glad we talked

monthly report: best of beauty, sweet treats, shopping, and self-care

Season 2 Episode 21

It’s about that time again… Tori & Chanel are back with another monthly report! In case you missed the first monthly report, Chanel introduced a new episode series where the girls recap their favorite things of the month. What they’re currently Reading, Eating, Playing with, Obsessed with, Recommending, and Treating themselves to. 

But before the girls get into it, they chat quickly about Love is Blind and catch up on a few outstanding items like their friend and previous guest Jenna’s experience speed dating. Chanel has some exciting news about her therapy journey and Tori is on the cusp of fighting off her seasonal depression. 

Curious what the girls will be sharing on the Monthly Report? You can expect beauty products and routines (of course!), sweet seasonal treats, nail trends, splurges on new clothes, and new ways to form healthy habits. 

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Glad we Talked (00:00.462)

Glad we Talked (00:20.366)
Hello everyone. Hi everyone. Welcome back to Glad We Talk podcast. I'm Chanel. And I'm Tori. And hello. Hello. So just, we're just going to bring this up right away because Tori just mentioned it. We're recording this before the Love is Blind reunion because Tori is going to be traveling and Sebi is getting his heartworm injection next week. So we're going to be out of commission next week. So we're recording early before Love is Blind reunion.

So we have no thoughts yet. Yeah, we have no, we only have the previous thoughts, which hold true. Um, and like Chanel mentioned in our little short update last week, uh, we just have crazy schedules and she just mentioned it now. So bear with us. We're trying to get content out for you guys and we're happy to be recording this now. Um, but love is blind. We'll have to wait. Oh, well, I mean, we're going to be like super late and outdated, but have you, I've

I've seen some spoilers already. No, I mean, this doesn't even matter because by the time this air is already going to be out, I don't want to know. I mean, they're not even spoilers. They're just like, I haven't even looked into it, but I'm guessing. Oh, what? So maybe this is good. Let's see if my predictions came through. Oh, the Jimmy and Chelsea thing. Yeah. Jimmy and Chelsea are apparently still together. Yeah. They, someone saw them at like a restaurant. Yeah. And, um, I guess people are saying that Sarah Ann and Jeremy are together.

That tracks conspiracy theory because of like hand placement on the couches, I guess. Well, that would make sense. I mean, they kind of left together. They kind of left the show together. Yeah. Those are the only two things. Okay. And I did see that Blake and what's her name? Gianna who? Oh yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Blake from the bachelor. Yeah. The crossover. Yeah. Um, they come on the show for some reason. Okay. Cause the older together, they're having a baby. Oh,

She is so funny to me. The way she used to speak. I can't. So she was like in her own telenovela soap opera. She was one woman show. That was wild. That was when love of this blind was still like legit. Definitely. It was blind. There were no other goals other than to become a married couple. Yeah. No influencer shit. I know. Anyway, we'll see. We'll see what happened. We'll see what happens.

Glad we Talked (02:46.094)
And today we are going to do our monthly report. Yeah. And we do have some outstanding items first from last, I guess from a few weeks ago. A long, long time ago. Long time ago. Jenna and her speed dating. Jenna. So we asked her how it went and she said the best word to describe it was interesting. And she said it was decent.

Um, she would do it again if a friend really wanted to, but otherwise probably not, but she does wish everyone could experience it. It was super nice to get out of her comfort zone. Yeah. I never did speed dating, but now it kind of entices me. Like I might've done it. Had I been older? Agreed. You know, I think I was like, I think I was like considering it and then the pandemic happened. I kind of remember like thinking about it right before. You were going to do it. Yeah. Amanda was super gung ho on speed dating for some reason.

Cause she likes in person. Yeah. It must've been a lot sooner than the pandemic that we wanted to do it. Oh yeah. She always wanted to try it. Yeah. She was constantly. And then like, it was an, it was an ongoing thing. Yeah. Yeah. It was before the pandemic, like when in our twenties. Yeah. Um, and I saw somewhere ironically, and within the same timing that people are ditching dating apps and going on blind dates and, uh, speed dating instead.

What do you think a blind date is these days though? Cause you can like look everyone up on social. Is love really blind? Truly blind? Yeah, to do it. Yeah. I think a blind date would be a setup situation where it's a friend or an acquaintance that connects to you, but it doesn't mean you know necessarily who they are and you don't know enough information where you could look them up. So you maybe have a picture or no? I guess.

because then I wouldn't really be blindish. It's blindish. It's like a menu. You don't know what you're going to get. Sometimes you know how some menus have the picture next to the entree and you're like, oh, this looks good. And then you get it. And it's like, this is not the picture. Yeah. OK. Or the Wonka. Have you seen that? Where it was like, oh my god, the chocolate factory. And that was that was crazy.

Glad we Talked (05:05.486)
Yeah, my intern showed me that she was like, this was the proposal and this was the reality. Like, whoa. Can you imagine walking into that and they call the police? I was like, rightfully so. I would have called the police. Yeah. And then the people working there, they were like, they did not look well. It against their will. Yeah. It was really scary. Those Oompa Loompas were not happy. No. Oh my God. What do you think blind dating is? Um, I think it's like,

with this day and age, like everyone wants to see a picture and can see a picture. Yeah. But I agree. It's like someone's setting you up. So like a friend is setting you up. You don't really know much about them. You maybe know like their name. Yeah. You're just taking the digital part out of it. It's going back to humans, connecting humans versus an algorithm connecting humans. Yeah, exactly. I remember my old boss, Nance, tried to set me up on a blind date once with a family friend of hers.

Oh, really? I did too. I got set up by an old coworker. Did you see a picture first? Yeah. Okay. And it didn't work out. And then she also tried to set me up with her trainer. That's what's always looking out for me. Wow. That's a good setup. Didn't work out either. So, obviously. Yeah, I got set up by an old... Wait, what'd you say? I Mitch is neither of them. So, obviously, here we are. Obviously. I got set up by an old coworker and I saw a picture too.

But I still consider it kind of a blind date. I remember this. Yeah. Yeah. You know, did you go? I did. I went. Oh yeah. But it didn't work out. Obviously. Obviously. It's not Martin. So yeah. Anyway, we're rambling. Anyway, I know. Okay. What was the other outstanding item?

Um, I found a therapist. Oh, what? You told me. I know. I wanted to tell you now. Oh my God. Congratulations. Was it a genuine reaction? Oh, I'm so happy for you. Was it the option that you shared where you were like, I wanted to tell her everything or no? Yes. It's her. Yeah. So I had one more consultation after her and I did like her, but like I still, my gut feeling was just telling me to go with the other girl because I just felt comfortable right away. So.

