glad we talked

spring things: what are we wearing this spring + mental health check-in

Tori & Chanel Season 2 Episode 20

A few nice days in March and we can’t help but feel like spring is on its way. And as our girls are enjoying the warmer weather, longer days, and bought here and there of rain, they’re also thinking about to wear. Much like the millennial clothing crisis episode, Tori and Chanel are yet again puzzled with what they’ll be wearing this spring… especially on their feet. They run through what they typically wear in spring while sharing their thoughts on what’s trending according to Who What Wear, Vogue, and their favorite influencers. From ballet flats to trench coats to athleisure, Tori and Chanel want the friends of the podcast to know what they’ll be adding to cart (or not). Plus, Tori and Chanel touch on Love is Blind (of course) with a few outstanding items. Chanel has an update regarding Sebby’s health and her mental health and Tori laughs about a walk with Mitch.  

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Glad we Talked (00:02.286)
Hi friends. Hello and welcome back to Glad We Talk podcast. I'm Tori. And I'm Chanel. Chanel -y. It's spring. We have one nice day. You're like, it's spring. Spring's here. Can't you feel it? Yeah. It was like beautiful yesterday. Today was nice too, actually. Yeah. It's so beautiful. I am afraid to look at my weather app and see what's happening. What do you mean what's happening? Like I don't want to, I know it's like when you know...

school's coming and you're like, look at the calendar and you're like, oh no, only so many days left of summer vacation. It's like, when is it going to go back to being cold? I'm nervous. I see. I see. Right. I think we're supposed to have a good week actually. Are we? Yeah. I did it. I looked at the weather up. Okay. The lowest I'm seeing for the next like 10 days is 47. Okay. We can get by with 47. 47 isn't bad. And rainy. That's fine to me. Yeah. I like the rain.

As long as it's not like 20 degrees, I'm good. So Mitch and I went for a walk on Sunday. It was beautiful out, sunny, gorgeous. We went to get our coffees from my favorite spot, Mojo and Hoboken. And then we were taking Rudy to the dog park. And I just looked at Mitch was like, it's so beautiful out. And he goes, you have really bad seasonal depression. And I was like, what? And he's like, I didn't know if I heard him right. He's like, yeah, it's like horrific. You have horrific seasonal depression. I was like,

No, I know you're right. Like this is like, it just takes a day that's 65 sunny and ice coffee and you're like a new person. First of all, yes, absolutely. First of all, you're yes. And second, I love that he used the word horrific. It's so, it's so like aggressive. It's like, it's horrific. I know. It was so, but it was so specific and dead on. Well, you did talk about how you have that. So yes, you're correct, Mitch. There's something about nice weather and taking a walk that really just cures everything.

And the birds are chirping and kids are playing. You're like, I wasn't sad. I just needed 60 degree weather. Louis Armstrong's, it's a wonderful world is playing in your head. Yeah. It's just, I felt like it was a cartoon like that. You know, I don't know. There was like so many people out. I wanted to say except the dog park too, but I couldn't. Um, it's, it was really nice out. We haven't talked about what's happening with sub on the podcast. I don't know if you want to. I know.

Glad we Talked (02:26.51)
I don't know. Okay. Well, so has heartworm. Yeah. Um, we adopted him from the South, so it's a very common thing there. So we are in the process of getting him treated. He has to do like 30 days of antibiotics, 30 days, no medication until the antibiotics do its work. And then he has like an injection coming up and then another injection a month later. And he has to be on rest for like,

six to eight weeks after that. So, well, essentially this whole time he has to be like restricted from exercise. Which is so hard because Semi is like, play. He just wants to play all the time. So yeah, I haven't talked about it because I was like extremely emotional about it, but yeah, now we're in the stage of like waiting for the antibiotics to do its work and he finished them and now he's getting an injection in like two to three weeks, which I'm most nervous about, but.

That's understandable. But the good news is, right, that's the very early stages of heartworm. Yeah. He wasn't showing any symptoms. He only got tested so that he can get a new pack of his heartworm medication because apparently if you take heartworm medicate, like preventatives, they can actually get really sick or even die if they take it when they have heartworm. So they do a test before they give you a prescription for it. And the test unfortunately was positive.

Um, so he's doing okay though. Like he, you would never tell it's not at all me being, you like I'm more upset than he is. Yeah. He's like, why you guys are so happy and now you're being so weird towards me. He's like, why can't I play with dogs anymore? And like every time we see his friends in the street, we have to like avoid them. It's so sad. Oh, it is so sad when, when something's happening to them and you can't really communicate that. I mean, yeah, you can't communicate it. No, you know,

But I'm glad Sebi will be taken care of and he's going to be good. He will. And we just need to give him sedatives, honestly, because that's the only way to get him better. Because he has to be on like strict rest and it's like life threatening if he's not. And his little heart must be like the size of a thumbnail. It's probably so small. Right? So tiny. Speaking of nails, I was cutting Rody's nails this weekend and I clipped his quick. That is scary.

Glad we Talked (04:47.821)
It was very scary. I've done it once before when he was a puppy and I like, I felt awful and I did it this weekend. I was like, okay, you know what? It's time. They could tell. I could hear them. I was like, I have to clip them. And I think I accidentally went over the same nail twice. I don't know how I did it. I just, it was, it was something like, you know, in the moment you're like, Oh, I just made a mistake, but it didn't start bleeding. So I was like, Oh, we're fine. And he kind of wins, but he does that normally. He didn't let out a cry or anything. Like he did the first time I cut his nails. So I kept going. And then like,

I went to go get the vacuum because some of the clippings were on the floor and I saw this like red thing and I thought it was like a red onion peel. So I vacuumed over it and then it smeared and I was like, and all I connected. I literally froze. I couldn't move. I was like, Mitch, I cut his nails and he's bleeding. And Mitch came over and helped him, but it was like, I felt so bad, but Rody was fine. I think he was like, whatever.

