by couple. First up, everyone’s favorite Love is Blind celebrity (and no we do not mean Nick and Vanessa Lachey), but Love is Blind’s very own Megan Fox lookalike Chelsea and her southern beau Jimmy. Chanel and Tori chat about the fairness of mentioning looks in the pods and Tori shares an interesting alignment with one of the people in this pair. The gals move on to AD and Clay noting the importance of race conversations between contestants. From AD and Matthew to Ken and Brittany, Chanel notes that the show is doing a better job to spotlight race in relationships. Plus, Tori and Chanel discuss how many of the contestants could benefit from therapy and couples counseling (ahem, Jeremy & Laura). And in addition to therapy, it’s apparent that some of the couples, Johnny and Amy, could benefit from sex education classes. It’s all here and we’re so glad to talk about it this week and cannot wait to talk about it when we find out if love is truly blind.

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Glad we Talked (00:00.334)
Hello everyone. Hi, welcome back to Glad We Talk podcast. I'm Chanel. And I'm Tori. And this is a Love is Blind podcast today. This is Love is Blind. This is all Glad We Talked about Love is Blind. Before we get into that though, I do want to say I was fully prepared to come on here and be like, guys, we're recording late because of me today. I was late. And then I get on exactly at the time I said I was going to be late. And then Tori takes another 20 minutes.

together. I was early, but then you still were like, Oh, I gotta get myself together. I know. I really, I wasn't, I can't, I was fully ready to come on here and be like, guys, I was the late one today. And then I was like, guess I'm not the late one. I just ran into some issues. I just feel like, yeah, I wanted to look as good as you. And then you're like, Oh yeah, I have my selfie light up. And I'm like, wait, you know that meme where it's from, I can't remember the movie with Jennifer Aniston.

I know it's the one with, um, Jason Sudeikis and they like pretend to be a family. Oh, the Millers or we are the, I just made that up. Yeah. Yeah. And it's like the guys like you guys were getting paid. Like that's how I felt is like, I was like, wait, you're using a ring. No wonder I've been looking like crap. No, I mean, to be fair today is one of the first days I've used it in a while.

I thought we knew this. You're an expert in lighting and sound. I tend to use these things. Chanel, like I am, I can never find my wires for my ring lights and stuff. So I've been going without my ring light. I was like use the round one. You're like, I don't know where the wire is. I don't, I don't. I tried plugging it in with like another wire and it just short circuited. So. I'm dying. Yeah. It's just funny. Like just keep it all in one bag. I do.

Sometimes I think I have like amnesia and I just am like moving things around maybe sleepwalking. I don't know. I swear I keep things together and then it's like plugged into Mitch's PlayStation. Oh, I feel like you said that before. You're like, I don't know. Somehow Mitch added in his PlayStation. That makes sense. That could be. That could be. It cracks me up. You keep me young. I know.

Glad we Talked (02:27.47)
What's going on? Do you have any updates, outstanding items? What's happening? Do we have any outstanding items? I think we have to talk to base with Jenna eventually, but she did go on the speed dating. Oh, she did. Did you talk to her? No. Oh, okay. Well, we got to check in with her. Yeah. Okay. Um, so then we have that. What's going on with you? I mean, everything is going on with me is love and spline. So I know we can just get into it, but I have been crushing reality TV.

all weekend. I didn't do anything this weekend, but watch TV. So I'm ready to talk about TV. I re I started re watching love is blind with my mom and Maggie. So you're up to date. Okay. Yeah. And Jess was in town, my friend Jess. So like I went to go see her Friday night and we ended up watching some love is blind. So I said Jess, I thought you meant Jess from love is blind. Oh yeah. And I was like, Oh, she was in your town. He saw her.

All I think about is love's blind. Casual. Yeah. No, my, my friends. So I've been like catching up with people watching and I really feel like I'm getting everyone involved this, this go round. I love it. It's a, it's the season is insane. I know I'm ready to talk about it. It's a good season and listen, I watched with my mom. So obviously mom had some thoughts and I have to agree with her and I've seen this in social media too. So I can't wait to touch about on this point that I want to talk about when we get to everything, but, um, I people are chatting about it.

People are chatting. People are, people have thoughts. Yeah. And you watch with Martin, right? Yes. Wait, sorry. I just cut you off. Do you have any updates? Cause I thought you said you had like a dentist story or something. Are we just not that was from like a month ago and I never talked about it because I was like, it was funnier in the moment. It's not really funny when I retell it. Okay. Well in the,

And the show notes, it like showed that it was for this week. Oh, okay. I saw it and I was like, wait, why is she talking about the dentist? Cause I was pretty sure. This so confusing. Well, I got confused. There we go. I tried to be early. I tried to prep and I'm just not even on script. That was on me. That was on me. Um, wait, okay. Let's, let's just dive in. Yeah. But first you watch with Martin. Yes, I do. Yeah. That's nice.

Glad we Talked (04:41.198)
I sense a little. I have to beg Mitch to watch with me. He's not into it. No, literally I went and froze my ass off at an outdoor hockey game until midnight and in order for me to get a day to watch Love is Blind with him. Oh, so you were like, if I do this, you need to watch three hours of Love is Blind for me. I didn't originally do that, but it definitely was leverage for the next day when I was like, we need to watch Love is Blind because he won't watch it with me. It makes me uncomfortable.

Okay. So once he watched it, was he like into it? He gets invested. Okay. That's good. That's what you want. I was listening to another podcast this morning, um, with Bradley Cooper as a guest, armchair expert. You know, I love arm trigger expert. Yeah. Yeah. Um, and he was talking about his obsession with love is blind too. I mean, I don't think there's a person on the planet right now, like not watching. It's actually insane. Everyone should watch including Mitch, including Mitch.

All right. So we're going to go couple by couple. Yeah, let's do it. Okay. Should we start right off the back common hot Chelsea and Jimmy, Chelsea and Jimmy, Megan Fox and Christian McCaffrey. Who the hell is Christian? He's an NFL player, football, football player. Um, every like M G K or like Christian. I'm like, who's that? No, no, no sports. You can't just drop sports on me out of nowhere.

Well, I was giving his look alike. I was like, like, apparently I saw it online today. They're like, yeah, I guess they're trying to level the playing field now where they're like, okay, so homegirls said she looks like Megan Vaux and that they're like, but, but, but he said he looked like Christian McCaffrey. Give me your thoughts. Okay. You want me to give you your thoughts? Yeah. Give me your thoughts. Guys. This might be like a three hour episode. I know. I don't know how long this is going to be. We can't tell you. So I don't want to give any spoilers. So if you haven't watched that, no, no, no, no.

Spoilers spoiler alert. We're going to talk through episode six or nine. This is what I was going to say. If you haven't watched, just don't listen to us today. Listen to us after, okay. We cannot be responsible. This is a, this is your warning. We are not responsible for ruining love is blind for you. If you haven't watched yet. Yeah, this is your last chance to turn it off. Netflix gave you the time. So episodes were dropping. You should have put it in your calendar.