Glad we Talked (07:18.51)
She's my therapist. I did for you my first appointments next week. Wow. I'm really happy for you. That's a great feeling. She's in therapy again. She's about to thrive. Yeah. She's, you know, not that you're not, but like, it's a really good feeling when you have someone set up and you're like, okay, I can start to unload some of this onto, you know, a third party that doesn't have stake in my relationships or my lifestyle right now. And just like they're.

solely trying to help you. Totally. I think like also just talking, talking is going to help me. So totally. Um, and like tools to manage my anxiety. You just, I'm very excited. So I will keep everyone posted. Oh, I cannot wait for you to share your therapy journey. Yeah, it's going to be good. Hopefully. I'm wondering if like she gives you coping mechanisms. Are you going to be like, Oh yeah, my friend told me about that one. Thank you.

Or like you have new ones to bring to us. Maybe she has new things, you know? Yeah, we'll have new coping. Our therapy is your therapy. So anything we learn, we're all in therapy together. It is. I love sharing things I've learned from therapy because I think it needs to help everyone. Be out in the world. Yeah. Why should I be the gatekeeper to better wellness and mental health? How's your seasonal depression? Because it's not really that warm anymore. I'm dying.

Today was really fricking cold and windy. Like I thought I was going to blow away. Um, I mean, I'm feeling better. I think knowing that we're out of the cold months and I'm when this aired, I had gone to a Charleston for a wedding. So hoping the warm weather past Tories, hoping that future Tory and present Tory enjoyed the time. Um, I think just that, and I, I think I'm going to start.

doing that in the winters is like taking a trip where there's more sunshine. That's smart. Yeah. I just need it honestly. So feeling better. Um, and I think just like seeing things around me also to getting ready for spring, you know, people are starting to garden and, um, I'm seeing just menus change and clothing stores of, Oh, I'll get into that. Of course, but I'm just, everyone else is preparing for warmth. So I'm excited for that. Okay. Yay. Yeah.

Glad we Talked (09:37.932)
All right, let's get into our monthly report. Okay. Can you remind the fans and the friends what the fans can hear the friends? What the monthly report is like, it goes down into an acronym, right? Yeah. So I stole this from Tik Tok. Um, it was a trend. It was called weekly report and, um, it's basically a breakdown of what you're doing that week and you do an acronym of report. So it's what you're reading, what you're eating, what you're playing with, what you're obsessed with.

what you recommend and what you're treating yourself to. And we turned it into a monthly report because we want to share with you guys like what we're doing and what we're eating, using, recommending. So yeah, that's the monthly report. Awesome. Do you want to go first? Sure. Why not? I feel like we need to change the first one from reading to something else because as you guys know, we never finish books for whatever reason. I'm currently reading like four books, but...

I guess the most recent one is the one I mentioned on the episode we did about me public speaking. Don't believe everything you think. Um, it is a good book. I'm still reading it. Like I just don't have time to like sit down and just dedicate myself to reading. Um, but I do want to talk about it once I'm done because it is supposed to help with like overthinking and anxiety. And I mean, this paired with therapy, I'll probably be like healed. Um, but it is a really popular book on Tik Tok. A lot of people said it changed like their lives and their outlook on life.

So if anyone's interested, Don't Believe Everything You Think by Joseph something. Joseph N. I can't remember his last name. Oh, okay. That sounds like a good helpful book for people. You know, we love a self -help book. I was like, what is the word? What is the word that these are? What are you reading? Yeah. Literally in the notes, you're like reading, I'm like, LOL, because like you, I have not had a lot of time.

to dedicate to reading, AKA love is blind is out. So of course I'm not going to read that night. I got to watch TV. Got to stay up to date on that. Um, let me have podcast nights, you know, that, that's a big thing. It's big thing. When we, when we both finished books, I think we weren't, we were on the podcast break. So, so this poc, it's, it's either reading or podcasts. We can't have both. Right. I think I've been reading our notes.

Glad we Talked (12:02.124)
So that's good. That's a step up, right? Sometimes I don't read them. Sometimes I come in blind. Depends on the day. It depends on the day, but I've been reading the notes. I'm still reading. What was I reading last time? Oh, it starts. It ends with us. It ends with us. I'm still reading that. Still have a chapter marker in there on my Kindle. But my friend Tanya, our friend Tanya of the podcast, she's Life Coach.

sent me a book after I did some life coaching with her as a little token. And it's called Coaching A to Z, the Extraordinary Use of Ordinary Words. So it's all words that you can use when coaching or trying to help people. So I'm really excited to kind of use that as a resource and look through it and get to know some empowering words. Ooh, I love that. Yeah, maybe you can bring that to the pod and coach us all.

Oh, I would love to do that. Yeah, bring your life coaching expertise from the book. I want to do that. I really, I want to get into life coaching. Yeah. And then you can have a different perspective on certain things on the pod. Yeah. Okay. That'd be good. I can do that. Do it for the pod. Do it for the pod. Now I'll do it. I know. That's like, if you just tell Tori to do it for the podcast, she'll do it. There was a meme that I saw and it was like, um,

I don't remember. I sent it to you. It was something about spending money. Because you joked how I just buy things and you're like, what is this? Oh, it's like nobody. And then it was like Sagittarius. Oh yeah, it says nobody, Sagittarius. I'm going to buy it. I'm going to just buy it. I'll make the money back 100%. Yeah. You? Literally me walking through life. Okay. As we'll get to in my other items on the monthly report. Eating. Eating. What are you eating?

Do you want to tell me what you're eating first or you want my last you go next? Okay. Um, I'm not eating but I'm drinking. I am drinking Irish cream cold brews from mojo and Hoboken. You've been to Mojo Dojo Casa house. No, not Mojo Dojo Casa house. It's just Mojo coffee, coffee house, Mojo Mojo coffee house. I'm in Hoboken and it's my favorite coffee drink that they have on the menu. It's seasonal. So only in March.

Glad we Talked (14:19.052)
near St. Patrick's day and it's like the most delicious foamy, marshmallowy Irish cream on top of a cold brew. And it's like caramely. It's delicious. Wow. Is it sweet? Yes, but not. No, it is, but it's not. Just enough. Yeah. It's perfect. And I want them to have it all year. Is it dairy, full dairy? I'm pretty sure. Okay. It sounds good. It's delicious. I...

literally walk there. Rodie was not having it. There were too many dogs and I was like, I need this coffee. It's March. And I had seen on their Instagram that they were selling it. So I, Rodie was like barking, lunging at dogs and like, okay, you got to go home, brought him home, walked back to get my coffee because I was like, I am getting this coffee. Do they do it outside of March or it's literally just limited for March? It's just March.

That's kind of like upsetting. It is, but it makes me want it that like I was looking forward to March. It was another thing that got me out of my seasonal depression. I think I was like, Mojo is going to have the Irish cream cold brew. Wow. I got to try this next time. I'm gonna help. Oh good. Yeah, you do. You do. Okay. 100%. So before March, you got to make it over here. Okay. I mean, before end of March. Yeah, I got you. Yeah. Yeah. It's I'm not kidding. Like I maybe we released this clip to them just so they know how much.