He like wasn't as nervous as you were. That's what I'm saying. It's like, oh, yeah, they're like fine. He I was like panicked. He's like looking at me and then Mitch like wrapped his paw and gauze. He was really cute when he put the sock over it. No. Yeah. And then I was like, I have to go find quick wick or something. And it's called quick stop or quick stop. Yeah. To stop the bleeding. Did it help? It did. Like immediately. But it took me a while to find it. And like the whole time, Rody's milking it. You know what I mean? Like, I think he like knew.

Yeah. Any treats. Exactly. I filled his Kong with peanut butter and he was like, Oh, this is great. I can take this. Yeah. And I kept going to the fridge and he kept him following me to the fridge. I'm like, Oh, he thinks that he's getting treats now. Like lifting his pie. He's like, Ma, like remember? It was so funny. He like would walk. He was like limping with it. No, they're so funny. So dramatic. It was only one afternoon, but yeah. So quick stop is the thing that you use.

Yes. To get it to stop bleeding. Yes. I went to the pet store. Or like cornstarch or flour, right? Yes. Yeah. I read about cornstarch. You told me about flour. Yeah. So anything that basically will cause, uh, Mitch kept saying congeal. I don't know why the word congeal was bothering me. No, but anything that will get like the blood to stop. You know. Mitch is like on his vocabulary game. Yeah. Horrific.

Glad we Talked (07:06.297)
He kept on saying congeal and I was like, he's like, we just need it to congeal. We just need it to congeal. And I'm like, congeal reminds me of jello. Like stop talking about roadies. It's like oil that like gets in the fridge or something. Yeah, it's really congealed. Yeah. I don't know. I know the word he's looking for and I don't know it either, but it's definitely not congeal. It's not cauterized, but I can't remember. We just need to get the bleeding to stop. So I went.

to the dog, the pet store, they didn't have it, but the guy was like, just go to CVS. It's the same thing. So this episode is sponsored by Bleedstop. Honestly. I mean, honestly, our pups. I know dog mom life. Yeah. Um, so those are our, our pup dates. Oh, that's so cute. The pup dates. Oh, I like that. Good one. Yeah. The pup dates. Oh, I love it.

And we do have outstanding items too. Yeah, what's going on with our outstanding items? Trevor ooh Tell me about Trevor from love is blind disappointment. Well, apparently he had a girlfriend. No. Yeah, I didn't see this Are you joking because it's in our notes? I know but like I didn't I didn't know about it. I didn't know there's question marks I was like, what is this? Yes Well, I put question marks because I was like what oh me too, apparently and I

Yeah, so apparently like he had a girlfriend like while he was in the pods or something. No. Yeah. Did she step forward? Yeah, she did. It's kind of like Jeremy's ex -wife and ex -fiance situation. Listen, I don't know. I can't keep up with all these boys and their red flags and their ex -women and it's just too much. I'm just, I had to bring up the Trevor thing because we were like, I just want good things for Trevor. He's like the best. And then it's like, oh wait, he maybe had a girlfriend.

Maybe, but it's still a maybe, right? I feel like it is. Like nothing's for sure. Yeah. We're going to defend Trevor until, you know, cold proof. I'm still defending Trevor. I don't know. I don't know about that. What's the other thing you put in here? Um, my friend, Melissa was listening to the episode and we had talked about on our previous episode, if, um, Chelsea had reached out to Megan Fox at all, or if Megan Fox had weighed in on the situation.

Glad we Talked (09:28.461)
And I guess that Melissa said she heard from another podcast that Chelsea did reach out to Megan Fox and there's like the receipts to see what she said, but Megan didn't respond. Oh yeah. Megan again, Megan's dealing with her own stuff. Yeah. But since then Megan Fox's ex -husband has spoken out. Brian Olsen green. I saw that. I'm glad you knew his name because I was just like ex -husband. Yeah, obviously. And he was like, she doesn't compare. We're like,

You think? Yeah, obviously Brian Austin green. You have to call me all three names. And then someone else said that I was reading in the comments, like I got deep into this and they're like, well, I think that if Megan Fox, if Chelsea had Megan Fox's trainers and surgeons, that they would look like sisters. And was like, I'm not going to discredit that one though. I think it might be true. Not just Chelsea. Yeah.

If we're going there, if we're going surgeries, then... But I don't think she would need a lot of surgeries and a lot of changes to look like her actually. You think she looks more like her than most people, just not there yet? I do. I think she has the basic Megan Fox characteristics that could be in the right surgical environment enhanced. In the right surgical environment? If she got Dr. McDreamy? Yeah, exactly. Amy?

I just got to the part in Grey's Anatomy where Patrick Dempsey leaves. Heartbreaking. I cried. I've cried my heart out in so many of those episodes, but when make dreamy dies, it's like gut wrenching. It's like it, it was so bittersweet too, because like obviously don't want him to leave. But then I read in the, um, like articles that he wasn't really a great cast member.

Oh, really? Yeah. And there were issues on set and that he was pretty demanding and there were there were lot of differences between him and Chandra and him and Ellen Pompeo. Here's the thing. I don't separate the actor from like to me, they're just the character. You're like, it is just McDreamy. I don't know who Patrick Dempsey is in this context. So to me, I'm just like.

Glad we Talked (11:50.189)
Oh, that's that's his problem. Yeah. You're like, that's whoever this Patrick Dempsey guy is. Okay. Thanks for him. In Grey's Anatomy world. It's devastating. Yeah. Yeah. So that's where I'm at on that since you mentioned McDreamy. So good, right? Yeah. So good. Yeah.

Um, okay. Did you watch the, I mean, we're not going to like recap the full love is blind episodes, but did you watch the most recent episodes that came out last week? Yeah. Oh, of course. Um, Chelsea and Jimmy's fight. Yeah. I just need to talk about that really quick. Just really quick. I need to like, go ahead. Yeah, we're going to wait. We're going to wait to talk more about love is blind until after the reunion, right? Yeah. Yeah. So I think it's fair that we just touch on the highlights. So proceed. Oh, let me get my notes.