Glad we Talked (07:05.87)
Prioritize. Okay. So it's not on us. If I'm not up to date, why don't you all spend your weekends watching reality TV? Like I do. Yeah. Or just like, you know, wake up early. I don't know, fit in into your routine, but it's not on us. We're just doing what we want to do. Okay. So now that we've gotten that out of the way, I literally was like, no, you're like, no, I'm agreeing with you. I am. I am. I just, I want to make sure the friends know. Yeah. We're giving them fair warning. Yes. Okay.

So with that in mind, uh, I really didn't want to like Jimmy. Hmm. You're starting to like him. Well, you know, social media plays a big part in this. I mean, he didn't do a great job leading up and everything with a grain of salt because it is edited. So we're only getting what the editor's cut is and what they think is great. Um, and makes good television. Obviously at the end of the day, this is television and they're painting him out to be someone.

And they're giving you this, like the snippets to think he's someone. And then I'm pleasantly surprised in the episodes when I find out he's not who I thought. I thought I thought he was. Who did you think he was? I thought he was the guy that heard Megan Fox and was like, Oh, and I mean, he was, he, he reacted. He was like, Oh, Megan Fox. And this is where my mom's thing comes into play. She and I both agree that you shouldn't be telling people in the pods.

what you look like. No, absolutely not. It's against the premise. So what the hell is going on with like the people running the show? Yeah, like they should have put a stop to it. Yeah, they should have been kicked out. No love for you. If I am telling someone what I look like, I'm telling them I'm a soft two. I'm not going in like 10 out of 10. I'm not like 10 out of 10 like I'm Megan Fox. Undersell, overdeliver. Like don't go in hot. I'm not Beyonce. I'm telling them I'm a two.

I think she knew what she was doing though. Like, yeah, but then it was just disappointing. Like how do you come off Megan Fox? You know, she brought up the point. They were trying to change conversation and she like kind of had that lined up. She was like, so what celebrity do you think you look like? She was ready to tell him. Yeah. And it was like, I would not think of that. Like if you, if you hadn't heard a good celebrity, you wouldn't have thought of that. And I probably wouldn't have asked, like, I can't name a celebrity I look like. Can you?

Glad we Talked (09:33.102)
Um, yeah, but like no one knows them who some girl from all -american that my friend thinks I look like oh we've talked about this on the podcast before and I'm like I think maybe I could be mistaken from SJP if you were like negative Like you can't see anything and her glasses are off and my hair is curly. She's not a sex icon though So whatever if you said you look SJP, she's like an average looking woman Megan Fox is a literal sex icon

Like people look to her as like one of the hottest girl, like the universally hot celebrity. She's, she was that. Yeah. And Chelsea's like, I look like MGK's girlfriend or wife. Who is she? I don't know. Yeah. She brought it up. Like she She did. She was doing, yeah, she knew what she was doing. She knew she had a good celebrity lined up. She knew that it was hot. It was flattering. Then she went back and said like, Oh, but like other people have said it, not me. It's just because I have dark eyes and big boobs and.

light eye, like dark, dark hair, light eyes, big boobs. She's of herself that like I'm hot, like, oh, I have blue eyes and dark hair and big, like, yeah, she's painting this picture that she's like really hot. I don't know if she, I would say really hot because she did say I kind of look like it's only because I have dark hair, light eyes, big boobs, but the big boobs, I guess is the hot. No, if you hear light eyes, dark hair, big boobs, you're, you're like, Ooh, sounds hot to me. I don't know. I could also see Zoe DeChanel, but I wouldn't categorize Zoe DeChanel as hot. I would say she's like,

beautiful. Like she's pretty. I guess pretty. I would say Zoe Deschanel is pretty, you know? Yeah. But when you put Megan Fox next to dark hair, light eyes, big boobs, you have a very specific picture. Honestly, the best part of that whole thing to come out is the internet. Like the internet is just, it's like the content coming out of this one line she did is just really, it's slithering. I feel bad for her. I do. Like on one hand, I feel bad.

because it like people are coming at her. It's all in the news. Everyone's talking about it. She probably didn't think she just thought she was going to get a boyfriend, husband, whatever out of this and then she was like, Oh yeah, nothing's going to happen. And now we've taken it and we're like running for days. Like you do not look like Megan Fox, like no, let her live. It's out. She is handling it really well though. Like she's laughing at herself. Like I don't know if you've seen her social, but she's been laughing at herself. I have, she's like, you know, any of those people that said I look like her that now would be a good time.

Glad we Talked (11:58.574)
I'm like, honey, those are people on a flight. They don't remember you. They just said it like in passing, like, does she? Well, there are some people online who are like, I see it and I don't know if they're just trying to rile everybody up. Mitch watched that episode with me briefly and I asked him, so we were sitting on the couch and I asked him, do you think you can see that she looks like Megan Fox? And he was like, yeah, from that angle. But then like the whole rest of the episode, I'm like trying to see what he sees. And I'm like, don't say it. Like maybe in a glimpse of like a.

Like she's turning her head really fast. You know, no, I don't. I'm sorry. I don't know. It is what it is though. Has Megan Fox said anything about this? Megan Fox has not. The real Megan Fox has not set up silence. She was defending herself in a picture, I guess, from the Superbowl parties with MGK and Taylor Swift and Travis Kelsey.

She has other things to deal with. Yeah. She's like, she's like defending herself from like being like, no, this is actually what I look like. It's like, no, like this is my life. Yeah. And then, so they go to Mexico. So first of all, I think Jimmy, when they came out, looked a little disappointed. And then, and then it's just silence and just him in the confessional, like, so she lied to me. Yeah.

Like that's what you get for putting all your stakes in her looking like Megan Fox. I knew. Yeah, exactly. You know, in that moment that he was really relying on her looking like Megan Fox. He was disappointed. Um, but they went to Mexico and what I want to mention from Mexico is the fight that they had in the hotel room. Cause I feel like that is kind of when I started being team Jimmy a little bit and not that I'm team Jimmy by any means I'm actually team Jess, but you're none of them.

I was like really mad at him in the pods and then I kind of fell for him in Mexico because I do feel like Chelsea is very insecure. Yeah. And I think she was putting a lot of her insecurities on him in Mexico. Yeah. And that fight that they had kind of like wasn't really fair. No. And the fight at home wasn't fair either. Oh my God. That was insane. Yeah. Fight at home. I was watching it with my friend Jess, not just from love is blind.

Glad we Talked (14:04.078)
And I just felt like he was doing a good job. Like I think he was trying to take note of her feelings and really had been handling the situation well, especially like being like, not really addressing it head on that she didn't say who she looked like and just, you know, he's kind of letting her be who she wants to be around him. And that person is very insecure and using other ways to feel secure in the relationship, like, you know, physical, physical relationship and whatever.

And so he's just kind of like holding it up. And then I think in that moment, he just let it out, you know, he was like, okay, fine. You want to talk about this? Let's talk about it. Yeah, no, I only think it's crazy because of the one comment he made because she was like, we had sex earlier. And he was like, he's like, yeah, I knew initiated it. I was like, I would be deceased. Like if someone was like, if someone came to me and was like, I didn't even want to have sex with you. Like you basically initiated it and I did it because you wanted it. I would, I would leave and never come back.