I love it. I love it. And maybe they'll do it again in another month. Yeah. Just for you. Or they can just call it the Glad We Talked special and keep it on the menu. Keep it on. Like, Arowan. They do like special smoothies. Yeah. Glad We Caffeinated. Yeah. Like a little sweet, a little foamy. Work your magic. Okay. We'll try. What are you eating or consuming? I'm eating. So at the deli, there's these like, what?

I was going to say, should it be eating or should it just be like enjoying, like enjoying food? Like what, instead of eating, it's like enjoying. Yeah. In the food, food and beverage category. Yeah, exactly. Okay. Maybe. Eating and enjoying these Italian wafer cookies. I don't know how to pronounce the brand. It's like L -O -A -C -K -E -R, loker maybe? Locker, loker. They're called, that's the brand and then they're called

Glad we Talked (16:39.019)
Quadratini waffle cookies and they're hazelnut flavored. Quadratini. They are so good. I buy a pack a week. It's getting bad. Like I actually need to stop eating them so much because I can't control myself. They are freaking delicious. The thing is like, I'm not a big like chocolate, like milk chocolate person. Like, Oh, these are like wafers kind of. Yeah, they're wafers. They're like,

They're like just enough sweet. Like they're not too sweet because I hate things that are too sweet and they're just the right amount of chocolate to wafer ratio and crunch. And like, there's such a perfect snack and I am addicted to them and I need to stop buying them. Do you drink them? I mean, do you eat them while you drink your mushroom coffee? No, but that's a nice little snack. Cause I eat them in the afternoon or the evening. Yeah. I see this and I'm like, this would go good with a little coffee. A dip it in the coffee, you know? Oh, level it up.

It gets a little melty. Yeah. I also like Ferrero Rocher's and it's kind of like that. Yeah. I love, I just like hazelnut, like Nutella. Like I love all that stuff. I didn't know that about you. Yeah. You're not allergic to hazelnut. No, I'm not. No, that's good. Yeah. Cause you have a lot of allergies. I do. Not hazelnut though. Thank God. Have you tried the, the vanilla ones of these? I have not. I've only done the hazelnut.

I'm addicted to hazelnut, so I wanted to try them and I have not stopped. I've literally been getting them like once a week for like a month, maybe two months, three months. I can't even keep count at this point. They're so good. I get them at the deli. Which is an Italian deli? No, it's just like the regular deli on the corner or like they have them at multiple delis in the neighborhood. Yeah.

Oh, you know what, Chanel, they have individually wrapped ones. Now this isn't probably good for sustainability, but it could be help, help you not binge eat them. Yeah. Cause like, you know, when, when something's individually wrapped, you're like, okay, I had my quota for the day. Cause you have to unwrap it. There's effort put into it when you open the bag and it's just there, you're like pop, pop, pop, pop, pop. Oh my gosh. And the thing is I get home early from work. I get home at like five 30 and Martin doesn't get home till seven 30. So like there's two hours.

Glad we Talked (18:59.979)
that I'm not eating dinner and starving. So I'm just eating these cookies. So, but I'll talk about it later, but I've, I've now found a way to like slow down. Yeah. I think there's, there's ways that this will support this. Your goals. My goals. Yeah. Yeah. So that's what I'm eating. Yeah. Highly recommend them if anyone wants to be obsessed with a little snack. Could you imagine that with the Irish cream cold brew coffee? Yes.

Okay, okay. This is what the drink needs I'm going to come over and I'm going to bring the crackers and you bring the cold brews. I'm thinking this is what the Glad We Talk drink is. We got to go to Mojo and get like a hazelnut inspired latte or coffee, like a cold brew. And it has like hazelnut, notes of hazelnut in it. Then we need like the sweet cold foam on top. And then we get these, whatever they are, the...

What are they called? Quadratini cookies. Quadratini cookies. And we crumble them on top as like a nice little sprinkling. This Yeah. This lux. Does this hazelnut thing exist, this coffee thing? No, this is going to be the Glad We Talked drink. Oh, I see. This is going to be our special drink. Yeah, it's Glad We Talked. I'm in. Yeah. Oh my God. It sounds delicious. So good. I'm going to pitch it to them.

See how it goes. Hey, listen, I want to do an event there. I mean, this is a whole thing now. One day, special drink. Glad we talked. Well, yeah, we'll make it a thing. Maybe they can do it. it. OK. All right. What are we playing with? It always sounds dirty. What are we playing with? Or weird. Sorry. Yeah. No, I know what you mean. I'm immature. I'm playing with a lot of skincare lately.

I just blew past me. You're like, yeah, whatever. Okay. Onto the real stuff. Wait, what were you saying? I said it sounds dirty. Yeah, I can't. You're like, I don't have time for this. We have episodes to record. I'm playing with skincare because I get a lot of stuff from work and I have not found my routine yet. I talk about how much I'm into beauty and how many moisturizers I like and serums I like.

Glad we Talked (21:23.819)
But I just can't pin down. Like I feel like everyone I talk to has their routine, has their like Holy grail products. I don't even have like, like I, I'm already using a new moisturizer after I talked about the Charlotte Tilbury one last time. Like I'm not loyal. No, but you get it for free. So you're like, why spend money on it when I get it for free? Yeah, that's how I feel with my skincare. So I'm just playing with a lot of skincare. Like I have like five serums open right now. I'm using two different moisturizers.

Um, I don't know if that's bad for my skin though. So I should probably stop. I that's, I, I'm afraid of that. Like, so what I do is I like, you give me a lot of products, which I really appreciate, but I'll open one and use that fully and not introduce new players until that's done. Okay. I try and do like one in the morning and one at night, but sometimes I'll like introduce new players in between, like depending on the week, you're like, Ooh, just got this. Let's try it out.

I know I need to stop. I know it's like Christmas. So I think eventually my plan is to narrow down. I think I'm just doing a lot of testing right now. I'm just in the phase of playing with them, testing them out and just seeing what I really, really love. And then I hope to have like my holy grail routine. It just shocks me that you're not like recording videos of this as you're testing them. Like, so I just got this new Sunday.

whatever Riley skin was that even a brand Sunday? I was like summer Friday. I got a blank for a second. I just got this like Sunday Riley skincare and I'm super excited and I'm going to test it out. Okay. Very creamy, very rich, you know, like I, what am I doing? What you doing? But what is, what is what you get so frustrated with my influencer potential.

Glad we Talked (23:11.957)
It's so funny. It's right there. Literally right there. You have like just endless supplies of beauty and you're just like, I'm just trying on. Ooh, I like it. Like, I don't even have time to read. Like when am I recording this? But you're having the thoughts. You know what I mean? Like I know what's happening as you're going through it. You're like, Ooh, I like this. Like, and I can hear it. I can hear the thoughts that's going in your head. You know, anyways, it's energy. I get it. You can't put all of the energy into it. And I'll respect that.