Oh, wait, we're actually pulling her. Okay. This might just turn into a love it's blind episode. No, no, it just about the fight though. I have so many notes. So many notes. I can't. It was like, I literally, Oh, okay. This was what I wanted to say. Okay. Okay. So you know how Jimmy was like, Oh, I went out for my friend's birthday. Um, and he, he was like, I only went out for like an hour and a half.

And Chelsea just keeps being like, I don't want to be with someone like that. And it's like the editing was so funny because he's like, I went out for my friend's birthday and she's like, I don't want to be with someone like that. And it reminded me so much of the Mean Girls part where she's like, all he cares about is his mom and his friends and his school. Yeah. And it's like really good things. It's like she kept saying, I don't want to be with someone like that. I'm like a person who goes out for his friend's birthday and supports his friend's birthday and like goes out for a drink for an hour and a half, an hour and a half and comes back to you.

And meanwhile, she she admitted to being martini drunk. Yeah. And like, so he went out to his friends had one birthday, had a drink, came home to you drunk, who then harassed him into being like, you're the wrong person. Like, I don't want to be with you. Like she's so yeah, she went wild. Chelsea. Melissa was texting me about that. She agrees. She thinks that she has a lot of work to do.

Glad we Talked (14:04.013)
in therapy. I agree. And I feel like Jimmy was being so calm. I know. And like reasonable. I know. And I'm like, how is he this calm right now? Like she's literally attacking him. Yeah. He was just being so level headed. Yeah. I mean, even the part with like his friend where she brought up like them sleeping together. Yeah. Yeah. Or like his girlfriends. He's like, he's like, tell me right now, do you want me to stop being friends with them?

And she's like, yes, he's like, well, I'm not going to do that. I was like, you tell her, Jimmy. I know. I mean, really, it just, it wasn't putting her in the position that she needed to come back from in that moment. No. What did you think though? Like, did you think they were like actually done when you were watching it? I don't know. Cause I, Jimmy just continues to surprise me. Like every time Chelsea's unwinding and just be

kind of downward spiraling, he stands by her. And so I do think there's probably things happening in that relationship that we're not seeing. And I think he feels very, he's really trying to do this a certain way because he did say, I didn't want to talk about this on camera. Did you notice that? Yes. He's like, I didn't want us to talk about this on camera. He looks sleeping with his friend. Yes. He looks directly at the camera. It's like, I think he is trying to do what he needs to do.

for the terms of the show, but then there's this whole other side that they're doing where they're protecting their private lives and their relationships with friends and family that they don't feel should be put on television. Yeah. And he even said, like, I brought her on TV. Like, clearly there was some part of her and him that spoke about not wanting this aired on TV. And yet Chelsea didn't respect that. Like to me, for Jimmy, like that is such a boundary cross. Like he, like...

confided in you about something and you just completely ignored, ignored his wishes and said it anyway, cause you were upset. Yeah, I didn't like that at all because I thought that was a line that she definitely did cross like drunk or not. I think that in the sake of their marriage and if that was an agreement and I think Jimmy was being a good friend. I do think he has a kind of a code that he must live by. I don't know him personally, but I'm just seeing in the character who he is on TV and how he presents himself. I think there is a way that he.

Glad we Talked (16:26.477)
lives his lives. He does honor friendship very highly. Mitch has a lot of friends that are girls and like he's been honest about any of their friendships. Granted, he hasn't been with any of them, but like I trust him when he's around his girlfriends because I know they're his friends and he values them and I know his character. So I would think the same of Chelsea in that situation. Like she should be secure in their relationship. And if he has girlfriends, he has girlfriends, but knowing that like he's the

person that he's with, she should be confident in that. 100%. Like, I don't think the issue is that he has girlfriends like St. Martin has like a ton of girlfriends and he'll like go out to dinner with friends from work and most of them are girls and I'm just like, have fun, like text me later. Like I encourage him to go like sometimes he's like, Oh, I don't feel like going out. I'm like, no, go with your friends. Like go out, like have fun. I feel like she's like,

want, like the, I think she also crossed the line when she's like asking him to not be friends with someone. Like he knew them before you, like, right. Who are you to come into his life and like all of a sudden sweep them up and say, I'm the only girl in your life. That is a red flag. Huge, huge red flag. So I, I'm kind of, yeah. I'm like, what is going on Jeremy where he's ignoring all of these red flags. Jimmy, Jimmy. Oh, yeah. I'm sorry.

What I'm like, what is wrong with Jimmy? He said red flag and you thought Jeremy immediately. Yeah. Yeah. So what is going on with Jimmy that he's ignoring all of these red flags? And is it, it actually makes me think, is it more acceptable when girl has red flags than when a guy has red flags? Like girls talk about red flags and guys, but like, I don't know. I'm seeing a lot of red flags from Chelsea that she needs some support and work in her life. Yeah. I think guys just like automatically jump so like crazy for girls.

You know, it's like instead of red flags, they're just like, oh, she's crazy. Um, but I think, I know you don't, I know you didn't read the book attached, but there was like the three different attachment styles. Um, and she is a hundred percent the anxious attachment style, which like, if you read, if you read through it, it's just like protest behavior, like insecurity, like what's protest behavior. It's like someone didn't act the way you want them to. So you act out a certain way, whether it's like silent treatment or like.

Glad we Talked (18:42.637)
so that they can like ask you what's wrong or like her like lashing out at him. Like just those kinds of behaviors are just like textbook anxious attachment. And I'm just like, I want you to get help. I know I'm not being a girl's girl right now, but she gets into this whiny crybaby voice. And I'm just like, I can't, it really bothers me. Honestly. Like she puts on this like crying.

I'm sorry. I just listen the amount of like video means I've gone like on about this fight. Like people have said much worse things than that. So don't even I know. Anyway, we have a lot more to say about these. The second half of love is blind. So we'll do that in a more appropriate time when we have a teaser lens teaser. So much to say on that on those two episodes. I came out to the parents like I can't even with

AD's mom and I just, yeah. She was so cute. Oh, I'm obsessed with her. I know. Okay. Absolutely. Talking about mental health. Talking about the help we need to get for these contestants. Um, we also need help. Yeah. Um, yeah. I'm, I'm looking for a therapist. You are, you're in the market. I'm in, I'm on the hunt. How does it feel? It feels good. Um, I'm back on my hello Alma. Good. They take your insurance.