Like goodbye me. I don't know. I was like, I was like, that is an insane comment. I didn't think it was insane. I think he had the right to be like, I'm, you know, I just, I need some space. Like I can tell like if she's get like, she's giving so much to him and like, listen, that's, that's on her. I'm sorry. Like she's insecure and she's like, she's putting so much out there and trying to impress him almost, I think, and being like that, you don't think if someone said to you,

I didn't even want to have sex with you before. You wouldn't be a little bit like, okay. I just think that I listen, I think I've been in relationships where I've put so much effort and time into making sure someone else was happy. Like being around all the time, making sure that like they, I felt like they knew that I wanted to be with them and whatever that I've put so much effort into someone else and not giving them the space.

And I can see like if you're doing that, if you're being around someone so much and like he's just trying to work. I think this comes with maturity and security in a relationship too, that you can see like that can be smothering a little bit. So like, you know, I think, I get that part. Like she was being smothering and like, he's like, I can't like hang out with you all day while I'm working. I just thought it was crazy that like that one specific other. And then later he was like, I didn't even want to do that. Like that's an insane thing to say to your fiance. I think.

Glad we Talked (16:28.494)
Personally like I understand all of the smothering I understand all of that like he can't like work and give you like kisses all day Like I totally get back. I I just like they were like debating on the number of kisses It's like she didn't even count the ones he's like I did though. It's just like I think you too. Yeah I'm like that's how it sounded so juvenile like they were counting the kisses and everything. I'm like, yeah, I don't I don't know. No, I do I am

I am a little bit more on his side with the arguments. I do think that she is very insecure and I am on his side more. I just think that that one comment about sleeping together was crazy. Don't do it then. Why are you doing it if you don't want to do it? Yeah, but he probably doesn't also want to upset her. You are defending with Jimmy way too much. I just can see from his side. I feel like I should be more pro Chelsea. I was able to empathize with him.

because I don't think, I think our initial reaction is to always empathize with the woman. I really do. I'm not empathizing with her. I want that to be clear. I know, but even in this specific comment, I'm empathizing with him. I don't think it's that crazy. Like, I think the expectation is like, yeah, if a woman's, I guess that is like he, I think his expectation is, is a woman's throwing yourself at him. He doesn't want to feel bad by rejecting her.

So he doesn't, even though he doesn't necessarily want that in that moment. So he's damned if he does damned up, he doesn't, but then he brings it up later. I don't know. I just think it was weird. I don't know. He just, he, I think he just was like, dude, I don't even know what to tell you. I need to change things. This is what's bothering me. Obviously they don't have a great communication style. Yeah. You know, and I don't think the connection, I think he's really trying.

to make this not get canceled. Listen, I think he's trying to be very PC. Yeah, I think he's trying not to say anything that's gonna get like got him into trouble. I think he's trying to force it a little bit. I think he like really wants it to work. And I think he really liked who she was in the pods. And I think he like came out and maybe isn't as attractive physically as he thought he was going to be. But I think he's forcing a little bit.

Glad we Talked (18:42.571)
Yeah, I know. I agree. I think he's giving it what he has to give and trying it because he's trying to do the experiment and seeing if love is blind, but it's hard. Especially when she doesn't have like a full -time job either. Yeah. What does she do? She's a flight attendant. Remember? She looks like Megan Fox. How could I forget? Like painted this picture. Sorry to bring it back to the pods. She painted this picture of like travel and like she was selling him on other things rather than.

her own like being. I feel like she was selling him on like, oh, I am a flight attendant so we can travel together. This picture of them. Oh, I kind of look like Megan Fox. Like I'll be a hot girlfriend. Like not being like, oh, you know what Jess is doing. I have a daughter. This is who I am. My parents were drug addicts. I had a, I grew up in foster care. Like really, really hitting the notes on who she is by her experiences of living.

I have thousand percent agree. Like to bring it back to just to like when she brought up obviously her daughter and like all these experiences, Jimmy's like, Oh, I love you for sharing that. But I don't actually know if he did. And I feel like he almost like used it against her and like subconsciously, like I just feel like in the end he was like, well, I have this like fun travel life with Chelsea. And like you said, like she looks like Megan Fox and all this stuff. And like to him, maybe he wasn't ready to settle down and be like a stepdad, which is totally fine. Right. But I think

It's you're right Chelsea painted a picture for him and like I don't think she was like fully honest in the pods about like some of her struggles and maybe some of her things that she deals with because she came out of the pods and Immediately, I feel like was like not this like fun chill person anymore all of a sudden She's like calling him out on everything and like is insecure and like needs to be validated every second and like that's not something you talked about in the pods at all, right? and I mean it was going so fast this whole process is so fast and I think like I

Yeah, sure. When you're, when you're comparing, like you said, a picture of travel and fun and versus a picture of like, I'm going to be a stepdad to a 10 year old in like two weeks. Yeah. And with someone you just met, you're going to like go based off of that information and maybe not a thankful picture. And also you're not bringing the outside world in like, so, you know, when they really talk, Nick Lachey, I think interest that he's like, well, work and race and relationship and family dynamics affect this.

Glad we Talked (21:07.659)
couple and living together. That's exactly what happened because like all of a sudden I think Chelsea's real world of like, I'm actually this insecure person when, then when you put other people around me and I'm not just the center of your attention. Like I, I think it let her insecurities out and I can empathize with her insecurities. I get it. Totally. It's, it's not that she's wrong. It's just that I think she needs therapy like the rest of us.

You know who she reminded me of I can't remember and I said it there was that couple and they got divorced They only lasted like a year. It was like two seasons ago It was the oh Danielle and Nick. Yes. Yeah reminds me of Danielle. Oh, yes Yeah, yes, actually like have flashbacks of Danielle like crying in the closet when yeah, yeah hundred percent and I think Jimmy has a little bit more of a Commer to meaner to handle it. I

Like where Nick was like, totally, you know, I do think Jeremy, Jimmy, Oh, Jeremy's another one. Don't get me started. I do think Jimmy is handling it the best he can. Yeah. Or at least trying to, I don't We're going to agree to disagree on that one comment, but I agree if you want everything else. Okay. That's fair. That's fair. Are we speaking about Jess like more specifically? Jess is hot.

And I love Jess and I know it's not about looks, but she's hot AF and I thought it was so funny when she didn't she didn't do it. She didn't mention it when yeah that she didn't mention it. So true. And when Jimmy was like, well, Jeremy came to me and said, Jess looks like a Kardashian. I was like, how did Jeremy even get involved in this? I know. I know. Jeremy's mixed with the pot. Jeremy's like on the side like texting Jimmy like, yo, have you seen Jess? She looks like a Kardashian. I was like,

Mind your business. Jeremy, I can't. Oh my god. He's such a little pot -ster. Yeah. Yeah. Her and Laura, they actually make a good couple based on the shit they stir together in this whole fricking thing. But I did think that was funny. And Jimmy's just like, she followed me. I don't know. All the following stuff is interesting. I know. Because then Jess goes to lunch with Laura and she's like, Jimmy followed me, which he did not say to Chelsea. Right.