It sounds like you do have a routine. You just have a lot of variety in the product you're using. So what is the routine? Um, it's, uh, wash my face at night with a face wash and then serum, eye cream, moisturizer, is it any oil or is it like a hyaluronic acid oil or it's whatever serum I feel like right now I'm using La Roche -Posay serum at night and I also mix it up with matter of fact serum.

which is like a brightening serum. And then I have a matter of fact, a face cream. And then in the morning I'm doing Clarins serum with L 'Occitane face cream. And then I also have a L 'Occitane oil for nighttime that I put on top of everything. You are very dedicated to L 'Occitane. I am. I do love L 'Occitane. You do. Like that is a consistent. On brand. Yeah. She knows she likes L 'Occitane. You're loyal. I'm loyal. I think you have the steps, but do you...

Do you have like a specific, do you like use vitamin C in the morning? No, it's just whatever. Oh, sorry. I forgot that the people can't know unless you're watching on YouTube. No, I mean, I just, I like the Clarins cause I like the way it makes my skin feel before I put my makeup on. It's like very like soft. Um, so I use that in the morning cause I like how my makeup sits on top of it. It's more about like,

that kind of thing. Like I use other things that make, cause I like how it feels on my face at night. Like I want it to be like oily and like just all my face, my face absorbed like all the moisture while I'm sleeping, you know? Yeah. No, I totally get that. I really, I really do. Cause my, one of my updates, I mean, my, my two updates next to our beauty related to, but yeah, what's your playing with is key. I want to get back to your routine really quickly. I think you can do it. You just,

Glad we Talked (25:32.733)
Enjoy the products you have. There's nothing wrong with that. I think what you could do is consistently find like, okay, I need to use a vitamin C or like a retinol and then like just know the steps. Like what are the ingredients to your routine and then fill in with whatever products you have. That's my two cents. Okay. That's smart. Like if I'm going to use a vitamin C, it can be different brands, but just be consistent with the vitamin C usage. Right. So like,

For example, I don't want to jump ahead, but like, I like to use a night mask and I'll get to that in a few points, but I just ran out of the Tula one that, um, your friend Julia gave me and I loved it, but I wasn't going to just go out and buy it again. And you had given me another one. So then I replaced that night mask and it's like, okay, just when that's done, I don't open a new one. I see. I see. Okay. I can try and do that. Once all these are done.

See, because I literally was using a toner from Summer Fridays and then I just got a toner from Glow Recipe and I was like, I want to open it. Yeah, you just got excited to try it. Yeah. So I got to tone down the excitement. You're keeping the shelf life longer. That's true. Yeah. You know what I mean? That's also like, think of it, your saving product. That's true. Okay. Or give it to me. Always. I am playing with my nails.

We know that I always love my nails and this is a constant playing with, but can I just say something? Yes. Your nails are always on point. Like seriously, it's, it's annoying cause I'll have like one chip nail and I'm like, I'm going to see Tori and I know her nails are going to be perfect. Sometimes they break. They're not meant to, but like I did break one. Um, but thank you. I appreciate that. I take pride in my nails now. Um, because it's always been.

something that I didn't feel great about my nails. I have a short Megan Fox Fox thumbs. Hey, listen, don't come at me saying that. I said my nails look like Megan Fox. Okay. Like it's legit. I did the research. I cross compared. I got analysis from other people. Like I'm not just coming out making that claim. My thumb, my thumbs look like Megan Fox thumbs. You know, look at that. Yeah. Look at that. Same. Um, short, stumpy. Yeah. Yep. You have them too. Yeah.

Glad we Talked (27:57.419)
We got Megan Fox Thumbs over here. And so anyways, it's always been like subconscious that I don't like showing my hands, but since I've done these UV gel extension nails, my nails have gotten healthier, longer. I won't say healthier. I'm pretty sure they're still brittle and will break, but they've gotten longer and I am more confident showing my hands. And it just like makes me happy to look at the different designs. And I really like the nail group I go to. It's called Nailed It and Hoboken.

My nail guy, James, opened his own studio. And yeah, yesterday I went and I got, I didn't know how they did this. It's also like just interesting to see how they do these designs that I come in with. I got an ombre nail with chrome. Ooh. Oh my gosh. Love that. So it's very like subtly, there's a darker layer on top that they like stipple on with like a sponge.

Oh, yeah. And then I just feel like you're a nail. People just really know what they're doing. Like every time I go to the nail salon, I can't get these fun designs. Um, question though for you. So you do UV gel extensions. Is it like an actual tip or is it like, like what, like, what do you get? So, so it, some places will do a tip on there, like the plastic tip that they'll glue on to get your nail to grow out, which James has told me is not great for a nail. It's not really good to get.

your length there. Instead, what they do is they build the it's like a soft to hard gel. So they put this like goop on and with their brush, they extend it out and they put when you're getting the first set on, they'll get like these stickers they almost look like they're silver and they they wrap it around your nail. Oh, I've seen that. Yeah, and then it sticks to your nail and then they get it really close to underneath where your natural nail is. So right underneath the nail.

and they put it there and then they build the nail, the gel out. So it lays on that extension and that's where they can get the length depending on how long you want your nail. So it just does that and then you cure it with the light, which actually isn't UV light. They just call it that. It's a, it's a led light really. Um, and they cure it in that. And then when it's all done, they pop that little piece off and do you have the long extensions?

Glad we Talked (30:19.115)
So how long do they last? And then when you get like a new design, do you have to get like a filling or do you just get a whole new set? I get a fill. So I sometimes I break it. So this week I went in and it was like, I broke my nail. And they're like, it's okay. It burns when you get a new set or like a new nail on it really burns. But pain is beauty. Beauty is pain. It really burns. That's normal.

I know I'm always like this definitely is not good for me, but whatever. And so they only fill like the bottom half. To get the polish off, they use their Dremel, the drill thing, and then they just fill it with the gel and then they reshape it, file it, whatever. But it only takes an hour to get these done. Okay. An hour's not bad. No, it's not. How are your nails when you get it off? Are they like really soft, like your actual nails?

Yeah, my nails are soft, but I haven't seen my real nails in a long time, except for when it broke and the other day it did break, but it didn't, the extension popped off. So the gel covering popped off and my real nail was underneath. The length of the font was fine. I just never had strong nails. I'm not someone that naturally has strong nails. If you had strong nails, I'm sure it would be fine. I just, the length is mine and it's just supported by the gel.

Um, but I have taken my set off before and my nails go back to being short and I start biting them. I also am an horrific nail bite. Oh, so this helps you not bite them. Yes. I don't bite my nails anymore. I feel like when you do fun designs, you have to share them on social because people should see your nails. They're always, they always are like really fun and colorful. Okay. I'll, I'll share this one. Um, I am just so impressed because I think I've mentioned this to you before, but like every time I do gel and I just did the nail polish,

when I take it off, like I literally can't go more than like a month doing it straight. Cause my nails are so brittle. They burn, they hurt, they break off. And I'm just, I can't be consistent with the gel because like I literally need them to breathe. That's not my that. Okay. We're waiting for the vet to show up. Yeah. Um, no, it's true. I mean, I was the same way I used to do the dip, you know, the dip nails.