Um, so you put your insurance and then they give you the providers who work with your insurance. It's like that such an easy site. Like it's literally like looking on like profiles. I feel like I'm like a dating, like there's all these profiles. It tells you about them and tells you what they practice. It tells you like, you know, I've spoken about it before. Um, but I reached out to a few and I had consultations lined up this week. I had one Sunday, I had one today. I have one another day this week. So, um,

Just trying to find one that's gonna work for me. I feel like the first time when I met my last therapist who I broke up with that inspired how to break up with a therapist. I had a gut feeling when I first spoke to her during the consultation that she wouldn't work for me and I just ignored it. And I was like, it's fine, it's just a therapist. I'm sure we'll mesh at some point. And we obviously didn't. So I think this time I'm taking more time and effort and making sure that I feel...

Glad we Talked (21:04.269)
comfortable during that 15 minute call and just asking more questions and just making sure that like I'm getting a good vibe and a good feeling. Yeah, that's so important. Yeah, versus like ignoring that and just being like, it's fine, because it's not fine. Right. Not only is it good to have a therapist, but it's good to have the right therapist to really so that you know, I go into the sessions open and comfortable and not anxious and closed off. So going through that process now.

Yeah, I mean, that's why they have the consultations too. They understand that it might not always be the right fit and they want to make sure that you are as comfortable with them and the service that they're going to provide as you are going to be paying them for their services. So I think you're doing the right thing and consulting with a few of them, getting their vibes. I know you mentioned to me that one of them felt really easy and natural for you to speak to, which is a great sign. I think anytime I've gone to a therapist, it's like the ones that I feel comfortable opening up to immediately are the ones that I've

gone on to see. And then the ones that kind of might maybe not aligned with didn't best align with my personality. I just moved on from, I think that's what it is like just a personality thing. Like I want someone who's like assertive and like strong in what she's saying, but I also still want a level of like relatability. I don't want it to feel like, you know, too far removed from like someone that I can speak to, um, comfortably. So I think it's just like finding that balance.

Totally. And the first person I met with, I already knew like wasn't a fit and I'm like, okay, I'm listening to myself. And the second person I met with, I was like already opening up to her. I was like, this is great. Yeah. See? I was like, can we do a session now? Oh, that's good. That's a really good sign if you're ready, you know, so good luck with the rest of your consultations, but it sounds like you might have found a winner. How many consultations did you have before you found your therapist?

The first time I had two or three consultations, and I think I talked about this on a previous episode, but my first therapist, she was so eager to help me in finding someone that I just went back to her. She had a very difficult schedule to work with, but I just decided I would work with her because I liked her. I had that personal connection. I wanted to open up quickly to her. And I was like, that's more important to me than finding the right time that works, like these characteristics. And then my new therapist, um,

Glad we Talked (23:26.861)
I got matched with her through a human told. I kind of just put down an intake form of my personality and then they matched me with someone and it worked out. Oh, they match you. That's, that's interesting. Yeah. Matchmaker style. I did human told, but they didn't accept my insurance or like the out of, I don't have an out of network option, which is what I think you have. So I would have to pay like $200 per session or something. Yeah, it's a lot. My

my insurance stuff changed because now I'm on Mitch's insurance. And so there's some complications there and my costs went up, but I will say that they're being very accommodating and working with me and negotiating prices and stuff to help me work around it because it got really expensive. Yeah. And when I spoke to the girl, she was very helpful. I'm a human told, and she was even like, there are options. Like if you want to see an intern, it would be cheaper. And I was kind of just like, well, what if the intern like,

finishes their internship, like what happens after that and she's like, yeah, well, if they don't keep a job, then you know, you would have to change which it's like once you become comfortable with someone, you kind of just want to keep them for a bit. Totally. So unfortunately, I couldn't move forward, but they handled everything so professionally with the website was so easy. Like everything was really easy with them and they were so quick. So yeah, human told is also a good option along with Hello Alma. Yeah, I mean, you just have to find what works for you. What works with your insurance? It's

It's a difficult system. It is. It's so difficult to navigate. Honestly, it really is. And it's a shame. I know. And it's so expensive if it doesn't work out with your insurance. Like it's a lot out of pocket, especially weekly. Yeah. I actually, I just, I started going monthly now. Um, I felt like I was in a place where I could take some training wheels off and kind of ride solo. That's progress, baby.

I know. And that's what my therapist said. She was like, you know, no, it's not, I don't take it personally when you want to scale back and it's good for you to have these periods. And the point of therapy isn't to be consistently going back to someone it's to like show growth and we're here when you need us. And so I've been just kind of doing monthly check -ins, which has given me time and space to reflect on my own and use some of the coping mechanisms instead of being like, I can't wait to get to therapy. It's like processing myself and handling it. And it's been good.

Glad we Talked (25:52.653)
I actually meant to tell you, I used your therapist's strategy. What is it? The coping mechanism that you told me about on the podcast. The five, four, three, two, one or the one with the leaf. Oh, I was up at five a .m. the other night as one is. And I was trying to fall back asleep when I couldn't because like my mind was thinking about something too much. And I kept putting it on a leaf and like watching it.

float away. I think it helped me drift back to sleep, which was good because I was just thinking, thinking, thinking. I was like, I need to do something to stop. So I tried it and it helped me fall back asleep. Oh, that's great. I'm glad. It does help visualizing it. Even if you put it back on. You just need something else to focus on. Yeah. And you can't unless it's like...

counting sheep. I don't know. Like I've always tried counting sheep. I really do. I try it. I'm like, this should work. It seems it's like a tale as old as time. Everyone's done it. And I'm like, these freaking sheep don't work. I know it's just something else to focus on. I think more than like you're overthinking. Yeah. That's what I found. I also saw on Tik Tok, someone reviewed, um, Courtney Kardashian's Lemmy sleep.