Glad we Talked (23:23.435)
He just unfollowed, he just was like, Oh, nevermind. I retract my friend requests. Right. That's so funny. A little sketch, but a little bit. I cannot wait for him to see her. I know it's not about looks. I know it's not. And I'm being shallow, but she is just like probably one of the prettiest people to be on the show. And it's just like, I know Jimmy's a little shallow, so I just feel like it's going to be good. All guys are shallow at some point. Like they do want.

You know what I mean? Like maybe I'm not gonna say all, but like, no, I mean, I think physical attraction is super important. So I don't blame him. I, that's why I can't wait for him to see Jess. I know she's going to choke. Like she was like, you will choke. Yeah. It's so funny. But this also leads up to a good point of physical attraction, which brings us to clay and AD. Okay. Tell me your thoughts. Clay said to AD in the pods.

Like he, he told, he's been on a journey. Like I think clay is really developing into a person and he has a lot to battle. We're literally watching him grow before our eyes. But also there's something I still don't trust. Yeah. I mean, and AD knows that she's like, this is the type I usually go for. And, you know, she stood her ground and he was like, I need to be physically attracted to you. Like, this is the type of girl I like. And like, are you that she was like, I'm not going to tell you. So, and I think AD is a real one. I love her. Yeah.

That's what you're supposed to do. Yeah. Chelsea. Yeah. I'm like eight, like 80 got the memo. She's like, this is not based on looks. I'm not telling you anything. Like, obviously I think she did ask Matthew, Matthew, Matthew, how race played a factor into like his family dynamics. That's so important. Yeah. I think that's such a different conversation than like a child, like looks. Yeah. Do you think if you were in the pods, you would ask that question?

I would. Yeah, because I mean, I've briefly touched on how, you my life is affected being an interracial relationship. But like, I just think it plays such a big role in like, like you said, like family. Yeah. If me being the minority in a relationship, like how the other person is able to handle an interracial relationship, because there are some people who've never been in one. Right. So I just think it's kind of an important point to bring up.

Glad we Talked (25:47.179)
to make sure that the person you're going to marry can handle something like that. Yeah. So you think that's fair? Like I think it's fair touching on race. Like I think she did it in a very she did democratic way to where she was like, how does race play a factor? And so she didn't say like, how would it maybe black play a factor in or like give any illusion to what race she was? No, she just mentioned it. Yeah. And I think it was just like a general question, which is also fair. Like you can bring it up generally. She's not saying she's

She's just asking him generally how does how would that work for him? I think it's an important thing to bring up Yeah, no, that's a good point But I'm curious what what about clay like you're like, there's something I still don't trust. I I really do like clay Agreed with you like he has grown and like the person who asked ad like what you look like to like the person he is now I feel like is like very different, but it's just some of the comments he's like making bother like home right now like about

You know, I mean, it's, it's hard cause he's like talking about the role models he's had in his life. And he's like, every role model I've had in my life has cheated on their person, which is hard. Cause he's like, am I going to do that too? And not even like role models because his father was a womanizer. He also mentions like the picture that society has painted of a black man, even in rap music and just different artists. He's like, it is like a womanizer.

It's someone that does have an extra girl on the side or it's someone that is like seeing what else is around. So I think like he painted a very, if we're still talking about painting pictures, like he's very aware of his own struggles and it's like trying to work through that and recognizes like where he's caught between the two. Yeah, I completely agree. I guess it's just like, he's fully not trusting himself. So it's like, how am I supposed to me as a viewer? I think in a way he doesn't.

I don't think he wants to cheat, but it's like a self -fulfilling prophecy. He's like, well, if I do, it's because of, it's because of all this. Yeah. Because of all these external things I told you about. Yeah. And he also, but he's like, I don't want to be that. It's very complicated. They don't need therapists. They do. Love is blind. Love is, there needs to be like a relationship counseling version of this. They need to have relationship counselor, therapist, relationship counselors, like at, like during the pod.

Glad we Talked (28:07.179)
parts. Like there needs to be like a day where they just all go to therapy. Yeah. I think even after like that's actually great. So they, they do the pods, right? Yes. My proposal, they go on their honeymoon. Yes. And before they get married, they're like, okay, you have to go to a couple therapy. Love it. It has to be a session. Love it. That's like the reality. Like, you know, there's things that I told Mitch, you need to go to therapy before we get engaged. It was working, but there were things that he was bringing to the relationship.

that were more self work and I couldn't fix it for him. So I think Clay right now is putting a lot of things on AD like work with me on this. Trust me, like help me. And it's like, okay, you're there to support your partner, but you're not there to fix your partner. And I laughed when, when AD was like, I'm such a fix a hoe or whatever she said. I like her. I think she's, she's really cute and funny. Um,

But yeah, agreed. And like even with Chelsea and Jimmy, like if they went to therapy and maybe Chelsea can hear from an outsider's perspective, a professional opinion, like you're being a little bit unreasonable with these demands that you're putting on him. I think it actually would be like a really good episode if they all did like couples therapy. Like, yeah, I think they should have to go through it because then maybe it strengthens a relationship. I think couples therapy can be good for healthy relationships or.

not healthy or you need to fix something or one person does. Very beneficial. Because that, that lunch or whatever, when AD met Clay's mom, like her, his mom was kind of playing that counselor role where she was like, listen, I was married for 25 years. Granted, my marriage didn't work out, but this is what you have to do and you have to listen to that. And she saw both sides. Yeah. I mean, great to meet the moms, but also bring in some professionals. Totally. So, um,

Yeah, that's our that's our advice Netflix. I'm gonna take it really bad. Yeah. Okay, who else is there? Um, you just said Laura and Jeremy. Yeah. So Jeremy, I feel like I'm what I feel like relieving the couple that we think we're gonna make it for last. Yeah, we don't have much to say. But yeah, um, Laura and Jerry, Jerry me. Jerry me. His name would like an extra letter somewhere. He does.

Glad we Talked (30:25.643)
Yeah. I think Jeremy's just a funny name to like spell out. It always looks funny. I like that name. It's a good name. Um, so they're just a couple that like bickers a lot. Um, but I do think she is a little bit, I don't want to say like mean, but she's just like,

She kind of puts him down a little bit. Like I don't think she like builds his confidence much. Like I think ever since they came out of the pods, they have this like fun banter, but sometimes she like takes it a step too far. Like the Hawaiian shirt. She like won't shut up about the shirt. So I'm like, get over it. Like if you, if you love him, then take it or leave it and stop talking about it. Like she's, she even brought it up to her family. I'm like, that's so unnecessary. The sister was so good though. She was like, listen, if he likes it, let him like it. You got to pick your battles girl. Yeah. She reminds me of, uh,

Crap, who was the one last season?