Glad we Talked (32:39.627)
James told me, I love James. I introduced him to my mom over the weekend. I was like, Oh mom, meet James. What a beautiful relationship. He's like, and I actually saw a different girl, um, because James, he's like impossible now in a book because he's just so good at everything. And he hired this other girl that's equally as amazing named Sophia. And I was doing my nails and she was just like, James, is she always like this when she comes in? Like, because she was telling me she's like,

What do you, what design do you want? What color do you want? And I was just like, whatever you think she's like, is the shape okay? I was like, do you think it looks okay? And she's like, you are the lead because people come in right when you're, it's your nails and people get super picky. They're like, this, this one looks a little uneven. That's me. Yeah, it's fine. I understand it, but I'm so confident in these two that I don't have anything to say because I'm like,

I'd rather trust you. Yeah. And they do amazing designs. My nails always look nice. I followed that. I followed him. He was at a different studio and then he opened his own. I was like, where you go, I go. And anyways, I just established this new relationship and she was just like, who is this girl? She's like, I kind of like her. I know she did. She's like, I like this freedom. I know. And then like the other people in the studio are looking at me like, who the fuck is this? But I'm like, whatever. I'm here with, I'm here and have a good time.

Here for a good time not a long time. Yeah, exactly. Um, I'm gonna have to go with you one day I think yeah, I think you should I think I should too people come to this place an hour away Wow, he me he has people come in drive in from like New Jersey Yeah, cuz like I don't hear a lot of places that do it He does like I mean, it's really specific like the the place that I go to has like two options for gel Like that one that you do is like super specific. I don't know a lot of places that do it

You have, there's a few places in Hoboken that do it. Um, but you have to be, he, I've talked to him about it. He's like, you have to just practice so much and a lot of people don't can, don't practice that much. And so it's not good. And then they get customers that are complaining when they get it done or they don't know the tips. And he's just like, I just learned so much and I really practiced it to get it to a point where I could, he became the best at his other studio. And then he's like, I'm going to do my own business because he's literally the best. Love it.

Glad we Talked (34:52.747)
We have James, another James we love. I know you have to come though. I will. I think you're going to, you would feel like a baddie. You're going to like be like, Oh my God, my nails. I can't do the point. Like you do like the pointy ones. I think I would just do square. They wouldn't let you. Why they will let you, but like I asked them, I was like, okay guys, what's the trend and they're like square nails. And they're all I'm like, why, why should I be doing square? And they're like, no, we don't like it. It makes your hands. If you have hands like mine, ours, little stumps over here. No.

They're like, it makes it look fatter. So I, they converted me. I used to do square. Nah, I'm square girl. So I just, okay. Square girl slides. I know this is the new thing. I know, but I just can't see it on my hands. Like the point doesn't go with my hand. Like it just doesn't work. Like it's not my style. Mine are oval. Yeah. They were go with you though.

doesn't work. I hate oval on me. Like my hands are too big. Like I just can't do it. I can't do it. I'm square girls. I see what they would say. Can we, I want to go and see. No, because you know, I'm a people pleaser and they're going to convince me and I'm going to say yes. And then I'm not going to like them. Well, that's what I did. And then I ended up liking them. Hmm. We'll see. I'll think about it. Okay. I need square though. Okay. All right. I'm loving this nail journey. I can't wait for you to start playing with your nails with me. I'm going to be on point like Tori. Yeah. Um, my friend,

our friend of podcast, Julianne, she actually just got engaged. I saw. I know. Congrats Julianne. And she, her nail game always inspires me. Oh, and her nails were beautiful. They were, they were like the Ombre white. Yeah. She inspired me for my nails this week. Love it. They were like perfect. Um, she, we were also like, uh, giggling because her engagement pictures were like so pretty. She was so calm, cool and collected. And I was like,

If that were me, I would be like you. And you were crying, falling over, sobbing. I was like, I relate to that. Perfect, right? In Central Park, near the pond. She's smiling nicely. With the umbrella. And I'm like, in mine, I'm like, argh. I would be you. I get it. You look like the troll. No, you actually looked really good in your engagement photos. I did, but there's one picture where I can't even stand up.

Glad we Talked (37:13.163)
You're like, no one can see this. You're with your piece. So you just have tears everywhere. It would just be like wet. But she looks so good. It's so classy. I loved it. We're happy for you. Happy for everything. Just had to squeeze that in because her nails are always on point. Yes. All right. What's next? Obsessed with. What are you obsessed with? I am obsessed with, and this is where it gets, oh, I moved it. I don't know what I'm obsessed with. You go first. I got to think of something.

I know. I saw that it was blank and I was like, she going to surprise me? Oh, I didn't know. I just missed it. Go ahead. I got to think of something. Okay. This isn't a hot take at all. This is very much on brand for me, but obsessed with reality shows right now. And the reason I'm bringing this up is because we're just watching so many reality shows right now. I don't even think I'm watching a normal show, like a normal drama. I'm watching Bachelor, Summer House, Love Island, we just finished, Vanderpump, and obviously Love's Blind.

Like it's just like new rotation every night of a new reality show. You said the Kardashians too. Kardashians. Yes. What are, what's that like? I haven't watched the Kardashians in a long time. It's great. Courtney's yelling at Kim. She called her a narcissist in the last episode. I'm watching season four on Hulu. Um, I just love Kim. Honestly, I do. I've really come to really love her. Um, and she is doing all the like criminal, um, justice, like the, like getting innocent.

people from jail freed, which I just love. And I don't know, I've just been enjoying it. All my reality shows. I'm just obsessed with it right now. If you had to pick one, what's your favorite? Is it Love Island? It's Love Island. I was like, oh, that's easy. Why? The accents, the drama, the island, the casa, more of it all. If you had to give like...

a really brief synopsis to get someone to start watching. Like, why should we watch if we don't already? Um, Oh my God. A bunch of things, but like really put together a comprehensive sentence. I just, I want to get on board with you and I'm just like, why? I mean,

Glad we Talked (39:30.347)
The couple drama is intense. There's a lot of different couples. They're all hot. They're all on an island together. They'll couple up with someone and then a new person can come in at that point and then they'll leave their couple to go with the new person. Sometimes they do it behind the other person's back. And then the best part of the show is a scene called Casa Amor where the guys and the girls are separated from their couples and put into separate houses with completely new singles. And they have to try and stay faithful, not knowing what the other person is doing. And they're all hot.

And they're all hot. And is this where like people, like, are they players? Like the girls and the guys, like they're just like, they're not players. No, they're not. No, not by any means. They're actually very like, they're more reserved than I would say, like American TV. Like they don't really like, it takes them a lot to like kiss someone. They don't really show like sexual things on TV. Um, it's more about like the chats that they have and the language that they use, like.

They just use like the fun British banter. It's just, it's a, I mean, listen, can't recommend it enough. Okay. But if you're not on board, I get it. Okay. Not, it's not for everybody. There's like 50 episodes per season. So, Oh my God. Is that another reason? Like why it's just cause there's so much of it. There's so much of it. Because like I'm mad that love love is blinds over. You just become engrossed in it. Like you become like part of the Island. Like you just can't wait to see who's going to walk in the door next.