Oh, is it good? I don't know. This girl, it had like 2 million views and she was like, it knocked me out. She's like, it put me on another dimension, another like time sphere, whatever. Oh, wow. I don't know. I've on my Kardashian game and I've been watching the episodes on Hulu and I was watching when she was like launching Lemmy and I was like, should I try these? I don't know. This is what this one person said.

But I have a problem with melatonin where like I get crazy dreams and then the next day I feel groggy. So I don't know if I would like her stuff or not. Interesting. I wonder if it's melatonin or if it's something else. I'll have to fact check that. Cause she uses a lot of natural extracts in her vitamins. Hmm. Yeah. Interesante. Yeah. So maybe she uses like a fruit extract or something that's makes you sleepy. I'm making that up obviously, but you know what I mean? Yeah. Have you also seen the sleepy girl cocktail mocktail? Sleepy girl mocktail?

Glad we Talked (27:59.689)
I want to kind of try that. Are you having trouble falling asleep? Always. Oh, not really. Actually, not as recently. It just sounds fun. Actually, not at all. I just want to eat some gummies and make mocktails. I just want to have fun. I just want to make bedtime fun. Have a little snack and a little drink before bedtime. Have a little routine. Yeah. You know? Yeah, go for it. Why not? Live your life. Live your best life.

Yeah. Maybe I'll make me really tired. No, I haven't sleeping better. That's good. Yeah. Yeah. Um, mental health check in with you. With me. Yeah. I'm good. Yeah. This is about you this week. About me finding my therapist. Yeah. This is for the first time. It's not about me and therapy. It's about Chanel. Yeah. Sometimes you just know when you need it, you know? Yeah. Sometimes you're just like, it's time.

It is. It's great that you're recognizing it's time. It's a little break. Now it's time to go back. Yeah, exactly. So I'll keep everyone posted if I find one. Yeah. And just like the seasons change with therapists, it's also about to be spring. You're such a good segwayer. I just listen for it. And I know I came in hot at the start of the episode, but I am really looking forward to spring for some reason. For some reason?

because your seasonal depression is horrific. Oh, yeah. Remember? We all know the reason. You're like, what? Yeah, no. Yeah, for that reason, I'm ready for it to be spring. Yeah. OK, what are we wearing in spring? I don't know. I'm having this like, again, ding ding ding, millennial clothing crisis over here. OK, you posted on our story. Was it like a month ago about the ballet flats? Maybe a few weeks ago. people if they're into it or not.

What were the results? Do you remember? Yeah. A few people said yes. Um, but majority said no. Most of us are not into ballet flats. And I think that's fair because I for one am not into ballet flats. Are you? No. Um, I were okay. So is there a difference between like ballet flats and regular flats? What's a regular flat? Like a sandal? No, like are all flats, ballet flats. No. Do you know what I mean?

Glad we Talked (30:26.985)
I mean, like an espadrille isn't a ballet flat, like, you know, like a canvassy. Because I had these like plain flats that were just like nude, suede and pointy toed that were like a heel but flat. Okay. Like a basic heel but flat. And I used to wear them probably like pre -COVID. I remember these. Yes. I want to categorize those as ballet flats. Okay. So like those are probably the closest I'll get to a flat and I used to wear them with

wide like pants for like business things because I don't really like wearing heels. Okay. It's not a heel gal. I know. I think that all this to say, I don't know if I want to say I'm completely out on ballet flats if those count, but I'm not wearing them with like a skirt or my legs showing and like flats. Like that style isn't for me. No, I, when I saw the ballet flats coming back, I immediately had flashbacks to like,

eighth grade when we would all wear denim skirts or some type of like, um, remember when the mismatching plaid skirts were a thing, like the patchwork shorts and skirts. No. From like American Eagle now. Okay. And like a Hollister or American Eagle t -shirt, like I had a very specific vision. Yeah. Like going to school dressed like that. And I just don't, I don't know. I'm not ready to do that again. Yeah. So what are people wearing ballet flats with these days?

I think like long pants. I don't know. I just see them. I think they're just wearing them with jeans. No, no, no, no, not jeans. There's like a whole ballet core movement happening. Yeah. I don't think I'm a fan. I'm not. And they hurt. They do hurt. They never really get comfortable. The worst thing is you're wearing ballet flats and you step on some random rock and it like shoots into your soul. Yeah. You're like, ah, wait, I'm going to look on Pinterest really quick.

and just taking ballet flats. I was in Madewell the other day and I saw ballet flats. I saw on We Wore What, ballet flats. Like I'm seeing who would wear ballet flats. I'm seeing them everywhere. And I just don't know. Okay, yeah, like this girl's wearing them with like a wider bottom. They're not exactly like - Like a flare? A flare that hits her ankles. Like a crop? Crop -ish. Like regular, like, Gen Z tight pants.

Glad we Talked (32:54.089)
What is that? What is that? They're like not skinny jeans, but they hit your ankle. You know, but they're not like flare jeans that go to the floor. They're not wide like jeans that go to the floor. They just like hit your ankle, like right below your ankle, like made well jeans. Can I see the picture? Oh yeah, I got you. Okay. I just, for some reason I was, I was picturing Capri's.

Oh, no, no, no. I was like, is this a Capri? Like, I can't with like a freaking Capri and ballet flats. Absolutely not. doesn't look terrible. No, it looks like it's giving mom.

Yeah, because millennials are the ones who used to wear these. Fuck. So it's like, yeah. So I'm seeing them a lot with like jeans. Okay. Which I immediately thought skinny jeans, because that's what we used to wear them with. I know. And I just, I was like, no. This doesn't look that bad. I just don't know if it's for me. Yeah. Well, that's the thing. I see them dressed up chicly right now. They have their white pullover or their white button down. They have a cardigan. They have their jeans and their ballet flats. I'm like,

That great looks good. Yes, like this looks cute. Yes, exactly. That's not going to be me. Like I just know it. I'm not going to look that chic. I'm just not. I'm going to end up running around with my leggings on and a sweatshirt and ballet flats. And you look like the boarding after or something. Yeah, I look like I'm doing the walk of shame. It's like, what is this girl wearing right now? And it's just like, I just walked out of my house, honestly. What about loafers?