The one that was like finances, finances, finances, like, wait. Oh, Stacey Stacey Stacey and Izzy. Yes. Stacey and Izzy. Oh my gosh. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. I see. And like Izzy was just, Hey, listen, we'll get into Jeremy in a second. We can rip him one. Oh yeah. A hundred percent. Um, Izzy was kind of like being the man that he wanted.

in trying to be who she wanted. And she just was kind of like, you have to fit the mold or you don't. And this is what it is. And I feel like that's the same with Laura. She's kind of like, you have to change for me or it's not going to work. And that's not fair to him. Like obviously, like if he can't be who he wants to be. Also, he was like, I have dust bunny, whatever the dusters running my house is pristine. And then she's like judging him for it. I'm like, he told you she like, won't let him just be him. And I think she like,

Glad we Talked (32:11.051)
She makes these little comments and these little digs, but like, I don't think they're funny. Like, they're just what remember when she was like, I, my pet peeve is like feeling like I'm going to be embarrassed by my partner. Oh, she said that. Yeah. And Mexico. And then she was the one that was like that this was after. So this was when they had their first fight when she told to do the scoop and dupe or whatever. Yeah. The bean dip. Yeah. And I was, I was kind of like, why would she do that? And then she tried to put it on him.

Right. And I was like, why would you say that as a joke? He was like, well, I didn't know it was a secret. Like I was just saying it as a joke. Like you did gaslighting gaslighting. She got the shit on him. And then the next day she was like, yeah, my, like my insecurity or my biggest fear is that like my partner's going to embarrass me. I'm like, you set him up for that. You embarrassed him. Yeah. He was like, how do I handle this? Then you gaslight him. And he was like, okay, so I guess I embarrassed her based on what she said, but I was kind of trying to like,

process what she's told me to do. He's like, I should have never said anything. She knows the shit stir in the fucking pods. When the girls went back, she went right over to Jess and was like, you should leave. I was like, okay, are you going to tell her why? She's like, just trust me. You need to go. And Jess was like, but why? She's like, just go. It's like, who are you? Can you say more? I don't like, I, Laura makes me mad. I know me too. I know me too.

I've been seeing a lot of love for her online and I'm gonna say I'm not on the love train. I will say how she handled the situation with Jeremy in the last episode with the Sarayan thing, which we can talk about, I do think she handled that well. I thought she would have ripped him a new one. I thought she would have been so mean and so disrespectful and she actually was very mature. But before all of that happened and we knew Jeremy was a piece of crap, I don't think she was like.

being the nicest version of herself. She wasn't being the best version of herself and she certainly wasn't bringing out a good version of Jeremy. So do you think if Laura had been more of the, an accepting person, not trying to change Jeremy, like let him have his Hawaiian shirts, wasn't trying to like kind of nag him and bring him down. Do you think he would even be enticed by Sarah Ann? I don't know because I don't ever want to be like, Oh, well she shouldn't have done that. And then he wouldn't cheat on her.

Glad we Talked (34:32.875)
Cause like there should never be like any, I guess, reasoning for what he did. Um, but I do think he should have had a conversation with her prior because I think he was kind of feeling a certain way and just like, wasn't voicing it. Yeah. She was knocking his confidence a lot. Yeah. And Sarah Ann was probably like this hot thing, like, Oh my God, you're so hot. You look so good. Blah, blah, blah. And he's like, Oh, feeling like a big guy. Yeah. Do you think that he messaged Sarah Ann first?

No, I mean they showed that she she reached out to him first. Yeah, and he was being transparent. I mean he was like, hey But I wouldn't have hearted it either and they like what the sister was like, yeah, why'd you heart it? And he was like, I just acknowledging it The people please hear me understands that like you're like, yeah, it's fine. I got that Like I see it but I'm not gonna acknowledge it. I was like, yes makes perfect sense. Yeah Um, so I was listening to this other podcast. I wasn't listening. I saw it on

on Instagram. Yeah. So remember deep D and Natalie from like two seasons ago, they have a podcast, they have a podcast about love is blind. And they were talking about how Jeremy got caught. And it's because he shared his location with Laura and left his phone in the car in the parking lot. And then once a Sarah's, but he had an Apple watch on. So he like had his look, like if you have an Apple watch for your location updates, but he obviously didn't know that because he was like, I shared my location. I shared my location, but.

He left his phone on the car on purpose. They have insider information. Wait, what? Yeah. So he left his phone in the parking lot. That's why he kept bringing it up, like trying to sound like he was like being a good guy. And then that's how at the end she caught him and was like, well, I actually know that you were uptown. And he was probably like, how the heck does she know that? Apple watch. Oh, well, there you go. If you're going to cheat, don't wear an apple watch. If you're going to cheat, leave the apple watch and the phone behind. Oh my God. Guys are so dumb.

The fact that it didn't even cross his mind. He was just like, this is fine. I have so much to say. Like he shouldn't, he does when I think like if, as soon as you are enticed, you just say that's your turning point, right? He actually talked about having a torrent training point. He was like, I could have turned around and I said, no, like, no, that's when you should have turned around. So that was over. What did he say?

Glad we Talked (36:55.115)
He was like, oh, the point changed a few times. Like they were going here and then they were going there. And then like someone was like, oh, by the way, Sarah Ann's going to be at this place. And then he was like, and I thought, should I not go? And he's like, fuck it. I don't care. I'm not going to let someone else dictate what I do. Yeah. And then the more the net net of the story is who knows if we can't even trust him now. He's just a liar. He's a liar. So it could have just been Sarah and that he was meeting. There might not have even been any guys. So, so, you know, say really.

And I was like I liked him I know I was I was definitely like more team Jeremy than team Laura, but now I'm like I know this is messy Jeremy Now if Laura's mean to him now she has a reason to be yeah I don't want to I don't want to root for that because I was not on Laura's side before I know well, I don't know I just I don't Neither of them now. I was I was hoping now. I'm just like whatever I'm over it. Yeah, that's fair. I

Now, do you think next episode, do you think that it's Chelsea yelling at Jeremy or do you think that it's Chelsea yelling at Jimmy that he knows that she, he hooked up with Jess? I don't think Jess would do that. You don't think that Jess would hook up with Jimmy? No. Do you? I don't know. I don't know anything anymore. Everyone's just all over the place.

Really? Like what is what? Yeah. I like the everything I think I know is just wrong. Yeah, that's fair. Wrong. Um, I don't know. I just, I feel like Jess has a lot of respect for herself and I think I'm not saying she wouldn't go back to Jimmy. Like I think that's a possibility. I just don't know if she would do that while he's still dating Chelsea. Yeah. So you think so you think Chelsea's yelling at Jeremy? Probably. But why is Chelsea crying? I don't know.

Unless Chelsea's like insecure and she's just like, I know you did this. And like, he's like, I was literally like home at 10. She's like, I know what you're doing. He was going to see Sarah Ann and I just was home. He's like, wait, what? I was working. I told you I had a meeting at three 30. He's like, not this again. Yeah.

Glad we Talked (39:17.675)
I mean, I don't know. Maybe Chelsea's just like that type of friend that cries for her friends. Maybe. I just didn't know she was close to Laura. Laura. I guess we'll see. Yeah. Unless it also like was her yelling and not her voice. Like maybe they put Laura's voice over it, but you think it's Chelsea. I don't know. These editors, man. I know they really get you. So much. Okay. So then that leaves us with. Brenny and Ken. Two couples.