Who's going to stay in their couple? It's kind of like Survivor, right? Because Survivor always had like a zillion episodes. They're like literally fighting for their lives on Survivor. Anyway, so yeah, I'm on my reality TV game. Okay. Did you think of an Obsessed with yet? I know why I left it blank as we were talking. I'm just obsessed with still finding a bridesmaid's dress.

Okay. And I'm trying to like, it's like a kind of, it's, I don't want Maggie to feel bad. Maggie, don't feel bad when you listen to this. It's fine. Um, I just, I'm like obsessed with finding the perfect dress that I want to wear because I want to look my best for my brother's wedding. I understand that. And have you branch out to other brands? I did. Um, so I just ordered a few things on revolve to try out and I'm, I'm going to wait if I don't find anything.

Glad we Talked (41:52.555)
I will wait. I do have one of the dresses for reformation. I think I'm going to keep as a backup. If like, I just really can't find something, then I'll just have this. It's going to be what it's going to be. Um, but I'm just like constantly, like I'm even clicking on ads. Like I'm getting a Nordstrom ads and I'm like, maybe something new came in. Yeah. I was the same way. Honestly, the ads are kind of good because you start getting fed all these ads now and then you're like exposed to different brands and different, um, styles that like, you're not always.

maybe looking at. Yeah, but I have a thing with Instagram ads too, where I'm like the old person that's like, is this really real? Like, am I going to get a product? You know? Oh, with brands you've never heard of. Yeah. And I'm like, what is the quality? Like, am I going to get a bait and switch where it's like, I ordered this really nice dress and then I get it. And it's like, polar people put a question up. Have you guys heard of this brand? If so, let me know how it is. Ask the people.

Okay. Yeah. Ask the people. And I've ordered a few stuff from Instagram ads. So if you see any that you have questions on, you can ask me too. Okay. I noticed that. Like I do think that you've, you're more, and your friend Chrissy's like this too, where she, she's like, Oh yeah, I got this off Instagram. She is. Yeah. You know, and I, I wish I could do it. I'm just so skeptical. I get it. But there are some brands that are like legit brands are just, they're just, um,

doing it out on Instagram. So it just depends. I know. Yeah. I gotta be more. Don't be scared. And I get, I do get that. Like, so you don't want it to show up and it's like a sheer paper dress. Yeah. I guess then you can return it, but it's like, I just don't want to waste my time, my money, my energy. I understand. I get it. I get it. Um, okay. Well, let us know how the revolved dresses go. I will. It said that one, I pre -ordered one and they said, Oh, good news. We got it sooner than we thought. So it's on its way.

Okay, good. And you have a little bit of time and I feel like there might be some new styles coming out for summer. So I was thinking that like, I think the way that we shop for bridesmaids dresses and occasions has changed with more of like this. It's, it's not, it's like a fast fashion business model. So like this, like edits and collections and like new inventory and just having that freshness always because consumers are wearing clothes differently. And I think the drop will be closer to summer. This is still kind of in spring, you know? Yeah.

Glad we Talked (44:19.275)
Exactly. Like you can see new styles coming out maybe in like May. Yeah. So patient. You should wait a little bit and see. Yeah. Patience grasshopper. It's not like, yeah, cause back when we were doing like the Jenny you dresses, we would have to order it like five months in advance. But if you're just ordering it from like revolve, you don't need to order it that far. Right. Exactly. You're right. You're right. You're right. Okay. The obsession is coming down. I'm glad we talked this out.

Glad we talked. Okay, what are you recommending? I am recommending, this is the other product, is the Nice Cinnamide Night Cream from Pharmacy. I hadn't heard of it before. I think that you gave it to me or maybe Amanda gave it to me. Somehow I ended up with it. It's a night mask cream and I am loving it. I put every night. My pores, first of all, my pores just like...

I never have a real big issues with my pores, but I just feel tighter. My skin, I feel like looks less wrinkly. Not that I have a lot of wrinkles. Okay. I know people are going to listen to me like you don't have any wrinkles, but I just feel like it looks a little bit more plump and moisturized and like refreshed. And it's like, it came with this little spatula. Oh, I love when that happens. I know. And it just, it's like, it's so nice. And I put it on my neck and I just, yeah, I really like it. It's a nice texture and everything.

So it doesn't, it's not a mass that you put on and clean off. You sleep with it. You sleep with it. So I just keep it by my nightstand. And this is a hack that I've been doing is that I felt that I wasn't moisturizing or like enough overnight. And I just keep it by my bedside table now. So that like, before I go to bed, I put my whatever, whatever product I'm using on rotation, but this is actually one that I think I would buy again. Oh, okay. I don't think Avian Think Pharmacy is that expensive. So it's like a pretty good price point. I think so. I looked it up.

before this and of course now I can't find where I put it. But I think it was like 65 or something. I don't know. I mean, but for it depends on what you how much you're willing to spend. I don't know. Oh, here it is. Okay. Oh no. Such a liar. It's 45 at Sephora. Oh, okay. For the full 1 .7 size.

Glad we Talked (46:44.075)
And it has 4 .7 reviews out of 1000 plus reviews on Sephora. So that's a good product. So I also looked up niacinamide while you were talking because I wanted to know what it does for your skin. And it's been shown to make your skin stronger, smoother, and brighter. It's used to treat acne and can help nourish and protect your skin, especially when used with other products like retinol. Yeah, I like it. So this is like the example they give you.

And I've been having acne lately. I don't know if it's like hormones changing or all. I was like, it's hormone. I'll say I'm supposed to be getting my period. I get, I'm starting to get it. Just becoming too comfortable on the mic.

Glad we Talked (47:27.795)
Right hand corner my mouth. When we first started we were like, um, what can we say? What can't we say? You're like, I'm getting more barriers soon. What do we want to share? The people now know your cycle. My coworkers might be listening. Now you're like, this is what's up. It is what it is. You know, what are, what what are you? What is the last one? What did I just say? Recommend. Recommending. Yeah. Guys, LOL.

But, well, why? Because of my recommendation. But I want to, I don't know if I talked about this in the spring cleaning episode, because I don't know if I had it at that point, but I use this brand called R &R. I saw it on, I think I saw it on Instagram or TikTok or something. I saw someone like cleaning their bathroom with it. Okay. It's R &R. You're so easily influenced by product. I really am. I'm the target audience for everyone. That's hilarious. Like.

We share our account on Glad We Talked and like the number of times I actually see that you bought something from TikTok Shop. I fully bought it twice. Okay. But, oh no, wait, three times. Okay. There we go. It's like your TikTok Shop order has shipped and I'm like, oh, Chanel's going at it again. Influenced by TikTok. So it's working. I'm dying. Cause I am like that. I don't know what's wrong with me. Just tell me you like it. And I'm like, okay. Really great. You know what? One of the ones on TikTok that I am considering.