Okay, so I was wondering if I should get into the loafer game. Me too. I don't have a pair, but I've seen them and I kind of like them. Yeah. I saw this pair on Sam Edelman. They were like a tan leather and they had a gold clasp, but they were a loafer in the front. It was kind of like a mullet for loafers. was just saying, I'm like, is this a loafer? I just wanted to say that. It was a loafer in the front and a slingback in the back. I might order them with like about a two and a half inch heel.

Glad we Talked (34:56.329)
Oh, it has a little heel. Little heel. I can do a little block heel. Okay. I'm see for an everyday shoe. I can't do that. I really shouldn't putting on sneakers. Yeah. I mean, that's the thing. Like spring shoes are so hard. Like why don't I have any shoes for spring? Like they're literally just sneakers. Like it's like this weird period where I'm just like sneakers every day. Like if you see me in a sneaker and like an outfit that doesn't go, just don't look at me. I have nothing else.

I bought Jordans because I thought that's what we were approved to wear with everything. And now I'm like, oh, we're not, we have to wear ballet flats. You can wear your Jordans. People are still wearing Jordans. I don't know. I feel I'm feeling old. I know. I just think spring has always been a tough time for shoes. Yeah. And I think flats were always the go to. But now that it's like, we're kind of transitioning out of that. It's like, what is it?

Yeah, because also not people. Yeah. And when it was raining the other day, I was about to go put my old hunter boots on like the big ones. Remember those, the tall ones? Are those out? Those are out. I thought those were raining. I know, but I thought they were out. And then we had like the little the booties. Oh, I have the booty ones, but not Hunter. Just like, yeah, I have Sam Edelman booty ones. Yeah. But I'm like, are those out? So I just feel like every time I'm getting dressed, I'm questioning, is this in or out? I get it. I get it.

it's raining, all rules got the window. You have to do. I need a rain jacket. Like I need a whole spring refresh. I know. Spring is a weird time because fall you can, you can get away with booties. I feel like. Yeah. Why are we doing the same thing with our arm right now? I don't know. And we match. I love it. It's like, you're like, I'm not going to wear black today so that we don't match. And then we have the same shirt on in different colors.

It's awesome. Same cuts came same sleeve. It's like we can't try to avoid it. And I was going to change because I've been wearing the shirt for two days and I was like, eh, it's fine. Awesome. Am I OK? The other, I don't know. Are you? It's a good thing you're looking at their bears. Yeah. The other thing is trench coats. I feel like everyone is big on to trench coats. I love a trench coat. Yeah.

Glad we Talked (37:09.737)
I need one. You need one? Is trench coat different than a rain jacket? Yeah. How different? Well, what is the purpose of a trench coat then? It's a spring jacket when it's not raining. Do you think it just rains every day in spring? Yeah. April showers bring me flowers. So that's where I'm at. No, like a trench coat is so cute because like you can wear it with jeans, skirt. Like I feel like it goes with like every outfit. Yeah.

And it's just a lighter, it's like a lighter peacoat for spring, you know, to dress up, accessorize an outfit, but it's not heavy. So you don't like sweating. But what is the material? Is it water resistant or no, not all of them. It looks like a water resistant type of material, but they're not all water resistant. Right. And then it doesn't have a hood. So see to me, that's a rain jacket that just forgot to be a rain jacket. It's called fashion. Look it up. Yeah.

Look it up sweaty. Okay, so trench coat, ballet flats. What else are you buying for spring or looking for for spring? Girl. You're like buying what? The other day I went out and I wore an outfit that I wore to my 30th birthday out the other day. And I was like, this is fine.

Oh, I realized that that was years ago now. I'm like, what's wrong with that? That was like yesterday. Three or four years ago at this point. So that's fine. That's good. We like a sustainable. Keep your clothes for a while. Girl. I just, I don't know. Like, I don't know what we're wearing. I never do. I told you, I just go with what even fits me. Yeah. I just, I feel like I'm constantly going through this. Like, am I wearing clothes that one fit me to like are appropriate for me?

Let me say something. Okay. You recently worked at, you recently worked at Meadwell and you, every time I see you, you're in a new freaking shirt or jeans and you look cute every time I see you. Yeah, but I'm not working there anymore. So I don't have any spring clothes. That's really the problem. The shirt you're wearing right now is cute. Yeah, but it's, this is one shirt. I can't wear it every day like you are right now. Like I have to go out in public.

Glad we Talked (39:27.561)
Wow. One time she wears a shirt two days in a row and well, okay. So here's the other thing. So there's this one shirt for made while I really do like it's a boxy cotton t -shirt. It's a little cropped and I bought it and, um, Mitch washed it with a tie, a blue tie dyed, freshly tie dyed t -shirt. So it got all over my white shirt. Good. Good. Good. Good. Good. Yeah. So then I went out and he was like, Oh, you're supposed to wash. You could wash them together. I've always done this. I'm like, not with just a.

freshly home died t -shirt. Like whatever. Horrific Mitch. I will say future husband gave me his credit card and said, go buy yourself a new one. So I went and I got my replacement shirt. Wasn't the same style, but same energy. Okay. And, um, the other day I was out to dinner and we were at this like old restaurant and had a wobbly table. Someone leaned on the table, a whole glass of red wine went on this replacement t -shirt.