I was really sad about that. I was rooting for them. I was rooting for them too. Yeah. I really liked them. Yeah. I was just amazed by the two of them as individuals. Like they are so young and so well spoken and just aware of their own presence in the world and what piece they want to be a part of it. That's beautiful. Thank you. That was really nice. Wow. I was really impressed by them. That is so nice. Yeah.

And I think like they brought like really good sides out of each other. I think it all turned when they got home, like Ken was like glued to his phone. That was insane. Um, because of that, like she started to feel like maybe they weren't connecting. I don't know what it was. I think there's probably a few things. So number one is the phone. I do think that that kind of roll into it. And he was very like excited to be back.

with the school and working. He has such principal energy. Like, why are you so freaking adorable? He's so cute. I really respect him. Yeah. Especially how he handled the breakup with Brittany. I think also the second part of it is that Brittany is waiting until marriage. And I think that intimacy was weird. Even like it just like kissing and stuff because I think, and I don't know.

like what their relationship is. And I can't speak for Brittany, but like I could see where it might be this tension point where you're not sure where in a navigate what you're comfortable with, especially going from a situation like the pods where it's like all emotional and then you're like, I don't know. Like I'm sure Ken was trying to be respectful of boundaries and she might depend. I don't know anything about her.

Glad we Talked (41:40.107)
side of like intimacy, but I think that could have been a factor. Yeah. And I mean, she did make a good point though. She was like, I want to at least have the desire of like, I can't wait till our wedding day so that I can sleep with you. Like she was kind of like, I'm not feeling that at all, which is such a good point. Like just because you're not sleeping together, it doesn't mean you don't have that like innate drive to like want someone. And I think she like, wasn't getting that at all, which was like very insightful for her to see. Um, but you're right. Like maybe Ken was like,

very nervous about boundaries. Like he didn't want to cross the line and he said that many times. He's like, I'm a respectful man. If you say no, it's no, like I'm not going to, at the end of the day, these people are in love, but they don't know each other. Like they know each other from a wall, but like they don't know that each other in and out. So it's like for him, he's like, I'm not going to like force myself on you. Like what, you know what I mean? Yeah. And they, they might not be having those deeper conversations anymore because the pods you're like, I need to know what I need to like,

form this emotional connection and I really want to get into these deep things. And then you go back into the real world and it's like, are you still having those conversations, deep conversations that you were once, once like intrigued by and really excited about in this person? Like you might be saying, what do you want to watch on TV or Hey, can you take the dog for a walk? It's not like, what do you think about your love language? And you're not doing that anymore. First of all, love language, they should talk more about that in the pods, but.

I think that would like help a lot of couples on the outside. But I do think also that editors are so intentional sometimes with what they show and like the thing on the boat where they were like sitting in silence and like she was like trying to start conversation and it was just like awkward silence. I feel like that was like intentional to kind of show like their, their chemistry kind of shifted a little bit. I agree with you because that was definitely a moment where I was like, what's happening here? Cause we were rooting for them. And then that moment was like kind of like a weird turning point where you start to see a little bit of the cracks.

But you could also sit in silence. Like maybe it was a completely normal moment. She looks so uncomfortable though. Yeah, I know. She didn't look, it wasn't like a comfortable silent moment. I think it was like maybe an introvert extrovert case. Yeah. You know, she did seem a little bit more extroverted and like to be like talking and he was more reserved on his phone. You know? Yeah. One thing I want to say about that couple is I really appreciated the conversation that AD brought up with Ken.

Glad we Talked (44:05.387)
on the beach about the kids thing. I don't know if some people maybe thought she was like overstepping, but I actually kind of appreciated that she brought that to his attention. And I like how Brittany handled it as well. She was like, I just want to make sure she's coming to you from a good place and not a place of like, she can't handle this, but more of a place of like, I hope you guys got this together, which I thought was just like, everyone just handled it really well. I thought that was a good moment too. Yeah. I'm glad they showed that. I liked that conversation.

Me too. And Brittany seemed very confident in supporting a biracial relationship too. So I was happy that they talked about this and gave it the time. Yeah. The attention it needed. Cause I don't know. I feel like there've been interracial couples in the past, like Lauren and Cameron and like, Oh, geez. I love them. They're so my favorite. I don't know if that conversation in particular has ever really been brought up. So I don't know. I kind of, I'm glad that they brought it up because.

I mean, it's true, like raising black kids in America is not easy. So I don't know. I just thought it was important. Okay. Are we done with them? Yeah. I mean, there's not much to say. I wish I wish them both the best. That's kind of sad. Yeah. Too gone too soon. They were. Um, okay. Last one, not least. Amy and Johnny. I mean, they're like the cutest couple. Johnny Ryan's may have a golden retriever. Yeah.

And Amy is like the dog from Lady and the Tramp. Okay. I can't remember. She's lady. Like she's pretty, you know what I mean? She's pretty. Like I like her. She's well, maybe not Lady and the Tramp, but I just see Johnny as a golden retriever and Amy's just like a really beautiful soul and like happy. Yeah. I was going to say like, I do love them. I thought in the pods, I don't know if it was editing again.

But we need a, we know, we need, we need a behind the scenes, like after the season, you know how they have that love is blind reunion. They need like a behind the scenes with the editors. Yes. Like what they edited out. This bothers me. This bothered me on this show and this bothers me on the bachelor all the time. And I don't know what it is, but for some reason I noticed when people don't ask questions to the other person. So like, I just felt like in the pods.

Glad we Talked (46:28.619)
Johnny was asking Amy all these questions. She talked about herself so much and I was like, I don't even feel like I know Johnny because I don't feel like she really asked him that many questions. Oh, I know everything about Johnny. What do you know? Johnny's from New Jersey. Obviously I was like, Oh, you're a Mitch. And, and I was like, this makes so much sense. Like I saw Johnny, it was like, I liked Johnny. And then I was like, Oh, okay. I see. Um, he grew up in a, a very big household apparently with sisters.

Okay, that's all like that's all like so they shared a bathroom That's all like so baseline those to talk about your childhood and where you grew up I'm saying like deeper quiet like I feel like Amy really we got to know a lot of her in the pods Her brother, her brother. Yeah, like all that stuff like we learned so much about her I just don't know if and they could have edited out and maybe his wasn't as interesting as hers I just felt like I didn't see her asking him as many questions is all that's fair, but

as they got out of the pods, I was like, Oh no, it seems a little bit more two sided now. So it could have been editing. Yeah. I, now that you put it that way, I understand. I just really know Johnny's family and that he's from New Jersey and he has siblings. So standard, I think that paints a bit enough of a picture for me. I'm like, I got the type. You know what I mean? I'm like, I got it. Nailed it. Okay. I did like this one scene that they had where Johnny was playing with the chessboard.

And he was like, Johnny, you're such a smart man. And he was like by himself. I don't know why I thought I was. Oh, it was just, it was very brief. Um, but I thought you're funny. I, he, he, I moments like that. Yeah. I think he enjoys. What I think about Johnny is he's a good time. He likes to have a good time. He's your friend. Like you could see him in your circle of friends. Like he's Mitch's friend for sure. Definitely. Yeah, definitely. Yeah. I actually, uh,

Christy's cousin is friends with him and apparently she was like in the finale of the season. What? You're just telling me this? I just found out like an hour ago. Wait, like how close friends? Like she was at the wedding.