Do you see like the, it's always the cleaning stuff. You're right. Yeah. This little one thing that I have seen that I'm considering that as well. Like I don't care about the beauty stuff. Like I can go buy that adult or Sephora. Well, I bought that's random. I bought a Tarte concealer cause it was like half off on Tik TOK shop. So I was like, yeah, is it really? See, I'm like, that seems like a scam. No, I got it. I won't do it. I'm like, no, this is a scam. It's not going to be real. It's Tarte. I got it. And it was in a Tarte box.

No, beauty brands are selling on TikTok shop. Like it's their shop. Is it? Yes. It is. That's me being skeptical. I've watched so many like presentations and research on this stuff at work. Like it's the beauty brands. Someone's switching it out. It's like the generic, you know what I mean? They put like, it's like, it's the Oompa Loompa. No, you're the one who said TikTok shop is like QVC for Gen Z and that's what it is. It's like brand selling on this platform. So I can trust it.

Glad we Talked (49:50.379)
Yeah, it's like Amazon. Brands are selling on the platform. I did it once and I got the freckle stuff, which I did like, but haven't used it. I feel like I liked it and I was happy with it, but not doing it again. Exactly. Anyway, okay. So go back to what your... It's a bathroom spray. It's called RNR Mold and Mildew Cleaner. And it's really good for spraying your bathtub and rinsing it with water 20 seconds later. And then in the crevices of your bath, when you...

turns moldy or mildewy, you just spray it. You don't even have to scrub it. You spray it and rinse it off with water and the mold comes off before you start cleaning your bathtub. Yeah, it's amazing. Can you use it while you're in the shower? No, it smells really strong. I wouldn't recommend that. Keep your pets away. That's what Vanessa Amaro, the cleaning...

gal on TikTok. She like says, Oh, clean while you're in the shower, which that's like a natural thing. It's like a vinegar. That's what I do. Yeah. Yeah. I have a spray bottle with vinegar. Well, if you want chemicals, this stuff is good. Is it RNR or RMR? RN like Nancy R. It's not this. Oh, maybe it is RMR. Because I'm like, I'm Googling RNR and it's not coming up. Maybe it is RMR.

Mold and mildew. Yeah, more right. Okay. RMR. Okay. She lied. It's I'm like Mary. Not Nancy. Okay. And is have you used it before or? Yeah, I've been using it for like months and I just ran out of my bottle. I've to order a new one. Oh, I've pet. Order. Order. Order. Hold the door. Um, pet. Oh, that was a Game of Thrones reference. You didn't get it. No, I didn't get it. I just thought we were being funny and silly. Hold the door.

No. Anyway, moving on because we are, we are almost out of time. I know. Okay. Sorry. I'm intrigued by this, but I also, I just like do the vinegar thing. I just clean my washing machine. Let's totally get it. If you have any molds in Mel's or on your shower, I recommend this product. Okay. Maybe. You don't have get it. You really don't have to get it. Just anyone else who wants it. I see that you're not easily influenced. So I just love like,

Glad we Talked (52:06.859)
It's so funny how different we are in this. You're like, all the chemicals, just like spray it. You can't do it when you're in there. Hide your kids, hide your wife, hide your pets. I'm like, I just like the vinegar. I want to be cleaning while I'm in the shower. Yeah, I want chemicals. In the nude. I need chemicals in my freaking bathtub. In my house, I need to be sparkling clean. Oh my God, we're just so funny. That's funny. Yeah. Okay, last but not least.

treating ourselves to. Am I going first? I forgot. All right. You go first. What are you treating yourself to? I'm also doing Noom. Yay. So I'm treating myself because it's like a hundred something dollars for the app, which is like annoying because you're like tracking where you're eating and I'm like, okay, but I am enjoying it. It's really good to see how I'm overeating. Like I didn't even realize.

ways I was overeating. Right. Yeah. So they do it like how you said before, I know you talked about it, but just to get like a quick recap, it's like green food, yellow food, orange food, green food is like fruits, veggies, food that you can eat so many calories of. Yellow is like, you can eat more, but like be careful, tread carefully. And then orange is like, they don't say bad food, but they say just eat less of it. They're like calorie dense foods. And I did not realize how many calorie dense foods I was eating. It's actually my yogurt, my yogurt.

was an orange food. It's so you think you're eating healthy and I'm like listen I don't know if it's 100 accurate like everything with a grain of salt. Noom isn't like the be all end all right how you can eat a healthy balanced diet but if you aren't sure where you're portioning out your foods and where calories are going and like how you're filling your plate it is it was so fascinating which it really is and I thought it was going to be hard to like

input because I'm not really good at that because I did like my fitness pal, but they actually have a lot of foods registered. So it makes it easier because anything I tried, they have so much trader Joe stuff. Um, so I've just found it really easy to like maintain and I like the colors. I like the visual. Yeah. And they have a lot of tips. It's not as like calorie counting, you know, it's, it takes that point portion out of like what you have to worry about. It gives you a.

Glad we Talked (54:28.203)
kind of a threshold of where exactly it's not like this is how many of to eat. It's like you can eat from this range and you know, but depending on which range you're at, this is how many pounds you're going to lose per week. Yeah. So you're enjoying it. I am. I am enjoying it and I'm trying to be consistent with it because it is hard to be consistent with stuff like that. Um, but it's just, it's opening my eyes more to what I'm, I should be eating more of. Yeah. I was eating way too many nuts and oil. Yeah. That's another thing. Yep.

Like I would be like, oh, well, this is healthy. There were these chickpeas that I really liked from Trader Joe's and it wasn't, they're not bad. They are so healthy, but because they're paired in oil, there were added calories. And it was like, if you just got the chickpeas that weren't in the oil, then it's a different food category. And it's like just those little things that you're not thinking of. Exactly. Like I got the everything but the bagel.

cashews and almonds from Trader Joe's. And I was like, oh, these are healthy. And then it's like, they're not really. And it's like, they help you with like portioning. They're like, it's not that you can't have it. You just have to have less of it. Right. Which is nice. So that's where I'm trying to put my quaggitini cookies in. You're like, all the orange. I'm like, god damn it. It does make you think about it though. Yeah. It's like, that's my freaking orange threshold for today.

And you'll notice that once you start buying like the healthy snacks that you recommend and like I've I one thing I did was like, I didn't do this all the time, but I would use the food lookup tool when I was grocery shopping and just the beginning stages to be like, okay, if I bought this, where would this go into my, what's the food lookup tool? Um, I forgot to hit cancel my subscription. I'm still on it. I still use it. I, I, I, I, uh, I wasn't going to do it for a second time, but I just, I missed my.

subscription cancellation. So I am, Oh, welcome back. You haven't logged your meals in a while. Yeah. Okay. No shit. Okay. Um, I have a million treat days. That's nice. If you go to, Oh, I see the little menu. Yeah. Oh, I didn't even know this existed. Food lookup. Great. You can actually scan the barcode while you're shopping. And yeah, sometimes they have them. Sometimes they don't, but like I, I,

Glad we Talked (56:44.203)
I wanted to buy something and I'm like, okay, I want to know if this I'm buying it because it's a healthy, healthy snack. Is it actually what I would consider healthy snack and do I want my calories to go, my points to go to that or whatever? And it wasn't, it helped me, you know, make decisions. Okay. Sold. I will say it makes your time a little bit longer in the grocery store, but as you're beginning it's helpful. No, I didn't even know this existed on the app. So yeah, this is good.