It's like not in the cards for you to have this freaking t -shirt. I know it was like all over it. My mom had this oxy clean stuff. It wasn't like OG oxy clean. It was like super amped up on steroids, oxy clean. Like it was like oxy clean advanced. Okay. You leave it on. It said you could leave it on up for a week, like at most to absorb this thing. My brother was laughing at me. He was like, this shirt is gotta go in the garbage. It's doomed. It's never going to get that out of there. You're an idiot.

like, okay, let's see. I believe in the oxy clean gods sprayed it on overnight. The next day it was gone. What? Yeah. I mean, sure. Yeah. White shirt. It had a little bright. Like it's still have that outline of it kind of, so you could kind of see it, but I was amazed. There was no burgundy left. Did you wash it after? Yes. But even before I washed it, it soaked it out, but it still had the outline after you washed it. Cause that could be from the stain remover. Yeah, no, I did. So I just went and bought another one. Is this the same show you ordered dinner with me on Friday?

No, different one. I was going to say, Oh, the oil got out of that one too. Oxi clean. Yeah. I meant to text you. Okay. Good. Oxi clean man. Not the third time. Oh no, that was a different one. I'm like, why are all my white shirts doomed? Well, white is hard. I know the only time I spill something on myself is when I'm wearing white. I know. Remember when you spilled that wine on yourself at my princess party? No, I didn't. I had a bell sleeve. Oh yeah. And I was reaching to get wine and it got dipped in shrimp cocktail.

Glad we Talked (41:52.585)
And then, and then I used a decorative napkin. It was like a Christmas, like a decorative Christmas napkin with like red and green all over it. And I wet it and I tried to get it out and the paint from the napkin smeared all over my sleeve. And I was like, could this get any worse? I know. It was like a Christmas tree on my sleeve. It's like, okay, that's done. You weren't at my party for like more than 20 minutes either.

I literally just got there, was getting my first glass of wine, wasn't even drinking yet, and that's what happened. That's amazing. So don't use decorative napkins to get stains out. No. No to self. Yeah, use OxyClean, whatever it is, any OxyClean, I swear. OxyClean is good. I have a spray version that has gotten so much stuff out. Yeah. Also, this reminded me of Valentine's Day when we went out with all the single girls a few years ago and someone spilled red wine on my face. Oh yeah.

Um, like sweater thing. And she was like, Oh my God, go home and put Palm olive on it. So I literally like on my way home, picked up Palm olive from the deli love New York, like midnight. Palm olive. Um, and put it on overnight and it removed all of the red wine. Yeah. I love dish, dish washing soap for stains. I felt like I was like my big fat Greek wedding. She's like, I use for, I use Palm olive for everything. Yeah.

So another trick, but love it. Anyway. Yeah. Spring. What else? What is this coworker yoga pants thing? Okay. So I also was in the market for new leggings. So Mitch bought me new leggings for Christmas. Um, or no, sorry. I wanted leggings for Christmas didn't end up. So for Valentine's day, Mitch got me leggings for Valentine's day. He got me the wrong size, which is not his fault. We didn't know what size I was and he was being sweet.

So I went back and I exchanged them for the new size. And while I was there, I happened to see other things that I liked. So I went and I saw that they had like bell bottom yoga pants on display. And I've been seeing a few people around town wearing them. Yeah, I wore them on our episode and you commented on them. And you had worn that. I was getting fat and you had worn them. So I was like, okay, if people are wearing it, it's in store and Chanel's wearing them.

Glad we Talked (44:14.121)
I think I should get a pair because you looked really cute. I was like, oh, I liked they look cute when we were recording. Thanks. You're welcome. So I bought a pair and I wasn't planning on going to the office. And I so I casually put them on. I wasn't sure I was going to keep them. And then I was like, you know what? I like the fabric. I'm just going to keep them. They're a cute like ribbed style yoga pan. And it's a micro flare. They're from Lululemon. They're a micro flare. Yeah. I'll wear them next time I see you. They're really cute.

And so I wore them to the office, wasn't planning on going in, but I had to pick something up. So I went into the office, had them on, and there's one of my coworkers is a Zillennial. And she was like, oh my God, I love your yoga pants. Where are they from? And I immediately responded, Victoria's Secret. Like I didn't even bat an eye. What? I like froze. I literally froze. I was like, what? She was like laughing. She's like, oh, cute. Love Victoria's Secret. And I'm like,

These are not from Victoria's Secret. She time traveled. She's a time traveler. It was like my cool band on the top. Exactly. I literally just heard yoga pants. Where are they from? And was like Victoria's Secret. That is like a subconscious like Ferdy and Slept thing. It was so weird. So ingrained. That's why.

So ingrained. Like I didn't even realize I said it until she said, Oh, I love Victoria's Secret. And then I was like, I said, Kayla, I lied to you. These are not from Victoria's Secret. I just was a millennial and said that because that's where all of my yoga pants used to come from. In high school, that was your immediate response. So it was the look. This is the first time you've worn them since 2010. So that was your immediate response.

Last from the past. I was like, I have to tell Chanel that she's going to crack up. That is so funny. Yeah. No, no, no. Yeah. They're from Lululemon. Yeah. I think Victoria's Secret probably has really cute athleisure now. I'm sure. Like I think they've upped their game as well. Yeah. I'm stuck. We used to have. No, I am stuck right now between wanting to buy more athleisure clothes and wanting to be more sophisticated.

Glad we Talked (46:30.633)
And I think this is what work from home is doing to me. It's like, you kind of want to look nice on a work from home call, but you also want to be like cash. But then in the office, you're like, or if you want to go out, you're like, Oh, what am I going to wear with my cute? Not skinny jeans. Yep. Oh, and my belly flats. I know it's like, I don't even know. And I think like, athleisure can be a little bit sophisticated if it's done the right way. How so?

I just see people wearing it. Maybe it's just their aesthetic. Like maybe they just have a good aesthetic, but like I just see athleisure on people and it just like looks good. Like it looks like elevated almost, but it has to be done right. And I don't know how to do that. I totally agree with you. I think you do. I think you do. There's like one outfit that like looks good and I just wear it all the time. I just don't know how people with an aesthetic keep it up. It's so hard. Honestly.