Glad we Talked (48:36.843)
Why wasn't Chrissy telling us this? I don't know. I'm Chrissy. What the heck? We were just talking about it and like our group talks and she was like, Oh yeah. Did I tell you guys that my cousin's friends with him? I was like, no. Yeah. This also feels very Chrissy. Like you could say, Oh, by the way. Um, so yeah. And what do you think about, does she know anything else? I didn't ask. I don't want to spoilers.

Wait, can her friend come on the podcast and be like, what was the experience like? It's her cousin, but her cousin. Can her cousin come on and be like, we just want to like, it was fine. It was a wedding. You just want all the inside secrets of love is blind. I just want to know what it was like, like what, like leading up to it, what they have you do. Like she kind of knows, you know, what was, what happened and what was shown. What do you think about him thinking all women are in birth control?

That was where I was like, Johnny, you fricking golden retriever, you. Turned into a little chihuahua. I don't know what's happening in the state of New Jersey, but their sex education program needs some help. That's all I'm gonna say. That wasn't good. You know, I think it's a very privileged white male mentality that...

All women are on birth control, right? That's just what happens if you're a woman that when you turn, when you get your period, they're like, here, 10 pound pads. And when you turn 18, here's birth control. Like that's what it is, you know? And it's just, I don't know. I think that there might not have been enough education. I can't really speak to his upbringing, but it made me, it's sad that I'm not surprised. Yeah, it didn't really.

When he said it, I wasn't in that moment like, I was just like, of course he thinks that. And then I just brushed it off. I was like, classic. This is just men. So it wasn't surprising to me until I saw something about it online later that was bashing him basically about it. And I don't think he deserves to be bashed. But I was like, oh yeah, I guess that is kind of crappy for him to think that, especially with all the things that women have been saying lately about birth control and their mental health and like,

Glad we Talked (50:58.379)
I don't know. It's like we have so much access and like, but we have access and it's like, he, it's not his, he's not paying attention to it. Yeah. You know what I mean? Like we know because we're women and that's the reality. There's information out there now. It just seems crazy to still think that way. I guess we know because we're women. Yeah. Not if it doesn't affect men sometimes they're not paying attention to it. You know, and I'm not, I like Johnny, I'm not trying to talk bad or poorly about him, but

You know, I think that's a result of our society where it's very male dominated and privileged where you're giving what your solution is not affecting me. And you know, when she brings up, when she brings up the vasectomy, I was also like, this seems uneducated. Like, I'm like, I'm upset about that too. Right. So I'm like, you two should be going.

Yeah, yeah, I was like this is not what is happening one of yous like just snip it and other ones like putting hormones in your body like There's like other ways, you know what I mean? Like just maybe you guys should not be having sex period Okay, so a couple of therapy and sex ed classes wait I totally forgot that she brought that up and I was kind of like I remember having a visceral reaction to that because I was like if they want kids in the future like I know it's reversible but like

You just never know with something very risky. It's so risky if you want kids. Yeah, I don't know. That's kind of wild to just be like, he should get a vasectomy. She's like, she should be on birth control. Is this your guys downfall? Like what's going on? You guys need to read some books. Go to a doctor. Like I don't go to a doctor, talk to someone, go on tick tock and type in birth control and vasectomies. Like I don't even know at this point.

I don't know. I just like this, that whole conversation. I was like, you gotta, you guys have to go talk to someone. That was insane. Yeah. So I mean, on one hand, I do think he's like thinking, okay, there are, there is a solution. I think her solution is a little bit more drastic and her solutions wild. Yeah. I think they just need to talk. Like I'm sure they figure this out, but yeah, I kind of want to be like, have you guys considered?

Glad we Talked (53:13.835)
There's a temperature thing you guys can do, track your population naturally. I'm going to be like offering up solutions. Trojan's going to sponsor Love is Blind next year. Literally. That was crazy. Speaking of sponsors, wait, do you think they get married? I do. I mean, after all this, who the hell knows? But I am more on like the, yeah, I think they say yes.

I also thought it was funny. He was like, I want to save everything. Oh, he said that he was like, I want to save as much as I can. And so I can retire at 50. Oh, money. I think I don't like his body.

Glad we Talked (53:59.723)
I was like, he said that Johnny from New Jersey, pretty sure. Yeah. Pretty sure. I saw him at the club. I definitely saw him at DJs once. Yeah. No, um, he was saying like, he wants to save so much money so he can retire young, which like good for him, but I'm wondering how drastic it is. Like based on his thought that like all women are like born with birth control.

I'm wondering like how much he's like, I'm going to, if he's guy that's like, I'm going to eat peanut butter and jelly for the rest of my life and wear one t -shirt, you know? Probably. I mean, good for him. I really commend people who can think like that because that's like the opposite of me. Um, but I thought it was like crazy that they were both ready to buy a house and they're like, let's just combine our income. I'm like, oh, great for you guys. Just freaking ready to buy a house. Both of you like what, in what world? They're in Charlotte. That's true.

Also, when she was like, these are my crystals. Yeah. She was like, throw the flag. I'm like, Johnny, pretty sure she doesn't know that reference. What was the reference? Like in football, you flow the flag when like the play's done. Oh yeah. I didn't know that either. Oh yeah. I was like, I kind of thought that I was like, Chanel doesn't know what's happening. I was like, cool, cool. Yeah. You're like, okay, throw the flag. That was funny, Johnny. Yeah. So we'll see what, what couples do you think?

Okay, do your bets now. Okay, you think makes it out married.

Chelsea and Jimmy for sure. No, I'm just kidding. You think they get married? No, I'm just kidding. I don't even think they make it to the altar to be honest. Oh really? Yeah. I think I saw a clip where she was in a dress, but that could be from her trying on things. I don't know. Oh true. Okay. Couples I think say yes. AD and Clay and Amy and Johnny. Okay. What do you think?

Glad we Talked (55:50.315)
I really think it's only Amy and Johnny. Okay. Honestly. Yeah. Yeah. AD and clay is honestly a 50 50 for me. I just want it to be like bold. You know, I want it to work. I do want it to work for them, but I'm wondering if AD is going to be like, you know what? You have some things to work through. I need, you need to grow and like she's, she's grown and I think he needs to grow. And I don't know if she wants to sit around for it. You're right. You're so right.

You know, I see that. That's it. So I I'm rooting for them, but I don't I don't know. I'm going to go bold and say they say yes, but I I kind of agree with you. So I feel like they won't. But yeah, our two golden retrievers are going to go have a million kids. Johnny's going to be like, so we have like 15 children. Who's the other one? Who's the other golden? I just think they're both golden retrievers at this point. Yeah, you know, they're cute, though. I guess that's all I guess. That's everybody. Yeah, that's everyone. I did want to say that I saw earlier.

Well, actually, there's two things that I want to touch on. Okay. One is Matthew. Yeah. Matthew. What fucking psycho. No, honestly, he's a serial killer. Like there's no other solution. Unless the editors also did this, where they like edited him into this person. But I was like, you are psychotic. You are sociopathic. When Clay found out, AD was talking to him. His reaction was insane.