And I have kept eating some of the snacks consistently, like more fruits. I've like noticed that. So it does help you establish habits. It's because when you see it visually, you're like, okay, I got to be better. I'm excited for you. Thanks. How do you feel? Therapy? New? Therapy, new. She's a new woman. You know, she lost a pound. Really? Yeah. One whole pound. In a week? Yeah. That's good. Yeah.

They also have the little trajectory thing that helps you see. Yeah. I actually didn't do my weigh in that day, so I should probably do that. Yeah. So that's my treating myself. What about you? I have been treating myself to a few new wardrobe pieces after that whole wardrobe crisis for spring. Yay. Yeah. I bought a rain jacket, which I don't know if I'm keeping. It may return it. It was kind of an impulse buy when it was pouring out. It's pretty cute though. It is.

How much was it? It was like 300. You're so de -terri -ous. My mom's listening. She's like, what? Well, the one I wanted to buy was at Nordstrom and it sold out. It was cheaper. Why don't you look at another brand? I will. It's for this wedding I'm going to or went to. We'll see if I used it. Well, if you want to return that and get one quicker, I ordered a raincoat from Amazon once in a pinch.

just for the weekend and it was good. Okay. Yeah. I'm going to go to Nordstrom tomorrow or Nordstrom. Okay. And see, I also ordered a pair of loafer mules. You did. Yep. From Sam Adelman. Can you show them to me? Yeah. Um, I ordered them today because I was like, you know what? We got to just do it. We got to, we've been talking about it. Actions need to be put behind it. Um,

Glad we Talked (59:04.457)
All right. These are them. They, they look cute. They're like a tan ish Sam Edelman. They were on sale. They, I don't know if they look like grandma shoes. Oh, I, that's not what I was expecting at all. What were you expecting? I have no idea. I think more of like the, um, chunky, like, I don't know. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Those are fun. Like a heel. Yeah. There's like a little heel. It's called chai latte patent. Oh, I like the name. With a little gold.

thing on it. I don't know. We'll see. They kind of look like grandma shoes. I know that's what my mom's going to say. So we'll see how they look on. I feel like it could look completely different on. Yeah, we'll see. They could be going back. Okay. But that's what I'm treating myself to is just new shoes, new jackets, getting ready for spring. I think this is good for you because you are always in a crisis every season. So I think this is what you need to do is just start building your wardrobe every season. Yeah, slowly. Laurel sent me a video of like how to build your

wearing capsule wardrobe. So, Oh, was it helpful? Yeah. Oh, share it. I will. I will. Okay. I'll do that. Yeah. I like these monthly reports. They're so fun. They are. Um, but do we have a pup date or like a pub monthly report? One thing, one thing that Seve's been loving. Oh, one thing. What has he been loving? Well, we made those, um, toys at Julia's birthday. We did like old t -shirts and we like made a braid and made like a little toy. He's

Chewing that thing still yeah loving it. Oh Yeah, so good about roadie Roadies update for the monthly report is its frisbee season. He is very happy that frisbees Are back at the park He is a frisbee guy. He is a frisbee guy. He's a frisbee pup very excited stinky frisbee Yeah, does he have a new frisbee? Yes, so I got him when I clipped his nail and it was bleeding I went to the

dog store and they didn't have what I needed. So I was like, I guess I'll buy him a new frisbee and he, I have to keep hiding this frisbee because he's like so obsessed with it. Is it, is it soft? No, it's a hard, it's a Chuck it frisbee. It's hard. Like it's like, it's almost like a plastic frisbee, normal frisbee, but on the outside it has like the grippies. It's like plastic. Yeah. It's an, it's a hybrid situation. Okay. You really like that brand Chuck it. He look, I don't, I mean,

Glad we Talked (01:01:30.091)
I'm not the one chasing the balls. I just like what I know. Yeah, it's roadie. You know, so funny. Yeah, I have to check out that brand though. It's oh my god. The best dog toys, honestly. Okay. Yeah. I'm just doing a lot of chew toys right now because of his resting situation. But once he's better, once he's better, it's on and popping. I'm gonna give him a little gift basket.

for his recovery, his post recovery. Yeah. Once they're like, he gets the clear, I'll be like, look, Sebi, all these Chuck it toys. He's going to go nuts. Um, so yeah, that's our monthly report. Our monthly report. I hope you guys enjoy it. Yeah. I like them. Yeah. And let us know what you thought about the, our, our episode with little bit a lot podcast. Yeah. Hope you all enjoyed that. And, and maybe you have a new podcast listen to now. Yeah. She's so funny.

She's so funny. She is funny. She talks about different things too. Yeah. Yeah. We did. And we'll have her on here. Yeah. So that's that on that. That is that on that. You haven't said that in a while. I know. Felt right. That's good. All right, guys. Well, thanks again for listening to the monthly report. And I'm so glad we talked about this, Chanel. I feel like I learned a lot about new products, new things. New things. Things we're loving. I know. Oh, so excited.

Um, and you can follow us at Glad to be Talked podcast. I was just going to say at gmail .com. You always do that for some reason. I know it's one that's late. Like right now it's about eight 30 and I'm like getting tired. We've been, we've been at this for an hour and six minutes. Um, okay. You can follow us on TikTok and Instagram at Glad we talk podcast and you can email us at glad we talk podcast at gmail .com. And don't forget to give us five stars.

And we'll see you next week. Yep. We will see you then. Glad we talked. Glad we talked. Bye. Bye.

Glad we Talked (01:03:44.235)
What are you doing?

Your little default picture on Riverside changed and I think it was by accident because it's like, it's like you looking at the camera but like, do you see it? No. Do you see where it says you and one other? No. On the right side it says you and one other and it says like Tori Chanel. I don't see that. I'm gonna have to take a picture. I'm crying. Okay. I think because I'm like, I started it, I can't see it.

It's like you clearly didn't do it on purpose. It's like something happened and you're like, you're in that position that you're in right now. I'm dying. Wait, can you show me? I just texted it to Oh, you texted it to me? Okay. Is this going to be like... I just looked over and it was there all of a sudden. I don't know.

Glad we Talked (01:04:36.619)
I look like a little gremlin, like, oh, I'm here to record the podcast. Yes.

Glad we Talked (01:04:45.371)
I was like, why is she in the same position right now? I'm dying. Why did they do that to me? They did me dirty. This is a personal attack. I don't know. I do not. That's so rude. I see it. I had it side. Why? Why did they do that to me?

Glad we Talked (01:05:10.033)
I know! That is hilarious. That's so rude.

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