It just seems exhausting. Like I just, are you constantly thinking, does this go with my aesthetic versus just going intuitively with what you like? Hmm. Some people honestly are just so good at putting together outfits. Like it to them, it's like no brainer. It's no brainer. It's like this and this and this. Whereas like for me, I have to like think about putting an outfit together. I have to be like, how would this look? And then in my head it looks amazing. And then I put it on and look like a potato. So really.

Some people don't have that problem. Not the potato. I totally understand. When we were getting ready to go out to dinner, so we went out to dinner the other night, Chanel and I with a friend and we both were like, what are you wearing? Literally, I was walking over to my phone to type, what are you wearing? And you had already texted me and I was like, don't know. And it was like 10 minutes before we had to leave.

I kind of was worried because I was, I was texting you being like, Chanel's definitely dressed right now. And you were like, I don't know. I was about to text you the same thing. I was like, all right, well, here we go. Yeah. We both wore a skirt. We did a skirt moment. It was cute. I liked it. Yeah. I think it might be, I'll get into dresses this spring. I love a good dress and a jean jacket. That's like a lot of my spring attire, like a long skirt with sneakers and a jean jacket or like a longer dress like midi. Yeah. I heard the jean jackets are out though. I know.

Glad we Talked (48:52.457)
I can't like, no. Shut up. I also heard blazers were out. Okay. Well also no. Yeah. Yeah. You know, I'll never give up my blazers and jean jackets are also a staple for me. So I'm sorry, but not happening. Okay. So your spring, your spring attire staples are jean jacket. Yeah. I love a good midi skirt, sneakers, tank and jean jacket. That seems like a very Chanel outfit. What's yours? I can see it. I think mine are jeans.

a button down shirt and a t -shirt underneath. So very much my fall outfit, but maybe some lighter colors. That's very you. And I need to figure out the shoe situation. Yeah. See, I think sneakers will look cute with that though. I know. I'm just exhausted. A Chessy from Parent Trap, like a little Chessy from Parent Trap. That's the vibe. Yeah. But honestly, she's so cute. Yeah. I'm constantly just Chessy from Parent Trap. I realize that. That's just me. You're like...

As I've gotten older, I've realized that that's who I am. And I'm fine with it, but I do need some moments to dress up a little bit. Everyone's like, I'm Meredith Blake. I want to marry Rich. And you're like, I'm Chessie. I'll take the butler. I'm hanging out with the dogs. Honestly, she seems cool. You are Chessie. You are. I love it. Yeah. I'm fine with it. She's real. Why is that so funny to me? She's like, you know.

I love her. She's literally the queen of that movie. I have to rewatch Parent Trap now. That's so good. And see how on par I am with Chessy. She's like your spirit animal. She is. I think that's a very Tory outfit. And I say, as I said in the Millennial Clothing Crisis episode, just do what feels right. I will. But I need to do some things that feel right to be updated.

for spring. So I'm slightly modified to be trendy, slightly modified. Like I would love this is, this is really what I would love. I would love for like friends of the podcast or like anyone with good style, just to be like Tori, you should try this. So you want a personal stylist.

Glad we Talked (51:02.537)
I don't know if I want the opinions. You know what I mean? Like I sometimes I feel like a personal stylist tries to inflict their style on you. But that's like the whole point is that they're supposed to like look at your body type and your style and say this is what I think would work on you. Okay. That's what you want friends of the pod to do. Yeah. So friends of the pod, if you have any recommendations, be like, oh, Tori, I think you'd look good with this. Send us some inspo pics. Yeah. I'm

I'm ready to hit by on loafers. So if you guys love a loafer, send it to me. That would be so cute with your button down. Yeah. That's why I'm into it. Yeah. But not the ballet flats. No. My thighs are too thick for ballet flats. Like, does that make sense? A hundred percent. No. Chanel, I thank you for saying that. I literally was like, my hips just won't feel balanced. You know, like that. I feel like the Spickle Boomy.

Yeah, like a weeble wobble, but they don't fall down. Like it's like, it's like my hips are so big and then my belly fluts are so small. Like it just doesn't go. It doesn't. You need some weight on the bottom to like ground you. I'm so glad you say that. Honestly, because I, the flats are like on these skinny models and I'm like, Oh, their shoes look cute on them. So delicate and dainty. Dancer like.

And then he put them on me and it's like, who put the sumo wrestler? I'm just kidding. That's bad. There you put them on me and it's like, what is she doing in those? She's so dancer like, look at that ballerina go. Yeah. To two moment. Yeah. I get you. We're on the same page here. Yeah. So Loford with the soul, that's the same thing with ground or hips. We need those rubber souls to really keep us on, on the ground.

All right, with that. I love it. Any last thoughts on spring style? Just open to racks, trench coats, shoes, rain jackets, anything. I am into the bows. I like bows. Bowls are cute. You wear a bow in your hair and it was so cute for dinner. I did. Yeah, I feel like I could do a button down in a bow. Yes. Someone on the violin did like a half up thing like you did with a bow.

Glad we Talked (53:27.753)
And the what? Someone on love Island. Oh, of course. Well, yeah, what else would I be talking about? Half up hairstyle with a bow and it was so cute. And I was like, I want to do that. I love a bow. I think. Yeah. Okay. Oh, maybe that's my spring thing. Yeah. Bow button down jeans loafers. Love. I like it. I like it too. All right. All right. Great. Solve that problem. You look beautiful. Victoria's secret yoga pants. Done. Done and done.

If I find a new go -to outfit, I'll let you guys know. But for right now, I'm just going keep my old style. I like it. It works for you. Classics. Classics. All right. Well, if you want to send us any racks, please DM them to us on Instagram at Glad We Talked Podcast, or you can email us at gladweetalkpodcast at gmail .com. And maybe you see some inspo on TikTok. You can send it to us there.

Love that. And don't forget to rate and review us five stars and five ballet slippers. This is your new thing. Like the most recent thing we talked about five ballet slippers and talk to you next week. Yes. All right, guys. Love you. Glad we talked. Glad we talked. Bye. You said you love them. Yeah. Oh, that's so sweet. Bye. Bye.

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