I love it so much. He was like, Matthew. He was like, first he was like, who's Matthew? I know he was like, I don't even know Matthew. And then he was like, what? It was like, wait, I do know Matthew. And that is not the Matthew I want to know. And she was kind of upset with him for getting angry. And maybe he was more angry and that or took it out. But I was kind of like, no, I would have that response to like, are you fricking kidding me? I know. I know. He's like,

We're not the same. So if you like him, you don't like me. He was like 80. You're going to regret that. I can promise you that. I can do like, that was so insane. I do feel bad. I feel bad for Matthew. Cause like, yeah, you know, I just feel bad, but do I, I do, but what are her intentions? What, what did he want? He was trying to get two women to leave. What was his intention? Was it to manipulate the situation to get two women to leave? Did he not want it? Did he want to end up in a relationship and didn't want to have to propose? So he thought that they can like,

Glad we Talked (58:13.803)
go leave the show and get engaged or like date instead of getting married? Like what was, what was his end goal? I want to know that. He really said his end goal. Did he? He kind of got caught and was like, I'm going to go. Yeah. And I thought it was weird when he was like, America's watching and it's like, are you doing it for TV? He was like acting. He's like, America's on my side. It was like, um, sir, I'm in America. I'm not on your side.

Also, I really want Matthew's therapist to step up like I think she deserves like some I know what's like have one I don't know mmm good point. I don't know it is patient client confidentiality, but He was a weird dude. I feel for him, but he was weird. Yeah, so that that's Matthew is the second one Trevor. Oh Yes, Trevor I love Trevor. I we didn't touch on him with Chelsea, but I I really thought they were like such a better

match a hundred percent. And I think Trevor really saw Chelsea for Chelsea. Agreed. You know, he wasn't like, Oh, you're a flight attendant. Great. We can travel. He wasn't, they were laughing together and that's more important than what you look like, what you can promise someone. They were just genuinely laughing together. Like sure. He talked about his mullet, but like he just was being himself. And I think Chelsea was being herself and I don't know why she

I don't know why. I didn't think she was going to go for Jimmy. I really didn't. I thought she was going to go for Trevor. I thought, I thought they had better chemistry, so much better conversation. Like I just thought it was really weird that she ended up going with Jimmy and like Trevor was just so sweet. And like in the end you're just like rooting for him. I'm just like Jess and Trevor. Like, I don't know. The dog thing though was a little weird. Oh, I, he did a tick tock about it. Oh he did. What'd he say? It's actually really sad.

I don't know if you're prepared for this. Oh no. So apparently you were supposed to bring something from home that meant a lot. Like they didn't say the backstory of like why they brought him the gifts and the producers told them to bring something from home that meant a lot to you. So he brought that because his dog had cancer at the time of filming. And then by the time he got back home, his dog died. No. I know. It's really freaking depressing. I gave it back.

Glad we Talked (01:00:35.019)
I hope so too. But that was the reason why he brought it in was because the producers told him to bring something from home. That meant a lot to him, which they didn't show. They just showed him giving her a collar with Chelsea. I know we need the backstories. Yeah. He went on Tik Tok and did like a whole video about it. Good for him. If you don't end up with Chelsea, but they do see each other. They do try. We just want the best for you. Like you deserve all the good things. Trevor.

I don't know anyone, but I would set you up with them if I could. Jess, not your Jess. Now I'm talking about love is blind Jess. Now I'm talking about love is blind Jess. I was so confused. I'm like, she's in London. How's that going to work? She's married in London? Like not, that's not her type at all. your Jess. So funny. Yeah. I just want good things for him. I know. I want good things for all the contestants, honestly, but you're right. Especially Trevor. Yeah.

Okay, wait, what was your number two then if it wasn't Trevor? Um, it should have been Trevor Should have been number one. I should have been number one. Why don't I even put Matthew there? Um, I saw online that now they're selling love is blind Love is wine by cupcake. Oh And it's the gold like so smart. They're selling like gold wine bottles Love that. Yeah gift. Mm -hmm

That's a good gift to give. It also makes me want to walk around and feel special. Like I'm on a show with like a gold goblet, you know? You're like the producers are editing my wine. I got to walk around with my gold goblet. Should we do that for the podcast? Should we just drink out of gold goblets? Like maybe rose gold or I don't know. Only one we talk about love is blind. Okay. I want a black one. Of course you do. I want a rose gold one. I just want to drink out of like a matte black goblet. That's cute. I'm into that. Glad we talked on it.

This has gone on way too long. Yeah, I know. It's all right. We had a lot to talk about. We did. It was a lot of episodes. This season is one of my favorite seasons. Yeah. I can't wait to binge by the time this. So the new episodes come out on Wednesday. So that was yesterday and it's only two. What? Only two. What is Netflix doing? I don't know. They're trying to kill us. They're so rude. Like read the room.

Glad we Talked (01:02:54.699)
We want all the episodes at once. I want to sit there and watch 12 hours of Love is Blind. I'm annoyed. I know. It's two and then the finale and then the reunion. They started this binging game. And now they're keeping it from us. If can't keep it up. Netflix is gatekeeping. Is that the right term of gatekeeping? I'm trying to be like all cool. Not really. Okay, I know. I don't think so. I don't know. I'm annoyed with Netflix now. And it's like you can't.

The problem with the show is you can't wait to watch it. So you can't wait to binge it because everyone's talking about it and then you know it. So you have to watch it in real time. It's kind of like wanting more. You can't win. They do a good job. So I will be watching. Yes. I want to watch with you, but I can't cause Martin would kill me. So, all right. Well, just make Mitch watch it again. I mean, honestly, yeah, he's missing out on quality TV.

I don't hate it. I like watching by myself, but then I also like enjoying it with someone. It's really fun to have like the commentary back and forth. I don't know if this is like YouTube, but I also, I also like watching for my place of security and a committed relationship being like, huh, can you believe these guys? Like you see how crazy girls are. Do you see how crazy girls are? You literally won a prize. I know. It's so funny. It's so, it really is.

It's a great show to watch with your partner. You're welcome for not being crazy. Yeah Yeah So good. Well, I can't wait until we talk about love is blind is again, maybe not a full episode. I don't know Yeah, so we'll see if we want to do like maybe after the finale after the reunion Yeah, yeah, I think we'll definitely be talking about it though. Yeah, okay to be continued Well, if you've made it through this episode, I hope you also are enjoying love is blind. Yeah like us

Yeah, we have lots of thoughts clearly. And if you have thoughts, share them with us. Let us know. Just like, honestly, just DMS your thoughts. Like we love hearing from you guys. We love engaging with you. We love when you just drop us notes. Um, and you can do that on Instagram at Glad we talked podcast. You can also do on tick tock at Glad we talked podcast. Um, you can watch this episode and other episodes on YouTube. So subscribe. Follow.

Glad we Talked (01:05:19.997)
Love a segue and don't forget to rate and review five stars five love is blind cups And we'll talk to you next week. Yeah, she'll so glad we talked about love is blind glad we talked All right. Bye guys

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